Current version 4.9
Disclaimer: The preview versions contain new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software take a look at the Software download and installation article.
What's new
- Increased Large frame limit from 65MP to 66MP
- Added support for camera models:
- Mavic 3T - RGB Wide 8000x6000
- DJI Mini 3 Pro FC3582_6.7_4032x3024
- DJI Mini 2 FC7303_4.5_4000x2250
- DJI H20Thermal ZH20T_13.5_640x512
- Survey 3W
- Skydio QCAM-AA_9.8_9248x6944
- Yusense Camera (MS600 V2)
- Yusense Camera (AQ600)
- Yusense Camera (MS400)
- Wingtra RGB61
- Wingtra A6100
- Sony Alpha ILCE-1_FE24mmF2.8G_24.0_8640x5760
- Sony Alpha ILCE-1_FE35mmF2.8ZA_35.0_8640x5760
- DJI M30 (RGB - Wide)
- Skydio X10 - 64 VT300-Z_50_9.8_9248x6944
- Skydio X10 - 16 VT300-Z_50_9.8_4624x3472
- DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual FC2403_4.5_4056x2280
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with point cloud classification failing for users with special characters and/or space
- Fixed issue with Data protection dialog failing
- Fixed wrong translations in Japanese, Spanish, and German
- Fixed issue with error e9034, when uploading to PIX4Dcloud
Known issues
- The GCP/MTP table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software the Software download and installation article.
What's new
- Improved home page with useful tips
- Added support for camera models:
- Alpha 7R V - 24 and 35mm
- Share UAV 5in1
- Xcam20UC02 4x3
- WINGTRA RGB61_FE24mmF2.8G_24.0_9504x6336
Bug fixes
- Fixed OneDrive warning.
Known issues
- The GCP/MTP table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
What's new
- Increased limit for maximum resolution to 65MP without the Large Frame add-on*.
- Improved default settings for Anafi AI.
- Support of new exif tags for reading coordinate reference systems from images.
- Available in Portuguese language.
- Added support for camera models:
- DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise.
- Autel EVO II V3.
- DJI Zenmuse H20T RGB.
- XAG M500.
Bug fixes
- Fixed crash when (environment variable) PROJ_LIB is set by another geospatial software.
- Fixed issue when changing the Shader in the Point cloud layer to Spherical points(Windows 11).
- Fixed issue when resizing the clipping box caused the box to move to an unexpected position.
Known issues
- The GCP/MTP table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
What's new
- Changed ANAFI Ai height reference to Ellipsoid.
- Changed Autel EVO II height reference to Ellipsoid.
- Support of DJI Air 2S.
- Support of Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced.
- Support of Skydio X2.
- Support of Sony Alpha 7R IV.
- Support of DJI Matrice 30T.
- Support of DJI Mavic Air 2.
Bug fixes
- Fixed issues when uploading to PIX4Dcloud.
- Fixed orthomosaic creation for 12bit images (e.g. MicaSense Altum or RedEdge).
Known issues
- The GCP/MTP table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
What's new
- Improved support of the ANAFI Ai drone.
Known issues
- The GCP/MTP table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
What's new
- Support of DJI Mavic 3 camera.
- Support of Windows 11*.
Bug fixes
- Fixed incorrect elevations loaded from S.O.D.A. camera in versions above 4.3.33.
- Fixed issue where the volume tab appeared black.
- Fixed the unstable orientation constraint effect.
- Fixed not saving the output coordinate system upon reopening a project or when uploading from PIX4Dmapper to PIX4Dcloud for processing.
Known issues
- The GCP/MTP table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software the Software download and installation article.
What's new
- Improved processing of thermal rigs.
- Ability to open a project in PIX4Dsurvey.
- Updated EULA.
Bug fixes
- Fixed shift in projects defined in feet.
Known issues
- The GCP/MTP table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
Bug fixes
- Fixed camera orientation for DJI Zenmuse P1.
Known issues
- The download of a project from Pix4Dcloud using the Pix4Dmapper functionality Project > Download project files does not work. Instead, download the project files from Pix4Dcloud Files > Results > Export to Pix4Dmapper and open the project locally.
- The GCP/MTP table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
Bug fixes
- Fixed MicaSense reflectance target geometry.
Known issues
- The download of a project from Pix4Dcloud using the Pix4Dmapper functionality Project > Download project files does not work. Instead, download the project files from Pix4Dcloud Files > Results > Export to Pix4Dmapper and open the project locally.
- The GCP/MTP table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
What's new
- Support of DJI Zenmuse P1 camera.
Bug fixes
- Fixed software freeze when moving vertices in the volume module.
- Correct georeference of the KML orthomosaic.
- Updated EULA.
- Corrected shift of the external point cloud.
- Correct elevation values in the exported XML.
Known issues
- The download of a project from Pix4Dcloud using the Pix4Dmapper functionality Project > Download project files does not work. Instead, download the project files from Pix4Dcloud Files > Results > Export to Pix4Dmapper and open the project locally.
- The GCP/MTP table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software the Software download and installation article.
Bug fixes
- Fixed vertical offset in camera positions in projects in feet.
- Fixed importing .prj files for some specific coordinate systems.
- Fixed reading of image geolocation accuracy.
- Correct consideration of DTM GSD multiplier.
Known issues
- The download of a project from Pix4Dcloud using the Pix4Dmapper functionality Project > Download project files does not work. Instead, download the project files from Pix4Dcloud Files > Results > Export to Pix4Dmapper and open the project locally.
- The GCP/MPT table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
Bug fixes
- Pix4Dmapper did not start when double-clicking on a project file.
- Known Coordinate System search does not allow to search by name.
- Slow import of GCPs in the GCP/MTP Manager.
- Fixed basemap display issue. For more information: Mapbox basemap issue with older versions of Pix4D’s software.
Known issues
- The download of a project from Pix4Dcloud using the Pix4Dmapper functionality Project > Download project files does not work. Instead, download the project files from Pix4Dcloud Files > Results > Export to Pix4Dmapper and open the project locally.
- The GCP/MPT table might not show enough decimal digits for the coordinates.
- The horizontal and vertical accuracy values are not being read correctly. More info here.
- Vertical offset for projects in feet. More info here.
- Minimum DTM GSD multiplier. More info here.
What's new
- Support of Sentera 6X camera.
- Support of Quantix RGN camera.
- Support of Parrot Anafi USA camera.
- Support of DJI Zenmuse X7 24 mm camera.
- Support of Delair UX11 camera.
- Update of the Cloud upload dialog.
Bug fixes
- Fixed flight plan visualization difference between Mapper 4.5.6 and 4.6.1.
- Fixed wrong interpretation of vignetting tags on DJI P4 Multispectral.
- Fixed image geolocation change during import.
- Fixed basemap display issue. For more information: Mapbox basemap issue with older versions of Pix4D’s software.
- Fixed different heights in the rayCloud between 4.5.6 and 4.6.1.
Known issues
- Issue when double-clicking on a project file. Instead, open the software and navigate to Project -> Open Project.
- Known Coordinate System search does not allow to search by name. Instead, choose the right coordinate system "From List" or "From EPSG" in Advanced Coordinate Options.
What's new
- Coordinate system update to GDAL 3.
- Support of Autel Evo 1.
- Support of Autel Evo 2 RGB (dual).
- Support of Autel Evo 2 (6K).
- Support of Flyability camera (Elios 2 model).
- Support of Zenmuse XT2 RGB.
Bug fixes
- Reflectance for MicaSense DLS2 with the new firmware is corrected.
- Index Calculator works properly for bandnames with a hyphen.
- EXIV2 reads correctly the formatted geolocation.
- Minimum GSD limitation for orthoplane set to 0.01 mm instead of 0.1 cm.
Known issues
- Known Coordinate System search does not allow to search by name. Instead, choose the right coordinate system "From List" or "From EPSG" in Advanced Coordinate Options.
- Potential 20% slowdown in some multispectral projects.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- Faster in the calibration process
- Faster in the densification process
What's new
- Support of Parrot ANAFI Thermal. For more information: How to capture and process data with Parrot ANAFI Thermal
- Added support of band-weight Exif tags for multispectral cameras.
What's new
- Improved filtering of dense point cloud for oblique projects.
- Radiometric support of DJI P4 Multispec.
- Turkish software translation.
- Support of Quantix camera.
- Support of Mavic 2 Pro Enterprise Dual RGB.
Bug fixes
- Disabling reflectance generation for RGB images in senseFly's Duet-T projects.
What's new
- Support for Yusense.
- Support for Elios 2.
Bug fixes
- Accept negative k2 values for MicaSense cameras, previously these values were rejected.
- Fixed Quality Report generation option in Initial processing.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (4.4.12) Updated new EULA.
- (4.4.10) New certificate added to the .msi installation file.
- (4.4.4) MicaSense Altum and senseFly Duet T cameras added to the camera database.
Bug fixes
- (4.4.12) Pix4Dmapper hang or freeze during the Feature Extraction.
- (4.4.12) XMP focal length tags reading for Duet-T, RedEdge, RedEdge-M, RedEdge-MX and Altum.
- (4.4.9) When creating the project, the DJI Phantom 4 RTK image heights are correctly recognized as with respect to the WGS ellipsoid and not geoid. More information about processing DJI Phantom 4 RTK datasets with Pix4D.
- (4.4.9) Extracted image geolocation from DJI Mavic 2 is now correct.
- (4.4.9) The Targeted Number of Keypoints in the Processing Options dialog works properly.
- (4.4.9) The mesh texture is correctly generated when using LINUX or cloud processing
- (4.4.4) 3D Mesh Generation:
- In some instances, meshes processed in the "high resolution" settings contained a lower number of triangles than when processed in the "medium resolution" settings.
- The maximum number of triangles in "high resolution" setting is now fixed to 5M and prevent a crash in the processing.
- (4.4.4) The exported contour line .dxf file had a contour line missing with respect to the contour line .shp export. They now have the same number of contours.
- (4.4.4) Occasional crash during uncertainty calculation.
- (4.4.4) Camera pixel error information does not display in the quality report when using hyperspectral cameras.
Known issues
- (4.4.12) Duet-T project creation is not supported via CLI.
- In some cases, the "This app has been blocked for your protection" warning is displayed when installing or uninstalling Pix4Dmapper on Windows 10. Fixed in 4.2.27, 4.3.33 and 4.4.10.
- (4.4.4) In some cases, the mesh texture is incorrectly generated when using Linux or cloud processing. Fixed in 4.4.9.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (4.3.33) New certificate added to the .msi installation file.
- (4.3.31) DJI Mavic 2 Pro and Phantom 4 RTK cameras are included in the camera database.
- (4.3.31) Updated support of radiometric JPEG files for thermal cameras.
- (4.3.31) Support of DJI Phantom 4 RTK EXIF tags with the corresponding accuracy.
