How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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How to split a project into subprojects - PIX4Dmapper

A dataset can be divided into subprojects either automatically using the Split into Subprojects option or manually.

Note: Only if the dataset has image geolocation can it be divided into subprojects using the Split into Subprojects option. If the dataset does not have image geolocation, it can be divided into subprojects manually.

1. Dataset with image geolocation
2. Dataset without image geolocation

1. Dataset with image geolocation

Important: Only aerial projects with geolocated images can be split.

In order to split a project into subprojects:

1. Click Project > Split into Subprojects...
2. (optional) On the Split the Project into Subprojects pop-up, change the Maximum Number of Images to the desired value and/or the Suffix of the Subproject's Name, for more information about the setting options: Menu Project.
3. Click OK.

Note: For each new sub-project, a new .p4d file is generated and stored in the same directory as the initial project.
Important: All the Manual Tie Points, GCPs, checkpoints, and Objects created in the original project will be copied into all the generated sub-projects.

2. Dataset without image geolocation

One-flight Aerial Project

Estimate the distance between the flight lines. It is recommended to divide the dataset into flight lines with the smallest distance between them to maximize the overlap between the subprojects.


The yellow area is the area covered by the left subproject. The blue area is the area covered by the right sidebar.
The green area is the common area between the two subprojects.

Tip: If there are more than 3 GCPs in the original project, it is recommended to split the project so that there are at least three GCPs in each subproject, if possible.

Several-flight Aerial Project

Fly the different flights so that there is a common area covered by as many flights as possible. Each flight can be one subproject.

Important: When dealing with multiple flights, multiple image acquisition sessions, or, more generally, with images with the same name, save the images of each flight/image acquisition session in one folder.

Terrestrial Project

Split the project into subprojects in such a way that different subprojects share common images. This will ensure that there is overlap between the subprojects, which will facilitate merging.

Tip: Error e9013: Could not save subprojects, for more information: Error e9013: Could not split projects