
AR Points - PIX4Dcatch


PIX4Dcatch now includes Augmented Reality (AR) to display GCPs or known points from the Point collection during the capture if the PIX4Dcatch RTK device is connected.

Video: Additional information about AR Points and short videos are available on the Pix4D blog post from January 25, 2024.


  • Turn on the AR Points: Tools menu PIX4Dcatch tools menu > AR Points PIX4Dcatch AR points button > Select a point collection
  • Turn off the AR Points: Tools menu PIX4Dcatch tools menu > AR Points PIX4Dcatch AR points button > Remove the selected point collection
  • Opacity: Use the opacity slider displayed on the left of the capture viewer to adjust the opacity of the points.
    PIX4Dcatch AR points Opacity slider
  • Points and lines labels: Turn on/off label names from the AR section in the advanced settings panel.

How to use the AR Point visualization

  1. Open the Tools menu PIX4Dcatch tools menu.

    PIX4Dcatch AR points Tools button
  2. Select AR Points PIX4Dcatch AR points button.

    PIX4Dcatch AR points select AR points button
    Important: To enable AR Points, please make sure you are connected to an supported RTK device.
  3. Select the Point collection to use.

    PIX4Dcatch AR points select collection
    Important: Only Point Collections with projected and geographic CRS are supported. Site localization-based Point Collections are not supported.
  4. Start moving around, and your points will be displayed in AR on your device screen within a few seconds.
Note: If this distance exceeds 1km, the point collection will be greyed out from the point collection list and cannot be selected.
Tip 1: AR Points can be activated at the same time as the Automatic Tag Detection. In order to enable it, you need to use a projected coordinate system. Geographic coordinate systems are not compatible with the Tag Detection feature.
Tip 2: Doing a capture while AR Points are activated is possible.