- (4.3.27) Improved accurate geolocation pipeline.
- Faster processing with accurate GPS/IMU. The pipeline enables faster calibration while delivering the same quality results as the standard pipeline.
- More robust calibration.
- Faster processing with larger datasets.
- (4.3.27) Faster initial processing; the speed of initial processing has been improved on large datasets with all calibration pipelines.
- (4.3.24) The speed of the initial processing has been improved.
- (4.3.24) Updated Korean translation.
- (4.3.21) The Parrot ANAFI camera model included in the camera database.
- (4.3.21) Updated language translations.
- (4.3.15) The DJI Mavic Air camera model included in the camera database.
- (4.3.12) Pix4Dmapper is GDPR compliant. See article here.
- (4.3.12) Speed improvements of step 1. Initial Processing.
- (4.3.12) New radiometric DLS corrections for MicaSense cameras.
- (4.3.6) Improved support of MicaSense reflectance targets (new and old design) in Pix4Dmapper. See: see article here.
Bug fixes
- (4.3.31) Vertical and horizontal offset when reopening a project created in previous releases 4.1 and 4.2.
- (4.3.31) Camera database did not update automatically upon start.
- (4.3.31) Fixed the issue when clicking the Index calculator crashes in Japanese version of the software.
- (4.3.21) Fixed project creation workflow from senseFly's eMotion.
- (4.3.21) Fixed inconsistency in the naming of MSL geoids in the user interface during project creation.
- (4.3.21) Fixed the limitation of a minimum GSD that can be displayed in the quality report.
- (4.3.15) Fixed invalid detection of TIFF images with JPEG compression.
- (4.3.12) Fixed issues opening the Mosaic Editor in projects with several camera groups.
- (4.3.12) Fixed issues when merging Sequoia projects.
- (4.3.12) Fixed model conversion issue when opening a project processed with an old version.
- (4.3.12) Fixed issue of the GCPs coordinate system being changed to WGS84, after changing the vertical coordinate system of the images.
- (4.3.12) Fixed backward compatibility issue.
- (4.3.12) Fixed inconsistency in the naming of MSL geoids in the UI during project creation.
- (4.3.12) Fixed failure of project during creation when non-geolocated images are imported.
- (4.3.12) Fixed the unit (meter-feet) conversion issue of vertical coordinate systems.
- (4.3.12) Fixed project failing when missing certain tags in Sequoia imagery.
- (4.3.12) Fixed issue of frames extraction from videos captured with iPhone SE.
- (4.3.9) Fixed backward compatibility issue.
- (4.3.9) Fixed inconsistencies in naming of MSL geoids in Image Properties window during project creation.
- (4.3.9) Fixed issue of error (Exception thrown) during project creation with non-geolocated images.
- (4.3.4) Fixed error in EXIF reader for radiometry projects during project creation.
- (4.3.4) Fixed issue when command line requires project file to be specified.
- (4.3.4) Fixed issue where video animation was showing the disabled points.
Known issues
- In some cases, the "This app has been blocked for your protection" warning is displayed when installing or uninstalling Pix4Dmapper on Windows 10. Fixed in 4.2.27, 4.3.33 and 4.4.10
- (4.3.27) Vertical and horizontal offset when reopening a project created in previous releases 4.1 and 4.2. Fixed in 4.3.31.
- (4.3.27) Camera database did not update automatically upon start. Fixed in 4.3.31.
- (4.3.6) Issues with the vertical coordinate system:
- Error exception is thrown when a project with non-geolocated images is created. There is no impact on processing.
- Inconsistency in the naming of MSL geoids in the user interface during project creation. Fixed in 4.3.21.
- Backward compatibility issue. Projects cannot be created in previous versions. The workaround is to delete the coordinate system related entry in the registry.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (4.2.27) New certificate added to the .msi installation file.
- (4.2.25) The uncertainties of a list of Automatic Tie Points are exported in a .csv file in the params folder: see article here.
- (4.2.25) Support for MicaSense RedEdge-M.
Other enhancements and changes
- (4.2.25) Improved radiometric calibration of Sequoia camera.
- (4.2.25) Add of tooltips for volume actions (new volume, import volume, export volume) and improved buttons look and alignment.
- (4.2.25) Pix4Dmapper is used in the EULA dialog, the login dialog and the license selection dialog.
- (4.2.25) A project is now added to the recent project list when it is loaded, created or saved as.
- (4.2.15) Pix4Dmapper is used in the EULA dialog, the login dialog and the license selection dialog.
- (4.2.15) A project is now added to the recent project list when it is loaded, created or saved as.
Bug fixes
- (4.2.27) Fixed the unit (meter-feet) conversion issue of vertical coordinate systems.
- (4.2.27) Fixed issue of feature extraction from video taken with iPhone SE.
- (4.2.27) Fixed project failing when missing certain tags in Sequoia imagery.
- (4.2.26) Fixed issues of project creation from eMotion.
- (4.2.26) Fixed issue when creating a project from a video file. Video frame extraction produced more images than desired.
- (4.2.25) Fixed issues with coordinate systems; the Output coordinate system is now correctly converted to the GCP coordinate system.
- (4.2.25) Fixed issue of having a vertical offset introduced when an old project is opened with any 4.2 Preview version.
- (4.2.25) Fixed issue importing a template (.tmpl) in the Japanese version.
- (4.2.25) Fixed crashes when editing the camera model in a project with coregistered images.
- (4.2.25) Prevent users from being affected by a "Failed to write EXIF" error during the DSM generation step.
- (4.2.25) Fixed issue of having empty tiles in the orthomosaic in cases of steep terrain.
- (4.2.25) Zoom and map center are reset to default when changing between map types (Satellite, Maps) in the Map View.
- (4.2.25) New project name in command line does not get shortened after last "."
- (4.2.17) Prevent users from being affected by a "Failed to write EXIF" error during the DSM generation step.
- (4.2.17) Fixed issue of having empty tiles in the orthomosaic in cases of steep terrain.
- (4.2.15) New project name in command line does not get shortened after last "."
- (4.2.15) Zoom and map center are reset to default when changing between map types (Satellite, Maps) in the Map View.
Known issues
- In some cases, the "This app has been blocked for your protection" warning is displayed when installing or uninstalling Pix4Dmapper on Windows 10. Fixed in 4.2.27, 4.3.33 and 4.4.10
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (4.1.19) Web links in error messages. Error messages take you directly to Pix4D's Support website to provide a faster solution.
- (4.1.19) New template manager/wizard. New personalized template categories in the Template Manager provide easier access to popular templates. More information: see article here.
- (4.1.19) Point Cloud Classification from the Process menu. The densified point cloud can be automatically classified after step 2 has finished. More information: see article here
Other enhancements and changes
- (4.1.19) Splash screen provides more comprehensive information about software status.
- (4.1.19) More intuitive management of point cloud groups. A color legend has been added for each point group and the "Deleted" point group has been renamed "Disabled".
- (4.1.19) Improved texturing of 3D textured mesh for spherical cameras.
- (4.1.19) Removed accuracy information for check points from the quality report.
- (4.1.19) Improved right sidebar in the rayCloud provides more efficient use of screen real estate.
- (4.1.19) Removed redundant Display Properties from the layers list in the left sidebar.
- (4.1.19) More informative progress bar while automatically classifying the point cloud.
- (4.1.19) Updating from 4.0 to 4.1 does not require to login.
- (4.1.19) New procedure for logging in using command line.
- (4.1.15) Improvements in the point cloud classification: run classification from the Process menu, add color legend for classification group, rename "Deleted" point group into "Disabled".
- (4.1.15) Improved templates wizard: new categories for templates.
- (4.1.15) Texture mesh improvements for spherical cameras.
- (4.1.15) Remove accuracy information for check points from the quality report.
- (4.1.10) Support web links in error messages.
- (4.1.10) Improved the right sidebar in the rayCloud.
- (4.1.10) Improved display properties in the layers section of the left sidebar.
- (4.1.3) Improved progress bar while classifying the point cloud.
- (4.1.3) Updating from 4.0 to 4.1 does not require new login.
- (4.1.3) Changes in the command line log in procedure.
Bug fixes
- (4.1.25) Fixed issues where latest version was not available even though Support & Upgrade was valid.
- (4.1.24) Fixed issues with coordinate systems:
- incorrect offset between the GCPs initial and computed elevation when the vertical coordinate system of the image geolocation is different than the vertical coordinate system of the GCPs.
- incorrect offset when a project processed with 3.3 version is opened with the 4.1 version.
- (4.1.23) Fixed issue that projects cannot be uploaded on the AWS Japan.
- (4.1.23) Fixed issues that Pix4D Desktop freezes when uploading or downloading a project to the Pix4D Cloud.
- (4.1.23) Fixed bug that the vertical coordinate system is different in the .p4d file when a project is created via the command line or via the user interface.
- (4.1.22) Fixed bug of setting WGS 84 as default coordinate system for the outputs.
- (4.1.21) Fixed issue that the command line mapper did not accept new project name containing a space in the name.
- (4.1.21) The title bar of the software information refers now to a Stable version rather than a Preview.
- (4.1.19) Fixed crash when editing the camera model parameters in the Edit Camera Model window.
- (4.1.19) Improved color matrix correction for senseFly modified cameras.
- (4.1.19) 3D Textured Mesh processing options added to the log file.
- (4.1.19) Point cloud density reported in the quality report matches the units of measurement of the output coordinate system.
- (4.1.19) Fixed issue that the geolocation bias is not calculated when using the site calibration option.
- (4.1.19) Fixed freeze during mesh texturing.
- (4.1.19) Fixed issue of occasional crashes of Sequoia projects on Linux machines.
- (4.1.19) Fixed issues with camera rig definition of MultiSPEC 4C camera.
- (4.1.19) Fixed cropping issue in video animation.
- (4.1.19) Resized widget to display full name of all coordinate systems.
- (4.1.15) Improved color matrix correction for senseFly modified cameras.
- (4.1.15) 3D Textured Mesh settings are displayed in the log file.
- (4.1.15) Point cloud density in the quality report matches the units of the project.
- (4.1.15) Geolocation bias is not calculated when using the site calibration option.
- (4.1.10) Fixed freeze during mesh texturing.
- (4.1.10) Occasional crashes of Sequoia projects on Linux machines.
- (4.1.3) Fixed issues with camera rig definition of MultiSPEC 4C camera.
- (4.1.3) Fixed cropping issue in video animation.
- (4.1.3) Fixed coordinate widget size so that the full name of coordinate systems to be displayed.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (4.0.25) Point Cloud Classification. More information: see article here.
- (4.0.25) Remotely deactivation of floating licenses. More information: see article here.
- (4.0.18) Point Cloud Classification.
- (4.0.11) Remotely deactivation of floating licenses.
