A project from A to Z

Step 5. After Processing (optional) - PIX4Dmapper


Once the project has been processed, it is possible to use the results:


Using the rayCloud

The use of the rayCloud is optional and it can be used to:

  • Visualize the different elements of the reconstruction (Camera Positions, Reprojections (rays), GCPs, Manual / Automatic Tie Points, Processing Area, Clipping Box, Densified Point Cloud, Terrain / Objects / other Point Groups, 3D Textured Mesh, Video Animation Trajectories) and their properties.
  • Verify/ improve the accuracy of the reconstruction of the model.
  • Visualize point clouds / triangle meshes created in other projects or with other software.
  • Georeference a project using GCPs and /or Scale and Orientation constraints.
  • Create Orthoplanes to obtain mosaics of any selected plane (for example, building facades).
  • Assign points of the point cloud to different point groups.
  • Improve the visual aspect.
  • Create objects and measure distances (polylines) and surfaces.
  • Create 3D fly-through animations (Video Animation Trajectories).
  • Export different elements (GCPs, Manual / Automatic Tie Points, Objects, Video Animation Trajectories).
  • Export point cloud files using points belonging to one or several classes.

For more information: Using the rayCloud.

Using the Volumes

The use of the Volumes is optional and it can be used to:

  • Draw volumes.
  • Measure volumes.
  • Exports the measurements.

For more information: Menu View > Volumes.


Using the Mosaic Editor

The use of the Mosaic Editor is optional and it can be used to:

  • Visualize the DSM (raster GeoTIFF Digital Surface Model).
  • Visualize the Orthomosaic.
  • Improve the visual aspect of the Orthomosaic.

For more information: Using the Mosaic Editor.


Using the Index Calculator

The use of the Index Calculator is optional and it can be used to:

  • Generate an Index Map / Index Grid where the color of each pixel is computed using a formula that combines different bands of the Reflectance Map(s).
  • Provide information about the bands of the Reflectance Map(s) and Index Map.
  • Visualize the Index Map as a Colored Index Map by applying a color mapping to it.
  • Export a georeferenced Colored Index Map.
  • Annotate the classes of the Index Map to generate an Application Map.
  • Export an Application Map as a shapefile to be imported in any Tractors Consoles.
  • Upload the Reflectance Map on MicaSense Atlas platform.

For more information: Using the Index Calculator.


Uploading Project Files

The use of the Upload Project Files feature is optional and it can be used to:

  • Upload Files to the PIX4Dcloud, in order to:
    • Store files in the Pix4D online account.
    • Process projects online.
    • Visualize results online.
    • Share outputs with a simple link.
  • Upload 3D Textured Mesh to Sketchfab, for viewing, interacting and sharing.

For a full description of the File Upload pop-up: Menu Project > Upload Project Files....

For step by step instructions about how to upload project files into PIX4Dcloud: How to upload project files from desktop to cloud.


Using output files in other software

PIX4Dmapper outputs are compatible with many software (GIS, CAD, etc.) and can be used for many different applications. For more information about how to use PIX4Dmapper output files in other software: Pix4D outputs with other software > by output.