How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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How to reduce the Size of the Orthomosaic - PIX4Dmapper

There are two ways to reduce the size of the Orthomosaic:

Reduce the Resolution of the Orthomosaic

After processing step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh, change the Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) of the Orthomosaic.

  1. On the Menu bar, click Process > Processing Options...
  2. Select the processing step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index.
  3. Select the tab DSM and Orthomosaic.
  4. In the section Resolution, set the desired GSD [cm/pixel].
Important: The lower the resolution of the Orthomosaic, the lower the quality of the outputs, but the less the processing time.

Reduce the project area

After step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh is processed, draw a Processing Area. This will reduce the project area for which the results of step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index are generated, but the quality of the outputs is not affected. For more information about how to create a Processing Area: How to use a processing area in PIX4Dmapper.