Other enhancements and changes
- (4.0.21) Improvements in Micasense RedEdge radiometry.
- (4.0.21) Many mesh texture improvements:
- Processing speed improvements in mesh texturing (regular mesh and LoD mesh).
- Image annotations are now used when texturing the mesh.
- Hidden faces get a more consistent texturing.
- (4.0.21) The 3D Textured Mesh can be exported in .dxf format as polylines for visualization in AutoCAD Civil 3D.
- (4.0.21) Mesh .dxf polyline export reports its progress more accurately.
- (4.0.21) Various usability improvements in the license management.
- (4.0.21) Export of Index calculator content as a correctly georeferenced KML scene.
- (4.0.21) Improved radiometric calibration status in processing options after changing the default albedo values.
- (4.0.21) DJI Spark camera included in the camera database.
- (4.0.21) Updated Korean translations.
- (4.0.18) Many mesh texture improvements:
- Processing speed improvements in mesh texturing (regular mesh and LoD mesh).
- Image annotations are now used when texturing the mesh.
- Hidden faces get a more consistent texturing.
- (4.0.18) Mesh .dxf polyline export reports its progress more accurately.
- (4.0.18) Various usability improvements in the license management.
- (4.0.11) The 3D Textured Mesh can be exported in .dxf format as polylines for visualization in AutoCAD Civil 3D.
- (4.0.5) Export of Index calculator content as a correctly georeferenced KML scene.
- (4.0.5) Improved radiometric calibration status in processing options after changing the default albedo values.
- (4.0.5) DJI Spark camera included in the camera database.
- (4.0.5) Updated Korean translations.
Bug fixes
- (4.0.25) Fixed issue of software not being accessible after extending license.
- (4.0.23) Fixed issue of Discovery license not being accessible when it is the only available license.
- (4.0.23) Fixed mesh texturing freezing on Linux machines.
- (4.0.21) Fixed incorrect calculation of a geolocation bias in arbitrary coordinate systems.
- (4.0.21) Fixed mesh crashes when there are two global masks of different resolution.
- (4.0.21) Fixed inconsistencies in the update of the username in the login window.
- (4.0.21) Fixed compatibility issue of LOD .slpk files with ArcGIS Earth.
- (4.0.21) Fixed crashes when importing certain sets of images from MAPIR camera.
- (4.0.21) Fixed restriction of special characters in email and password input form.
- (4.0.18) Fixed inconsistencies in the update of the username in the login window.
- (4.0.5) Fixed compatibility issue of LOD .slpk files with ArcGIS Earth.
- (4.0.5) Fixed crashes when importing certain sets of images from MAPIR camera.
- (4.0.2) Fixed restriction of special characters in email and password input form.
Known Issues
- (4.0.21) Occasional crashes of Sequoia projects on Linux machines.
- (4.0.21) Geolocation bias is not calculated when using the site calibration.
- Workaround: run the Reoptimize option twice.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (3.3.24) Improved speed of initial processing.
- (3.3.24) New projection algorithm in the rayCloud to better detect outliers when marking the points. More information: see article here.
- (3.3.24) Micasense Atlas uploader connection
- In the Index Calculator, a new button allows to efficiently upload the reflectance map to your Atlas account: see article here.
- (3.3.24) Korean translation
- (3.3.17) New projection algorithm in the rayCloud to better detect outliers when marking the points.
- (3.3.13) Micasense Atlas uploader connection
- In the Index Calculator, a new button allows to efficiently upload the reflectance map to your Atlas account.
Other enhancements and changes
- (3.3.24) The software starts 0.7 seconds faster in Windows.
- (3.3.24) Up to 30% faster Geometrically Verified Matching in the standard calibration pipeline.
- (3.3.24) Improved DTM algorithm. Better building detection parameters have been introduced.
- (3.3.24) Improved color balancing algorithms. This reduces greatly purple artifacts on the edges of the orthmosaics.
- (3.3.24) Improved Tetracam Rig support. In the rig page, the Tetracam rig is now created correctly with the right bands.
- (3.3.24) Support of Micasense RedEdge camera.
- (3.3.24) LOD generation available in p4d files.
- (3.3.24) Improved calibration: correlation parameters are calculated faster and for all projects.
- (3.3.24) The global mask is now also applied during orthomosaic computation.
- (3.3.24) Updated coordinate system database, including Japanese Geodetic Datum 2011 and more.
- (3.3.19) The software starts 0.7 seconds faster in Windows.
- (3.3.17) Up to 30% faster Geometrically Verified Matching in the standard calibration pipeline.
- (3.3.17) Improved DTM algorithm. Better building detection parameters have been introduced.
- (3.3.17) Information about the optimizer and lever-arm have been removed from the Quality Report.
- (3.3.13) Improved color balancing algorithms. This reduces greatly purple artifacts on the edges of the orthmosaics.
- (3.3.13) Improved Tetracam Rig support. In the rig page, the Tetracam rig is now created correctly with the right bands.
- (3.3.7) LOD generation available in p4d files.
- (3.3.4) Improved reading of Micasense Rededge camera.
- (3.3.4) Improved calibration: correlation parameters are calculated faster and for all projects.
- (3.3.4) The global mask is now also applied during orthomosaic computation.
- (3.3.4) Updated coordinate system database, including Japanese Geodetic Datum 2011 and more.
- (3.3.4) Slight improved calibration speed, mostly for larger projects.
Bug fixes
- (3.3.29) Fixed the prevention of project templates created with 3.2 version to be imported in 3.3 version.
- (3.3.29) Fixed compatibility issue of LOD .slpk files with ArcGIS Earth.
- (3.3.29) Fixed crashes when importing certain sets of images from MAPIR camera.
- (3.3.29) Fixed bug where the guided tour project was not installed.
- (3.3.24) Fixed reset button in the Mosaic Editor.
- (3.3.24) Fixed wrong pixel size determination for Aeryon images.
- (3.3.24) Fixed Gamma (radiometric) corrections for the S110 NIR modified camera.
- (3.3.24) Fixed wrong logo in Quality Report in Pix4Dmodel.
- (3.3.24) Fixed crashes during DTM generation.
- (3.3.24) Fixed updating of Image dots in MapView during step 2.
- (3.3.24) Fixed parsing of geolocation file when the image name is a number.
- (3.3.24) Fixed crash when uploading project with image in multiple directories.
- (3.3.24) Fixed crash when creating a project out of multiple videos.
- (3.3.24) Fixed issue in some values not being translated.
- (3.3.24) Fixed issue when importing geolocation file with image filenames containing a + sign.
- (3.3.24) The mosaic editor saves correctly its closing state when the user did not generate a DTM.
- (3.3.24) Fixed missing icons in the quality report after merging.
- (3.3.24) Fixed merging issue when the project or images are on remote drives.
- (3.3.19) Fixed reset button in the Mosaic Editor.
- (3.3.17) Fixed wrong pixel size determination for Aeryon images.
- (3.3.17) Fixed Gamma (radiometric) corrections for the S110 NIR modified camera.
- (3.3.14) Fixed wrong logo in Quality Report in Pix4Dmodel.
- (3.3.13) Fixed crashes during DTM generation.
- (3.3.13) Fixed updating of Image dots in MapView during step 2.
- (3.3.13) Fixed parsing of geolocation file when the image name is a number.
- (3.3.13) Fixed crash when uploading project with image in multiple directories.
- (3.3.13) Fixed crash when creating a project out of multiple videos.
- (3.3.13) Fixed issue in some values not being translated.
- (3.3.13) Fixed issue when importing geolocation file with image filenames containing a + sign.
- (3.3.7) The mosaic editor saves correctly its closing state when the user did not generate a DTM.
- (3.3.7) Fixed missing icons in the quality report after merging.
- (3.3.4) Fixed merging issue when the project or images are on remote drives.
Known Issues
- (3.3.24) Possible crash at the end of processing when disabling the automatic Quality Report display.
- Workaround: don't uncheck the automatic Quality Report display
- (3.3.4) Possible crash at the end of processing when disabling the automatic Quality Report display.
- (3.3.4) In very rare cases, regression in calibration speed
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (3.2.23) Tiled LOD mesh in OSGB and SLPK generation and export
- See blog post
- SLPK format compatible both with ArcGIS Earth and Online
- LOD mesh
- Export the LOD mesh
- (3.2.23) Upload project files
- Up to 10x faster upload
- (3.2.23) New description in the processing templates
- (3.2.23) New graph in Quality Report: camera parameter correlation matrix: see article here
- (3.2.23) Russian translation
- (3.2.21) Translations:
- New language: Russian
- Updated all other languages
- (3.2.21) SGM add-on deprecated
- (3.2.19) Quality Report
- Internal camera parameter correlation matrix
- (3.2.19) RayCloud
- LOD mesh export in SLPK format from the Layers Sidebar.
- (3.2.15) Camera models
- Improved camera model sensor size estimation.
- (3.2.15) Processing templates
- New template for the thermoMAP/FLIR.
- (3.2.14) Processing templates
- Template description update
- (3.2.14) Outputs
- LOD mesh export. Process and export the mesh as a tiled, multi levels of details (LOD) mesh in OSGB 3.4 format (not compatible with 3.2 based viewers).
- (3.2.10) Camera database
- Add Phantom 4 Pro camera model with optimized parameters.
- (3.2.19) Upload/Download project files
- Up to 10x faster (depending on internet connection)
- Fix various crashes/hanging uploads
Other enhancements and changes
- (3.2.23) Phantom 4 Pro camera model with optimized parameters
- (3.2.23) Generated TIF are faster to load in third party software such as GlobalMapper
- (3.2.23) Speed up the time to load the software by 20%
- (3.2.23) New template for the thermoMAP/FLIR.
- (3.2.23) Improved camera model sensor size estimation.
- (3.2.23) Prevents MTP/GCPs to have the same name in the rayCloud
- (3.2.23) Replaced CLI by Pix4Dmapper.bat
- (3.2.23) Prevents processing while the PDF quality report is open in a third party software
- (3.2.23) SGM add-on removed.
- (3.2.17) Command line: removed
- (3.2.9) Upload/Download project files
- No results upload
- Upload cannot be resumed. When uploading the project again, upload starts from beginning.
- (3.2.9) Index calculator
- Rename "Albedo" to "Reflectance Factor" in the Radiometric Calibration window.
Bug fixes
- (3.2.23) Fixed issue in the satus of the output widget after generating contour lines
- (3.2.23) Fixed bug in the display of XY orientation constrains
- (3.2.23) Fixed bugs in the display of the reflectance map in the index calculator
- (3.2.23) Fixed bug preventing to add a MTP after clicking on a GCP in the camera view in the rayCloud
- (3.2.23) Fixed bugs that prevented sometimes the update of the volume computation after editing the tie points
- (3.2.23) Fixed bugs in the drawing of volumes base surface
- (3.2.23) Fixed crash when importing an empty flightlog
- (3.2.23) Fixed crashes in the map view
- (3.2.23) Fixed bug where step 1 failed in some rare cases when multiple images have the same geolocation.
