How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to define a project coordinate system in PIX4Dcloud

This article explains all the ways by which you can define the project coordinate system in PIX4Dcloud.

Project coordinate system when processing images

When processing images in PIX4Dcloud, the project coordinate system can be defined in step 3 of the project wizard navigation. For more information, New dataset Processing options Output coordinate system - PIX4Dcloud.

Important: Note that when processing a project with GCPs, the project coordinate system will be defined based on the GCP coordinate system. For more information, AutoGCPs detection functionality - PIX4Dcloud Advanced.

Project coordinate system when uploading outputs

When a project is created in PIX4Dcloud only to view outputs (orthomosaic, DSM, NDVI, Point Cloud, or 3D mesh) the project coordinate system is defined based on the coordinate system of the uploaded first output. For more information, New dataset Dataset creation Upload outputs - PIX4Dcloud.

Project coordinate system manual definition

It is possible to manually define the coordinate system of a project in cases where the project only contains:

  • An empty project where no outputs have been imported.
  • A project that contains outputs with no coordinate system. That is the case of IFC or 3D mesh files or other outputs missing a coordinate system (e.g. an orthomosaic, a DSM an NDVI, or a point cloud with no coordinate system).

To manually set a project coordinate system:

  1. Select New dataset on Drive.
  2. Select Upload processed results.
  3. Click Create to create an empty project in PIX4Dcloud.
  4. Click Set CRS to define the project coordinate system manually.
    Manually CRS set in PIX4Dcloud.png
Information: Once the coordinate system of the project has been manually defined, PIX4Dcloud expects that all the imported output files or annotation files are georeferenced in the same coordinate system as the project.