The main advantage of the rayCloud is that it connects the 3D model and the outputs (Optimized Camera Positions, Automatic Tie Points, Point Cloud) to the inputs (2D images, Camera Positions, GCPs). With this information, it is possible to easily assess the accuracy of the project, detect problems and correct them:
- Full control over AAT (Automatic Aerial Triangulation) and BBA (Bundle Block Adjustment):
It is possible to verify the position and orientation of the cameras and improve them by adding Manual Tie Points (How to import and mark Manual Tie Points (MTPs)) or by removing cameras from the project (Menu View > rayCloud > Right sidebar > Cameras).
- Full control over GCPs and their precision:
It is possible to assess if the GCPs are marked correctly on all images by reviewing the reprojection of their 3D position to the corresponding images (green cross: What do the Crosses and Squares mean when Marking a Point in the rayCloud?).
- Very precise feature extraction:
It is possible to obtain very accurate coordinates for any 3D point of the model. Click on the 3D point in the rayCloud and visualize its reprojection on the original input images. If the reprojection is not precise enough, add a Manual Tie Point to improve the reconstruction and the coordinates of this point.
- Results improvement:
It is possible to delete noisy points from the Point Cloud (How to edit the point cloud in the rayCloud) so as the DSM and the Orthomosaic are improved. It is also possible to use planar surfaces to correct the DSM and the Orthomosaic (How to draw a Surface in the rayCloud).
- Accurate vector object annotation:
It is possible to achieve very accurate measurements (distances, surfaces, volumes) as the object annotations (lines, surfaces, volumes) are visible and editable both in 3D (point cloud) and 2D (input images). For more information: How to edit Objects in the rayCloud.