- (3.2.23) Fixed bug with certain locals and the comma separator
- (3.2.23) Fix bug where Process > Open Results Folder... was not working when using a network drive.
- (3.2.23) Fix bug where in some cases there was an offset between the cursor and the objects in the 3D view when the Microsoft Windows scale is larger than 100%
- (3.2.23) Fixed bug in the CLI where --logout failed after command line license activation
- (3.2.23) Fixed bug that prevented the saving of Mosaic Editor changes
- (3.2.21) Merging project: Fixed issues leading to failed merging introduced in 3.2.19
- (3.2.21) LOD meshes: Can now be opened both in ArcGIS online and Earth
- (3.2.21) Various bug fixes and stability improvements
- (3.2.19) Command line: Fix bug where --logout failed after command line license activation
- (3.2.17) Software: Fix bug where for some languages, OK/Cancel buttons are not translated. The issue is still valid for Spanish, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
- (3.2.15) Fix bug which increased slightly the time for the application to open.
- (3.2.15) Fix rayCloud bug where in some cases there was an offset between the cursor and the objects in the 3D view when the Microsoft Windows scale is larger than 100%.
- (3.2.14) Fix bug where Process > Open Results Folder... was not working when using a network drive.
- (3.2.14) Fix project creation bug where it was not possible to merge projects anymore.
- (3.2.10) Comma "," is not accepted as a decimal symbol. This affects computers with a locale installation that uses comma for decimals.
- (3.2.10) Fix processing bug where step 1 failed in some rare cases when multiple images have the same geolocation.
- (3.2.10) Volume view - ± sign between the volume measurement and the estimated error is missing.
- (3.2.9) Fix bug in the index calculator where in some cases the sun irradiance was not correctly converted when opening older p4d files in newer software versions.
- (3.2.7) Map View
- Fix crash that happened for projects with marked GCPs in the following situation:
1. Pan in the map view
2. In the map view, select a GCP. The GCP/MTP manager opens.
3. In the GCP/MTP manager, click Remove Points.
4. Click OK. The software is crashing.
- Fix crash that happened for projects with marked GCPs in the following situation:
- (3.2.7) Processing
- Step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh crashes for large datasets when using SGM.
- Fix bug where step 3 cannot be run for projects with multiple camera models in the case all images of a camera model are disabled.
- (3.2.7) Outputs
- Fix bug where loading the GeoTIF orthomosaic in third party software was slower.
Known Issues
- (3.2.23) Merging projects located on network drives sometimes fails
- workaround: Copy everything locally or use any 3.3 preview
- (3.2.21) Issues when merging projects located on remote drives
- (3.2.19) In some cases the software crashes when using Process > Reoptimize
- (3.2.19) LOD mesh in SLPK format can only be opened in ArcGIS Online and not in ArcGIS Earth
- (3.2.17) Cannot merge projects if there are located on a network drive.
- (3.2.15) For some languages, OK/Cancel buttons are not translated.
- (3.2.14) Rare crash when creating a project, camera creation and merging fails in certain cases
- (3.2.10) In some cases the option Process > Open Results Folder ... does not work.
- (3.2.10) Index calculator
- Point shape file cannot be generated at a Grid Size lower than 4*GSD.
- When drawing a region with a vertex outside the reflectance area, the region disappears when right clicking to finish drawing the region.
- In some cases, the MicaSense Rededge camera model is not correctly created, which leads to artifacts in the reflectance map.
- (3.2.9) Some values in the software are displayed in centimeters when the project's coordinate system is in feet.
- (3.2.9) Merging projects with processing areas results in a project with a wrongly merged processing area. Workaround: Merge projects without area and add it after merging.
- (3.2.9) When uploading a project, the user interface changes the status of the upload from "Uploading" to "Uploaded new dataset" after the first images has been uploaded instead of changing it after all images have been uploaded.
- (3.2.9) Software crashes when importing an empty flight log in the image properties
- (3.2.9) Automatic sky masking is not taken into account for projects whose name contain special characters such as "&" "@" "¦".
- (3.2.9) Cannot zoom in/out nor rotate in the rayCloud's 3D view while editing the densified point cloud.
- (3.2.9) Volumes view - ± sign between the volume measurement and the estimated error is missing.
- (3.2.9) Path of radiometric calibration images are not updated when changing the projects location. Workaround: Open the Radiometric Calibration window and re-upload the calibration image.
- (3.2.9) Export index map function takes MTPs into account: only the region has index values, however it is surrounded by a large region of black with no value.
- (3.2.9) Command line - Creating a new project using a template file with the command --template <template_file> fails.
- (3.2.7) Comma "," is not accepted as a decimal symbol. This affects computers with a local installation that uses comma for decimals.
- (3.2.7) Wrong default GCP accuracies when the coordinate system is in feet. It is currently set to 0.02 feet. Workaround: edit the GCP accuracies.
- (3.2.7) The contour lines generated from the Process menu are using the DSM, even if the DTM is generated and the tiles are merged.
1) In the Processing Options, under 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index > Additional Outputs > Raster DTM, select the option GeoTIFF.
2) On the menu Process, select Generate Contour Lines. - (3.2.7) Cannot generate the orthoplane for some coordinate systems.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (3.1.22) Software available in Italian.
- (3.1.22) Add Phantom 4 Pro camera model with optimized parameters.
- (3.1.18) Improved DTM generation
- The DTM generation is now computed from the DSM. It is generated in step 3 which allows a fully automated DTM generation.
- The DTM processing options can be accessed in the Process > Processing Options... > 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index > Additional Outputs. For more information: see article here.

- (3.1.18) Contour lines from DTM
- Generate contour lines using the DTM. For more information on how to generate the contour lines from the DTM: see article here.

- (3.1.18) Maps view
- New maps and satellite background from Mapbox. For more information: see article here.
- Single click on an image's position to visualize the corresponding image.
- Esc key can be used to cancel the drawing of the processing area.

- (3.1.18) Improved processing speed of step 1 for projects with more than 2'000 images.
- (3.1.18) Improved reflectance map generation.
Bug fixes
- (3.1.23) Fix bug where Process > Open Results Folder... was not working when using a network drive.
- (3.1.23) Fix bug where it was not possible to merge projects anymore.
- (3.1.22) Comma "," is not accepted as a decimal symbol. This affects computers with a locale installation that uses comma for decimals.
- (3.1.22) Step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh crashes for large datasets when using SGM.
- (3.1.22) Fix bug where step 3 cannot be run for projects with multiple camera models in the case all images of a camera model are disabled.
- (3.1.22) Fix bug where loading the GeoTIF orthomosaic in third party software was slower.
- (3.1.22) Fix bug where in some cases the sun irradiance was not correctly converted when opening older p4d files in newer software versions.
- (3.1.15) Fix bug where step 1 was slower for all projects using the Alternative Calibration Method. This impacted projects using the Ag Multispectral, Ag Modified Camera, Ag RGB, Thermal Camera templates.
- (3.1.15) Update and correct format for the files project_name_calibrated_external_camera_parameters.txt and project_name_calibrated_external_camera_position_errors.txt located in the folder 1_initial/params.
- (3.1.15) Fix bug where the Mosaic Editor could not be opened when the DTM was not generated.
- (3.1.13) Fix bug where the name of the project in the Quality Report was not updated after saving a project as and renaming it.
- (3.1.13) Fix bug where the point cloud was not loaded after saving a project with uppercase letter in the project name.
- (3.1.13) Fix bug where the processing area was not displayed correctly in the rayCloud after importing it in the Map View.
- (3.1.7) Fix bug where in some cases it was not possible to create a project from a video. The software displayed an "Exception thrown" error message.
- (3.1.7) Fix bug where step 3 crashed during DSM generation when the DSM Surface Smoothing Type was set to Medium.
- (3.1.7) Fix bug where the GCPs were not visible in the XZ and YZ plane of Figure 3 in the Quality Report.
- (3.1.5) Fix bug where the calibration results were less accurate for some oblique datasets.
- (3.1.5) Fix bug where for some AG-RGB or Thermal datasets step 1 was slower.
- (3.1.5) Fix bug where it was not possible to run step 3 again after step 3 was done. This happened only in the case where the software was not closed before starting step 3 again.
- (3.1.5) Fix bug where in some cases radiometric calibration type incompatible with the project data could have been chosen.
- (3.1.5) Fix software crash when opening the Index Calculator for reflectance maps with invalid data.
- (3.1.5) Fix various bugs affecting radiometric calibration and the reflectance map generation.
- (3.1.5) Fix bug where radiometric calibration was not reseted correctly after pressing the Reset button.
- (3.1.5) Fix bug where regions exported in .shp format from the Index Calculator could not be imported.
- (3.1.5) Fix bug where the reflectance map computed using the Gaussian Fast Downsampling Method was not computed correctly anymore. This bug was introduced in version 3.0.7.
- (3.1.5) Fix bug where surfaces could not be renamed.
Known Issues
- (3.1.18) Display issues when using 2 screens with different resolutions (e.g. a laptop connected to a large screen.
Workaround: Use the same resolution on the two screens or disable one screen. - (3.1.18) Creating a new project using images from a senseFly's drone does not select egm96
as default coordinate system.
Workaround: During project creation, in the Image Properties window, select Geoid Height Above the Ellipsoide = 0 as image coordinate system. For more information how to change the image coordinate system: see article here. - (3.1.18) Cannot open a project with Korean characters, even if it has been created using the New Project wizard.
Workaround: rename the .p4d file so that it does not contain Korean characters. - (3.1.18) Step 2 of the processing window is displayed in red after generating the 3D Textured Mesh in OBJ format with tiled texture.
- (3.1.18) Step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh crashes for large datasets when using SGM.
- (3.1.18) Step 3. DSM and Orthomosaic is slower on machines with Quadro GPUs. The substeps of loading the point cloud and generating the DSM takes much more time than expected. For more information: see article here.
- (3.1.18) Mesh in .dxf format is not displayed correctly in AutoCAD Civil 3D.
- (3.1.18) In some third party software loading the GeoTIF orthomosaic is slower.
- (3.1.18) Cannot send DSM and maps to eMotion 3.
Workaround: use eMotion 2. - (3.1.18) In some cases exporting a point group in a custom directory from the layers sidebar is not working.
- (3.1.18) When visualizing multiple external point clouds, only the shader of the first point cloud is taken into account for the display.
- (3.1.18) Pressing the Shift key with the desired navigation key (e.g. up arrow) does not allow a faster navigation anymore.
Workaround: Press Shift+Ctrl to navigate faster. - (3.1.18) Index color scale changes after opening the Processing Options Window. This happens only if the gray colored index is selected.
