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Comparison Tool - PIX4Dfields

Comparison Tool

The comparison tool is useful for interactively comparing content from different raster layers. The layers can be index maps, orthomosaics, or rasters from different time periods.

To compare layers:

1. Click the Compare icon on the right upper corner of the screen.
2. On the left sidebar select the layers to view.
3. Click the icon beside a layer to set as left or right view.

To change views:

1. Click the Compare icon on the right upper corner of the screen.
2. Select which layers you would like to compare and in which view by selecting the correct split screen icon next to the layer’s name.
3. At the top right of the window, the Double Screen view is selected by default.
4. Click the other icon to switch to the Split Screen view.
5. The vertical line in the middle of the map interface can interactively move from side-to-side to reveal content from separate layers.
6. Click the cross symbol next to COMPARE on the left sidebar to exit the comparison tool.