- (3.1.15) Cannot generate 3D Textured Mesh from menu when no logo is selected.
- (3.1.15) In some cases cannot compute the reflectance map even if no sun irradiance is requested. This affects old projects using modified cameras.
Workaround: create a new project. - (3.1.15) Sky is not automatically removed for Bebop2 projects.
- (3.1.15) In some third party software loading the GeoTIF orthomosaic is slower.
- (3.1.15) In some cases exporting a point group in a custom directory from the layers sidebar is not working.
- (3.1.15) Cannot create a video animation from the menu.
Workaround: use the button on the left sidebar. - (3.1.15) Cannot export GCPs/MTPs from the rayCloud layer's sidebar.
Workaround: use the GCP/MTP manager. - (3.1.15) Index color scale changes after opening the Processing Options Window. This happens only if the gray colored index is selected.
- (3.1.13) Creating a new project using images from a senseFly's drone does not select egm96 as default coordinate system.
Workaround: During project creation, in the Image Properties window, select Geoid Height Above the Ellipsoide = 0 as image coordinate system. For more information how to change the image coordinate system: see article here. - (3.1.13) Cannot open a project with Korean characters, even if it has been created using the New Project wizard.
Workaround: rename the .p4d file so that it does not contain Korean characters. - (3.1.13) When opening a project from an older version which requires to convert the project, the user is asked to either convert the project directly and open it or to make a backup. The loading project progress bar is displayed on top of this window without loading the project and does not allow the user to make a choice.
1. Cancel the project loading window
2. Open the project or make a backup. Note: Cancel will automatically convert the project and open it. - (3.1.13) Step 2 of the processing window is displayed in red after generating the 3D Textured Mesh in OBJ format with tiled texture.
- (3.1.13) The Map View freezes when running step 1 for large projects.
- (3.1.13) Step 1 is slower for all projects using the Alternative Calibration Method. This impacts projects using the Ag Multispectral, Ag Modified Camera, Ag RGB, Thermal Camera templates.
- (3.1.13) Pressing the Shift key with the desired navigation key (e.g. up arrow) does not allow a faster navigation anymore.
Workaround: Press Shift+Ctrl to navigate faster. - (3.1.7) Volumes
- Volumes exported in DXF format cannot be imported in AutoCAD.
1. Drag and drop the .dxf file in QGIS.
2. Right click in the layer and select Save As...
3. Make sure the format is AutoCAD DXF and save the document in the desired location.
4. Click OK.
5. Open this new .dxf file in AutoCAD.
- Volumes exported in DXF format cannot be imported in AutoCAD.
- (3.1.5) Any project created in version 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 using an Ag template or with the Downsampling Method set to Warp cannot be opened in version 3.1 more than once.
Workaround: When opening the p4d file the first time in version 2.2, 3.0 or 3.1, in the processing options under 3.DSM, Orthomosaic and Index > Index Calculator use another Downsampling Method than Warp. - (3.1.5) When exporting GCPs marks to a .txt file using the French software version, the file name ends with a comma ".txt,".
Workaround: rename the file by removing the ",". - (3.1.5) When visualizing multiple external point clouds, only the shader of the first point cloud is taken into account for the display.
- (3.1.5) Exported index shape file is not generated correctly. This bug also affects version 3.0.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (3.0.13) New product solutions: Pix4Dmapper Pro, Pix4Dbim, Pix4Dag, Pix4Dmodel.
- (3.0.13) Point cloud densification is up to 2x faster while preserving quality and density.
- (3.0.13) Index calculator
- No correction
- Camera only
- Camera and Sun irradiance
- Camera, Sun irradiance and Sun Angle
- Faster reflectance map generation when using a value higher than the GSD for the resolution and selecting the Gaussian FastDownsampling Method. For more information: see article here.
- New processing options in the options for step 3 > Index Calculator > Radiometric Processing and Calibration that allow to select the radiometric correction type: For more information: see article here.
- (3.0.13) Quality report. Display radiometric correction type used.
- (3.0.5) Linear rolling shutter is set as default for the Sequoia RGB camera model.
- (3.0.5) Improved feature extraction for 360° cameras so that more features are extracted on the top and bottom of the images.
Other enhancements and changes
- (3.0.5) Updated EULA. For more information:
- (3.0.5) Discontinue the option in step 2 > Advanced > 3D Textured Mesh Settings > Maximum Number of Triangles per Leaf.
- (3.0.5) Discontinue the import of the processing area in DXF format.
Bug fixes
- (3.0.17) Fix bug where any project created in version 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 using an Ag template or with the Downsampling Method set to Warp cannot be opened in version 3.1 more than once.
- (3.0.17) Fix bug where step 2 fails at the beginning of the step with the error Cluster generator: could not compute valid scores for this project!. This affects projects with multiple blocks at step 1 processed on computers where the amount of RAM is not sufficient to densify the project at once.
- (3.0.17) Fix bug where the exported index shape file is not generated correctly.
- (3.0.17) Fix bug where multiSpec4C radiometric calibration was not detected correctly.
- (3.0.13 for Mac) Fix bug where the software crashed when creating or processing projects with images containing Airinov's calibration target.
- (3.0.13) Fix bug where the calibration results were less accurate for some oblique datasets.
- (3.0.13) Fix bug where for some AG-RGB or Thermal datasets step 1 was slower.
- (3.0.13) Fix bug where it was not possible to run step 3 again after step 3 was done. This happened only in the case where the software was not closed before starting step 3 again
- (3.0.13) Fix various bugs affecting radiometric calibration and the reflectance map generation.
- (3.0.13) Fix bug where radiometric calibration was not reseted correctly after pressing the Reset button.
- (3.0.13) Fix bug where regions exported in .shp format from the Index Calculator could not be imported.
- (3.0.13) Fix bug where the reflectance map computed using the Gaussian Fast Downsampling Method was not computed correctly anymore. This bug was introduced in version 3.0.7.
- (3.0.13) Fix bug where surfaces could not be renamed.
- (3.0.7) Fix bug where after merging projects, the Index List in the processing options for step 3 > Index Calculator was empty.
- (3.0.7) Fix bug where the texture of the 3D textured mesh had black parts when using 360° cameras and the Global Masking feature.
- (3.0.7) Fix bug where software crashed when opening the the Index Calculator after having merged projects.
- (3.0.5) Fix bug where when a 2.2 project was opened in 3.0.3 preview, no backup was created and the project could not be opened in 2.2 anymore.
- (3.0.5) Fix bug where GCP and output coordinate system were not automatically updated when changing the image coordinate system from arbitrary to known coordinate system after the project has been created.
- (3.0.5) Fix bug where no camera model from the user database could be selected.
- (3.0.5) Artifacts are visible when displaying the thermal shader for the Mesh on computers with AMD cards.
- (3.0.5) Albedo field for the radiometric calibration does not accept a value with a '0'.
- (3.0.3) Fix bug where project could not be opened when it was created with version 2.2 and the processing option Use MTPs under 1. Initial Processing > Matching > Matching Image Pairs > Custom were unselected.
- (3.0.3) Fix bug where an error was shown when double clicking on a multispectral image in the Map View.
- (3.0.3) Fix bug where the texture file was not generated when generating the 3D Textured Mesh in OBJ format. This happened when creating a new project and directly processing it.
- (3.0.3) Fix bug where the orthomosaic generated from a project with Sequoia's RGB images was fully transparent.
Known Issues
- (3.0.17) Cannot open a project with Korean characters, even if it has been created using the New Project wizard.
Workaround: rename the .p4d file so that it does not contain Korean characters. - (3.0.17) Software crashes or project is not loaded when either right clicking on the p4d file and selecting open with > Pix4Dmapper or when double clicking on the p4d file or when drag and dropping the p4d file.
Workaround: To open the project, start Pix4Dmapper and in the menu select Project > Open Project.... - (3.0.17) Cannot download a project from the menu Project > Download Project Files... when the default download directory is selected ("/").
Workaround: select another download directory than the default directory. - (3.0.13) Any project created in version 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 using an Ag template or with the Downsampling Method set to Warp cannot be opened in version 3.1 more than once.
Workaround: When opening the p4d file the first time in version 2.2, 3.0 or 3.1, in the processing options under 3.DSM, Orthomosaic and Index > Index Calculator use another Downsampling Method than Warp. - (3.0.13) When exporting GCPs marks to a .txt file using the French software version, the file name ends with a comma ".txt,".
Workaround: rename the file by removing the ",". - (3.0.13) Exported index shape file is not generated correctly.
- (3.0.7) For some AG-RGB or Thermal datasets step 1 is slower.
- (3.0.7) Fast gauss downsampling option of the reflectance map does not discard properly nodata values and the results contains artifacts.
Workaround: use the average gauss for acurate results. - (3.0.7) For some oblique datasets, some regression in time/completeness may occur.
- (3.0.7) Quality report pdf is not overwritten if it is open.
Workaround. Close the pdf before re-generating the quality report. - (3.0.7) Cannot rename surfaces.
- (3.0.7) Radiometric calibration image paths are not updated when changing the project's location. If processing is done after a project is moved the radiometric calibration will not be done.
Workaround: In the processing options under step 3 > Index Calculator, update manually the path for all the radiometric calibration images. - (3.0.7) Cannot reprocess step 3, warning w0033: somes result files or folders are already open.
Workaround: Save, close the project and reopen it. - (3.0.7) Base surface changes are not taken into account when exporting volumes.
- (3.0.5) When merging projects, the Index List in the processing options for step 3 > Index Calculator is empty.
Workaround: After merging projects, close the software and re-open it. - (3.0.5) The Ground Control Points table is not displayed in the Quality Report for projects without image geolocation, even though the GCPs are taken into account for processing
- (3.0.5) When importing volumes from a file, if multiple volumes have the same name, they are imported as one volume.
- (3.0.5) Exporting volumes always contains the default base surface, even if it was changes in the settings.
- (3.0.5) Software crashes when opening the the Index Calculator after having merged projects.
Workaround: After merging projects, close the software and re-open it. - (3.0.3) 3D Textured mesh has a gray texture when using color balancing. The bug appears when generating the mesh first during step 2 and then re-generating it using the menu Process > Generate 3D Textured Mesh.
- (3.0.3) Artifacts are visible when displaying the thermal shader for the Mesh on computers with AMD cards.
- (3.0.3) Albedo field for the radiometric calibration does not accept a value with a '0'.
- (3.0.3) Cannot use surface objects to improve the mesh.
- (3.0.3) Cannot export a Mesh from the layers sidebar in the rayCloud.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (2.2.22) The Volumes view allows you to easily measure volumes as well as to import and export them. For more information on how to use the Volumes view: see article here.
- (2.2.22) Discontinue the import of the processing area in DXF format.
- (2.2.22) Use surfaces drawn in the rayCloud to improve the 3D textured mesh. This new tool helps to flatten surfaces or to fill holes on flat surfaces. For more information on how to improve the 3D textured mesh: see article here.

- (2.2.22) New processing option that allows automatically masking the sky in Parrot Bebop images during step 1. When running step 2 Point Cloud Densification masked areas will not be used to reconstruct 3D Points. Therefore the sky will not be reconstructed at step 2. For more information: see article here.

- (2.2.22) Annotate images in the rayCloud in order to remove the background for orthoplane generation. For more information: see article here.

- (2.2.22) The optimized camera position uncertainties are displayed in the quality report. The absolute position uncertainty is displayed in Figure 3 and the relative position uncertainty is displayed in Figure 5. For more information about the absolute and relative position uncertainty: see article here.

- (2.2.22) A new spherical model has been introduced, which allows processing of images and videos acquired with a 360° camera. Only equirectangular images and videos are supported. For more information on how to process images from a spherical camera: see article here.
- (2.2.22) When an image with an Airinov calibration target is imported at project creation the target is automatically detected and the target region and albedo values are automatically extracted. For more information on how to use these targets with Sequoia: see article here.
- (2.2.22) Pix4Dtagger is a distinct piece of software that automatically detects specific tags in images and marks them. This is useful to automatically mark GCPs/MTPs for a project. It generates a p4d file that can be opened in Pix4Dmapper. The executable is installed together with Pix4Dmapper. Note: Camera rigs are not supported (e.g. Sequoia, Airinov multiSPEC 4C, etc...)
For more information on how to use Pix4Dtagger: see article here. - (2.2.22) Pix4Dmapper is now available in French. For more information on how to set the language: see article here.
- (2.2.15) The Volumes view allows to easily measure volumes as well as to import and export them.
- (2.2.15) Use surfaces drawn in the rayCloud to improve the 3D textured mesh. This new tool helps to flatten surfaces or to fill holes on flat surfaces
- (2.2.15) New processing option that allows to automatically mask sky in Parrot Bebop images during step 1. When running step 2 Point Cloud Densification masked areas will not be used to reconstruct 3D Points. Therefore sky will not be reconstructed at step 2.
- (2.2.15) Annotate images in the rayCloud in order to remove the background for orthoplane generation.
- (2.2.15) The optimized camera position uncertainties are displayed in the quality report. The absolute position uncertainty is displayed in Figure 3 and the relative position uncertainty is displayed in Figure 5.
Other enhancements and changes
- (2.2.25) Linear rolling shutter is set as default for the Sequoia RGB camera model.
- (2.2.25) Languages: Spanish, German, French, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese.
- (2.2.25) The 2.2 beta Mac version is available and can be downloaded here.
- (2.2.22) 3D textured mesh: remove zipped OBJ option as it is no longer compatible with Sketchfab. By default the 3D textured mesh is generated in OBJ and FBX format.
- (2.2.22) Faster processing for multi-spectral rigs (e.g. Sequoia, etc...).
- (2.2.22) Easier and faster processing for images acquired by senseFly's albris.
- (2.2.22) Automatically remove foreground objects when generating the 3D Textured Mesh.
- (2.2.22) The 3D Textured Mesh can be exported directly from the rayCloud layers by right clicking on a mesh layer. For more information: see article here.
- (2.2.22) Save the DSM and orthomosaic generated with the SGM add-on.
- (2.2.22) Annotate images globally to remove objects that are visible in each image at the same location. E.g. Remove the feet of the drone. For more information: see article here.
- (2.2.22) The two options Send Map to eMotion and Send DSM to eMotion can now also be used when only step 1 is done or when only step 1 and step 3 are done. For more information: see article here.
- (2.2.22) Display all the processing options used for processing.
- (2.2.22) Pix4Dmapper outputs are now split between stdout (Info, UI, Processing) and stderr (Error, Warning) when using the command line. For more information: see article here.
- (2.2.15) 3D textured mesh: remove zipped OBJ option as it is not compatible anymore with Sketchfab. By default the 3D textured mesh is generated in OBJ and FBX format.
- (2.2.15) Faster processing for multi-spectral rigs (e.g. Sequoia, etc.).
- (2.2.15) Easier and faster processing for images acquired by senseFly's albris.
- (2.2.15) Automatically remove foreground objects when generating the 3D Textured Mesh.
- (2.2.15) The 3D Textured Mesh can be exported directly from the rayCloud layers by right clicking on a mesh layer.
- (2.2.15) Save the DSM and orthomosaic generated with the SGM add-on.
- (2.2.15) Annotate images globally to remove objects that are visible in each image at the same location. E.g: Remove the feet of the drone.
- (2.2.15) The two options Send Map to eMotion and Send DSM to eMotion can now also be used when only step 1 is done or when only step 1 and step 3 are done.
Bug fixes
- (2.2.25) Fix bug where project could not be opened when it was created with version 2.2 and the processing option Use MTPs under 1. Initial Processing > Matching > Matching Image Pairs > Custom were unselected.
- (2.2.25) Fix bug where GCP and output coordinate system were not automatically updated when changing the image coordinate system from arbitrary to known coordinate system after the project has been created.
- (2.2.25) Fix bug where no camera model from the user database could be selected.
- (2.2.25) Fix bug where the texture file was not generated when generating the 3D Textured Mesh in OBJ format. This happened when creating a new project and directly processing it.
- (2.2.25) Fix bug where the orthomosaic generated from a project with Sequoia's RGB images was fully transparent.
- (2.2.25) Fix bug where the degree symbol was not displayed correctly for thermal datasets.
- (2.2.22) Fix bug where p4d files created by merging projects could not be opened.
- (2.2.22) Fix bug where the software crashed when creating a new project after having merged a project.
- (2.2.22) Fix bug where MTPs disappeared when merging projects.
- (2.2.22) Fix bug where when merging projects fails with error e0401f, the projects to be merged cannot be opened any more.
- (2.2.22) Fix bug where wrong sensitivity of the Sequoia's sunshine sensor was used in version 2.2.19 to compute the reflectance map.
- (2.2.22) Fix bug where Sequoia's images without sunshine sensor information were used for the reflectance map.
- (2.2.22) Fix bug where the degree symbol was not correctly printed out on stdout.
- (2.2.19) Fix bug where a .p4d file created with version 2.1 could not be opened in version 2.2.15.
- (2.2.19) Fix bug where processing options for step 3 were set to the 3D Maps template options when loading a template created in version 2.1.
- (2.2.19) Fix display issues appearing in the quality report generated after merging processed projects.
- (2.2.19) Fix bug where processing failed at step 2 when annotating images for masking before step 2 is run.
- (2.2.19) Fix bug where in some cases the software crashed when generating the orthoplane and some images were annotated for masking. When this happens the project cannot be opened anymore.
- (2.2.19) Fix bug where for some projects the grayscale used to display the reflectance map was not correct. The reflectance map appeared almost black.
- (2.2.15) Fix bug where the radiometric calibration image path was not updated when moving a project.
- (2.2.15) Fix bug where processing was failing when importing an external point cloud to generate the DSM using the menu Process >Import Point Cloud for DSM Generation...
- (2.2.15) Fix bug where contour lines shapefiles were not compatible with AutoCAD Civil 3D. The file name for the contour lines was changed such that it does not contain a ".". File names without a "." can be directly imported in AutoCAD Civil 3D.
- (2.2.15) Fix bug in the commanda line where it was not possible to logout with --logout when the user logged in with another version. E.g. When the software was logged in with version 2.0, it is not possible to log out with version 2.1.
Known Issues
- (2.2.25) Mac version. Software crashes or project is not loaded when either right clicking on the p4d file and selecting open with > Pix4Dmapper or when double clicking on the p4d file.
- (2.2.25) Mac version. Cannot create nor process projects with images containing Airinov's calibration target. The software crashes.
Workaround: no workaround exists for Mac. - (2.2.22) Pix4Dmapper does not start on laptops with Windows 7 or 8 and with Nvidia Optimus Technology (Intel + Nvidia graphics cards). The system gets unstable (screen blinks, becomes black, blue screen, windows shows the login window, etc.). This happens when updating the Nvidia graphics drivers using the Nvidia GeForce Experience Tool, or when downloading and installing the latest drivers from the Nvidia web site.
a) Uninstall the latest Nvidia graphics drivers and reboot the computer. The Windows Update tool will then automatically install older drivers for which this issue was not happening.
b) Update to Windows 10.
For more information: see article here. - (2.2.22) Project cannot be opened when it has been created with version 2.2 and the processing option Use MTPs under 1. Initial Processing > Matching > Matching Image Pairs > Custom has been unselected.
1. Open the .p4d file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad++).
2. Search for the line with <matchMtpMaxImagePair>0</matchMtpMaxImagePair> and replace 0 by 1.
3. Save the .p4d file and close the text editor.
4. Open the .p4d file in Pix4Dmapper.
5. Go to the processing options.
6. Under 1. Initial Processing > Matching > Matching Image Pairs > Custom unselect Use MTPs. - (2.2.22) GCP and output coordinate system are not automatically updated when changing the image coordinate system from arbitrary to known coordinate system after the project has been created.
Workaround: select manually the image, GCP and output coordinate system. - (2.2.22) Point cloud densification for full fisheye cameras is slower compared to version 2.1.
- (2.2.22) Software crashes when generating the 3D Textured Mesh for non RGB images and using the option Color Balancing for Texture.
- (2.2.22) Orthomosaic generated from a project with Sequoia's RGB images is fully transparent.
- (2.2.22) The rayCloud does not display properly when using a 4K screen.
- (2.2.19) When merging processed projects failed with error e0401f, the individual projects cannot be opened anymore.
- (2.2.19) Cannot reprocess step 3 when the Index Calculator View is open.
- (2.2.19) The 3D PDF can only be visualized with a texture up to 8192x819
- (2.2.19) Importing a Processing Area using a DXF file does not place it at the project location as there is no coordinate system.
- (2.2.19) The adding an orientation constraint for the X and Y axis is not working when following this workflow:
1. On the menu click rayCloud > New Orientation Constraint.
2. On the right sidebar, under Axis, select the X axis.
3. Draw the Orientation Constraint. It disappears.
Workaround: Draw first the constraint and then change the axis. - (2.2.19) In some cases the reflectance map displays wrong band information values.
- (2.2.19) Volumes export from Pix4Dmapper and re-imported into another project do not have the same number of vertices.
- (2.2.15) Wrong matches are computed when using the Reoptimize or Rematch and Optimize options in version 2.2 for projects that have been processed in version 2.1.
- (2.2.15) In some cases the optimized camera position uncertainty is not computed.
- (2.2.15) For some projects with multiple blocks, the densfied point cloud contains holes.
Workaround: If possible, disable the images in small blocks and run step 2 again. - (2.2.15) Annotate images for Global Mask. Run step 2 and select again the annotated images. The areas annotated for Global Mask are not highlighted with a color. However, the mask was correctly applied when step 2 was run.
- (2.2.15) When using the spherical point cloud shader, the point cloud does not get correctly displayed on systems with AMD graphic cards.
- (2.2.15) When scrolling the mouse wheel while inserting a region, the reflectance map disappears.
- (2.2.15) When applying a template file that was created with version 2.1, all the processing options for step 3 are reset to the 3D Maps processing template options.
Workaround: re-export the template file using version 2.2.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (2.1.43) Enhanced volume calculation. Set the base plane for volume calculation. For more information: see article here. Volume is computed using the DSM (if it has been generated) instead of the densified point cloud. This leads to more precise volume measurements as noise has been filtered out in the DSM.
Fit planeBase Surface aligned with Average AltitudeBase Surface aligned with Lowest Point
- (2.1.43) Enhanced 3D textured mesh generation. New processing options for the 3D textured mesh allow the generation of larger meshes and larger textures. This mainly improves mesh quality for large areas or detailed terrains, such as cities.Select mesh resolution according to your application needs (web upload, 3D animation, ...). For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) Enhanced monitoring of processing status. The Local Processing Window enables monitoring of both the current processing status as well as the overall processing status. For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) The new Output Status window enables a visual overview of the steps that have been processed, will be processed or are currently being processed. It also displays which outputs are or will be generated and gives a direct access to the generated files. For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) Visualize the project log file in the user interface
The new Log Output window displays information about:
- Processing status
- Error messages
- Warning messages
- UI interactions from the user
- (2.1.43) Select which image groups to use for the densification and mesh generation.Select which image groups to use to densify the point cloud, to generate the mesh geometry and the mesh texture. This is useful for datasets acquired with different cameras or to process large datasets. Example: RGB+thermal dataset. Generate the densified point cloud and mesh geometry using the RGB image group and the mesh texture using the thermal image group. For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) Enhanced generation of the reflectance map. Select the downsampling method to compute the reflectance map in order to obtain optimal results for your application. For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) New login window. New login window design. Allows Pro Trial start and selection of license (Discovery, Pro, ...). For more information on how to log into Pix4Dmapper: see article here.
- (2.1.43) Project management. Open and close projects using the Project menu. For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) Email notification when processing finishes. The Resources and Notifications tab of the Processing Options window allows the activation of email notification of completed processing. For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.28) New processing method and model for rolling shutter cameras. This increases the accuracy of the reconstruction, especially when flying at higher speed. Using the rolling shutter model implies that:
- The camera is a rolling shutter camera.
- The flight plan is a linear flight plan such as a grid flight plan.
- The images have been acquired using Pix4Dcapture or a drone with a gimbal.
Other enhancements and changes
- (2.1.53) Project creation for Sequoia projects. Currently the software cannot process the RGB images and the single band images in the same project. When creating a project with both type of images, the RGB images will automatically be discarded. The RGB images should be processed in a separate project. On the other hand, all single band images coming from different sensors can (and should) be processing in the same project.
- (2.1.53) New languages. Software available in Japanese.
- (2.1.47) New camera models added to the database:
- FLIR_7.5_640x512
- FLIR_9.0_640x512
- FLIR_13.0_640x512
- FLIR_19.0_640x512
- VuePro6409mm_9.0_640x512
- VuePro64013mm_13.0_640x512
- VuePro64019mm_19.0_640x512
- FLIR_TAU2_13.0mm_640x512
- FC550_DJIMFT15mmF1.7ASPH_15.0_4608x3456
- (2.1.43) Project loading
- Faster project loading: up to 50% faster.
- Improved loading progress status.
- (2.1.43) New Project Creation
- Decide to start processing automatically when the project is created. For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) p4d project file
- New format and structure.
- (2.1.43) Processing options
- Two different tabs for point cloud densification (Menu Process > Processing Options... > 2. Point Cloud and Mesh > Point Cloud) and 3D textured mesh generation (see article here) options.
- Better indication of dependency between outputs.
- Use color balancing to enhance the texture of datasets with large changes in brightness between images. For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) Outputs
- Export densified point cloud as single file using the Merge Tiles option. For more information: see article here.
- Export 3D Textured Mesh with tiled texture. For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) Templates
- Ag Multispectral: generate indices using multispectral cameras.
- Ag Modified Camera: generate indices using modified cameras.
- Ag RGB: generate orthomosaics using RGB cameras.
- New default templates for agricultural applications replacing the former template Agriculture. For more information: see article here.
- New default template Thermal Camera to generate thermal reflectance maps using Tau 2 based cameras (FLIR Vue Pro, thermoMAP). For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) Quality report
- Display multiple blocks in the 2D Keypoint Matches figure. A different color is used for each block. For more information: see article here.
- Quality report information is partially exported in XML format.
- New option to disable automatic display of the quality report when a processing step is finished. For more information: see article here.
- (2.1.43) Processing area
- A unique Processing Area replaces the former Densification Area and Orthomosaic Area. It still defines which area to densify (if it is selected in the processing options) and which area to use for the DSM and Orthomosaic generation.
- (2.1.43) rayCloud
- Processing area
- GCPs
- Animation trajectory
- Objects (Polyline, Surface, ...)
- New Cancel button in the right sidebar to cancel editing for:
- GCPs: New look in 3D View and new layout of the GCP information in the right sidebar. For more information: see article here.
- 3D View: Improved display for close range projects.
- (2.1.43) Processing window
- Rotating arrow indicates that processing is going on.
- (2.1.43) rayCloud
- Processing areas with less than 3 vertices.
- Polylines with less than 2 vertices.
- Surfaces and Volumes with less than 3 vertices.
Bug fixes
- (2.1.61) Project Management. Fix bug where .p4d files in minimum format that contain the name of the pre-defined template were not loaded correctly. The feature scale option is not correctly set. For images between 2MP and 40MP the feature scale was set to 2 instead of 1, which slows down the processing. This affected the .p4d file generated by senseFly's eMotion and Pix4DCapture (iOS: version 1.2.0 and higher).
- (2.1.61) Processing. Fix bug where in a few cases the point cloud could not be exported when using a processing area.
- (2.1.6) Output files. Fix bug where the *_bingo file located in the folder 1_initial/params did not contain good ATPs (i.e. ATPs that are well distributed and that adequately cover the image).
- (2.1.58) Index calculator. Fix bug that affects sensefly's S110 camera. The reflectance map was generated with wrong values. This bug was introduced in version 2.1.57.
- (2.1.57) Project Creation. Fix bug where Tetracam projects were created with incorrect band information. The .mca file, used to get the correct band information, was never requested at project creation.
- (2.1.57) Project Opening. Fix bug where .p4d project files generated by eMotion and acquired with senseFly's S110 camera were not correctly opened. Because of this the NDVI index could not be selected for such projects.
- (2.1.57) Processing
- Fix bug in the point cloud densification that appeared when using the rolling shutter model. This resulted in noisy point clouds which caused noisy DSMs.
- Fix bug in DSM generation where the automatic tie points were always used to generate the DSM. Now, the DSM is generated from the densified point cloud if it exists. If if the densified point cloud does not exist the automatic tie points will be used.
- Fix bug where processing failed when exporting the point cloud to LAS/LAZ for large datasets.
- Fix bug where for large datasets the point cloud densification failed in some cases.
- Fix bug where the reflectance map could not be generated if the densified point cloud (i.e. step 2) was not done.
- Fix bug that happened for projects with under/over exposed images acquired with Sequoia cameras with firmware version 1.0.0. In this case, the reflectance maps for the bands were constant with value 0.
- (2.1.57) Mosaic Editor. Fix bug where in some cases the Mosaic Editor was crashing while saving the changes.
- (2.1.57) Index calculator. Fix bug where in some cases the reflectance map was not centered in the Index Calculator view. This resulted in a white background and the user had to center reflectance map manually.
- (2.1.53) Project Management. Fix bug where in some cases p4d project files created with eMotion 2.4.10 could not be opened.
- (2.1.53) Processing
- A processing area is used.
- The project is large enough to generate multiple tiles for the DSM and orthomosaic.
- The processing area covers only part of the point cloud.
- (2.1.53) Index Calculator. Fix bug where in some cases the reflectance map had negative values, which caused wrong indices.
- (2.1.52) Processing
- From the menu Process > Generate Quality Report.
- From the menu Process > Save Undistorted Images.
- From the menu Process > Generate Google Maps, KML and Mapbox Tiles.
- From the rayCloud, when selecting an orthoplane and clicking Generate.
- Fix bug where points that were manually deleted were still used to generate the DSM at step 3.
- Fix bug where the project was not always automatically saved when starting the following processing actions.
- Fix bug that affects Airinov's MultiSpec4C cameras with firmware version 2.34. The firmware was writing wrong albedo values. When this is the case the software was generating wrong reflectance/index maps. With the bug fix, albedo values that are detected as being wrong will be discarded and not used.
- Fix bug that affects the S110 cameras from senseFly. Gamma correction was not read and therefore not used correctly for the reflectance map.
- (2.1.52) rayCloud. Fix bug where Copy to Clipboard did not work for Polylines and Surfaces.
- (2.1.51) Project management
- Fix bug where could not open .p4d files created with version 2.1.43 and that contain information for Site Calibration.
To open a project created in version 2.1.43 in version 2.1.51 or later:
1. Open the .p4d file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad++).
2. Under <siteCalibration>, replace imageVerticalCoordSystem by verticalDef.
3. Save the changes and close the text editor
4. Open the .p4d file in Pix4Dmapper. - Fix bug where projects with an orthomosaic resolution larger than 1xGSD could not be opened.
- Fix bug where could not open .p4d files created with version 2.1.43 and that contain information for Site Calibration.
- (2.1.51) Processing. Fix bug where colored indices were accidentally generated at step 3. Colored index can only be generated from the Index Calculator.
- (2.1.51) rayCloud
- Fix bug where software crashed when pressing Update Measures for volumes.
- Fix bug where exporting all polylines, surfaces or volumes was exporting one file per object instead of exporting one file containing all the objects.
- Fix bug where in some cases some layers were not displayed (cameras, GCPs, external point clouds, etc.). This affects mostly projects with a large number of cameras or GCPs.
- Fix bug where an external point cloud imported in the rayCloud by drag and drop was not correctly placed.
- (2.1.51) User interface
- Various bug fixes.
- (2.1.51) Command line
- Fix bug where templates created by the user in version 2.0 could not be used in version 2.1 in the command line.
- Fix bug where the software crashed when processing finishes when starting the software from command line and using --close-gui.
- (2.1.49) Project Management. Fix bug where some .p4d projects in minimum p4d format could not be opened anymore.
- (2.1.47) Project opening. Fix bug where projects created with some of the 2.0.x versions could not be opened in version 2.1.
- (2.1.47) Image Properties Editor. Fix bug where images could not be enabled/disabled after sorting the images.
- (2.1.47) Quality Report. Fix bug where in some cases the image positions were not properly displayed.
- (2.1.47) Outputs. Fix bug where the orthomosaic was not georeferenced in AutoCAD. This is due to a bug in the .tfw file.
- (2.1.47) User Interface. Various bug fixes.
- (2.1.34) New Project. Fix bug where software crashed when merging projects.
- (2.1.34) Open project
- Fix bug where the output coordinate system was not correctly set when opening .p4d project files created by Pix4Dmapper Capture App.
- Fix bug where could not open .p4d files that contain index regions with less than 3 vertices.
- (2.1.34) Save project as. Fix bug where no log file is created when using the Save As option.
- (2.1.34) GCP/Manual Tie Point Manager. Fix bug where could not change the coordinate system of the GCPs after the GCPs were imported.
- (2.1.34) Processing.
- Fix crash when generating the reflectance map at step 3 using some custom resolution values.
- Fix bug where sometimes for oblique datasets step 2 might be 3 times slower than before.
- (2.1.34) Processing output status. Fix bug where the output status window did not always get properly updated.
- (2.1.34) Mosaic Editor. Fix bug where the images in ortho projection contained black parts.
- (2.1.34) Index Calculator.
- Fix crash that happened when opening the index calculator.
- Fix bug where the reflectance map disappeared from the view when zooming while drawing a region.
- Fix bug where thermal indices could not be generated.
- (2.1.30) Processing output status. Fix bug where output status window was not closed when closing the application.
- (2.1.30) Index calculator.
- Fix bug where the user could create regions with less than 3 vertices.
- Fix bug where software crashed when opening the Index Calculator. This affects projects that have been processed with version 2.0.x and that have results for the Index Calculator.
Known Issues
- (2.1.61) Index calculator. When scrolling the mouse wheel while inserting a region, the reflectance map disappears.
- (2.1.58) Project Management. .p4d files in minimum format that contain the name of the pre-defined template to load are not loaded correctly. The feature scale option is not correctly set. For images between 2MP and 40MP the feature scale is set to 2 instead of 1, which slows down the processing. This affects the .p4d file generated by senseFly's eMotion and Pix4DCapture (iOS: version 1.2.0 and higher).
Workaround: re-select the template. Open the Processing Options window from Process > Processing Options.... Select Load Template and select the same template again. - (2.1.57) Outputs. Mapbox tiles are of lower quality/resolution compared to the Google Maps tiles and KML.
Workaround: Orthomosaic GeoTIFF files can be uploaded to Mapbox. - (2.1.57) Project compatibility. Cannot open a project processed with a 2.1 version into an earlier 2.1 version. For example, a project processed with 2.1.57 cannot be opened in 2.1.53.
- (2.1.53) Software startup. Pix4Dmapper crashes immediately after startup due to old Intel HD graphics drivers.
Workaround: update Intel HD graphics drivers: - (2.1.51) rayCloud
- 3D Textured Mesh is displayed black in the rayCloud on Dell XPS 13 machines.
- Copy to Clipboard does not work for Polylines and Surfaces. The information pasted is not correct. However it works for Volumes.
- (2.1.34) Project management. Cannot open .p4d files that have some special characters in their name.
- (2.1.34) Processing
- Random crash may appear in step 2 or 3.
- Sometimes the software crashes when running step 2 with SGM. This happens often when a Processing Area is defined.
- Known issues in calibration for some thermal datasets.
- (2.1.30) Automatic update window. Link to release notes is not correct.
- (2.1.30) Project management
- Cannot open .p4d files that contain index regions with less than 3 vertices.
- Cannot open .p4d files that have some special characters in their name.
- No log file is created when using the Save As option.
Workaround: close the project and open it again.
- (2.1.30) Templates. Processing options for the templates are not definitive and will still change.
- (2.1.30) Processing
- Random crash may appear in step 2 or 3.
- Sometimes the software crashes when running step 2 with SGM. This happens often when a Processing Area is defined.
- Sometimes for oblique datasets step 2 might be 3 times slower than before.
- (2.1.30) Processing output status.Output status window does not always get properly updated.
- (2.1.30) Output. When opening some KML files in Google Earth, they appear "vibrating".
Mac version
- (2.1) Beta Mac version available for 2.1
- (2.1.52) Fix various bugs that made the software crash.
- (2.1.51) Fix bug where the Map View was tiled.
- (2.1.51) Fix bug where the Annotation tool did not work properly.
- (2.1.51) Known issue: The software cannot automatically prevent the computer to go in sleep mode while processing.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (2.0.71) Improved DSM and Orthomosaic. New DSM generation method (Inverse Distance Weighting) which improves the orthomosaic quality. The effect is mostly visible on building edges which appear sharper.
DSM and orthomosaic generated with version 1.4 (left) and 2.0 (right) - (2.0.71) Redesigned Mosaic Editor. The redesigned Mosaic Editor allows the editing of mosaics generated at step 3. Edit regions of the mosaic and visualize the changes directly in the Mosaic Editor before saving them. For more information on how to use the Mosaic Editor: see article here.
- (2.0.71) Generate an orthomosaic from any plane.
- Define an orthoplane in the rayCloud and use it to generate an orthomosaic. This allows to generate orthomosaics for building facades, bridge piles, etc.
- Define surfaces on facades and use them to generate the DSM. This allows to flatten the point cloud and generate orthomosaics for flat surfaces more accurately.
- (2.0.71) Scale and orient the 3D model. Define the scale and orientation of the 3D reconstruction by creating scale and orientation constraints in the rayCloud. This is useful when having projects with unprecise or no image geolocation and when using no GCPs.For more information on how to scale a project: see article here.
For more information on how to orient a project: see article here.
- (2.0.71) Processing Options Templates. Processing options templates can be used to initialize processing options according to the type of images to be processed and which outputs are desired. Use predefined templates or create new templates.
For more information on existing templates: see article here.
- (2.0.71) Processing options window new layout. A new layout for the processing options allows to easier find the different options for step 1, 2 and 3. Advanced options are displayable only on demand for advanced users.
- (2.0.71) Create 3D models and maps from video files. Create a new project using a video file.
- (2.0.71) More robust initial processing. Increase the targeted number of extracted keypoints to reconstruct datasets with low image content or low overlap (e.g. fields). Decrease the targeted number of extracted keypoints to speed up processing for projects with very high overlap or for very large images with a lot of image content. For more information: see article here.
- (2.0.71) Initial processing calibration method based on image geolocation. This new processing method allows to process datasets with very accurate image position and orientation. It uses the image geolocation to calibrate the images, i.e. to optimize the internal camera parameters. Processing is therefore faster. For more information: see article here.
- (2.0.71) Download projects from the Pix4D Cloud account. Download projects from your Pix4D Cloud account to process them on your computer. For more information on how to download a project: see article here.
- (2.0.71) Redesigned command line. In order to change the processing options in the command line a processing options template file has to be used. No other command line option allows to change the processing options. For more information: see article here.
- (2.0.50) New DSM generation method. New DSM generation method (Inverse Distance Weighting) which improves the orthomosaic quality. The effect is mostly visible on building edges which appear sharper.
Other enhancements and changes
- (2.0.100) Index Calculator. Take dark current into account for the reflectance map generated from MicaSense cameras.
- (2.0.89) User Interface. Multiple small improvements in the User Interface.
- (2.0.89) Coordinate Systems. Display an icon in the coordinate system search box, indicating if the coordinate system is a projected or a geographic coordinate system.
- (2.0.89) Processing. Improved rig processing when using the StandardCalibration Method. It affects mostly oblique rigs.
- (2.0.83) New project creation. Create new projects from videos in .mov, .wmv and .avi format.
- (2.0.83) Coordinate system
: For geographic coordinate systems
: For projected coordinates systems
- No icon: For arbitrary coordinate systems
- (2.0.83) Processing options templates. New template for agriculture projects using Tetracam cameras.
- (2.0.83) Processing
- Improved processing of datasets acquired with the thermoMAP camera.
- Improved radiometry for datasets acquired with the multiSPEC 4C camera.
- (2.0.80) Coordinate systems
- Display for each selected datum the geographical coordinate system. This coordinate system appears at first position in the list.
- Do not allow to select a geographic coordinate system for the output coordinate system.
- Allow to select only coordinate system that correspond to the selected unit. This is valid for the search box or if setting the coordinate system from list, EPSG or .prj file.
- (2.0.80) Processing options
- Add a new option for the calibration part of step 1 called All Prior. This option can be found in the advanced options of step 1 in calibration tab under Calibration > Camera Optimization > Internal Parameters Optimization > All Prior. This option is useful for the rare projects where there could be two different optimal focal length values. The optimal internal parameter values will be close to the initial values.
- Improved loading time to select the image for the radiometric calibration.
- (2.0.80) rayCloud
- Allow the user to insert an Angular Accuracy value for the Orientation Constraints between 0.01 and 20 degrees instead of a value between 1 and 2. When using image geolocation, setting a very high accuracy is required in order to take into account the Orientation Constraint.
- Allow the user to insert for a Scale Constraint an Initial Length and its accuracy with millimeter precision.
- (2.0.71) Concepts and names
- The Aerial, Alternative, Oblique Processing Type has been replaced by the processing options templates used to initialize the processing options.
- The Full and Rapid processing modes have been removed. They have been replaced by the processing options templates, where for each template a Rapid/Low Res template exists, which provides fast low resolution results.
- (2.0.71) User Interface. Various improvements in the user interface such as:
- New icons for part of the software.
- Text section in the toolbar.
- Integrated tutorials.
- (2.0.71) Installer and updates
- Display the new version number in the automatic update window.
- Display the version number in the installer wizard on the first page.
- (2.0.71) New Project Creation
- Improved new project creation workflow. The user can more easily select the accuracy of the image geolocation and can already set the output coordinate system. He can choose a processing options template to initialize the processing options according to the type of dataset to process and the desired type of output.
- (2.0.71) GCP/Manual Tie Point Manager. Import/export GCP/MTP image marks from 2 new formats: Pix4D marks file (.csv) and XML Structure (.xml).
For more information: see article here. - (2.0.71) Coordinate systems
- Allow conversion between MSL and WGS84 ellipsoid
- Do not convert altitude
- Additional support for vertical coordinate systems (see article here):
- Improved user interface that displays either general or advanced options to select the coordinate system.
- Automatically detect coordinate system when possible.
- (2.0.71) Quality Report
- Display time spent for processing for step 1 (without report generation), step 2, and step 3.
- Display all processing options used.
- (2.0.71) Ouput
- Export the image position of all the automatic tie points to a .txt file.
- Save undistorted images for fisheye cameras.
- Export the 3D Texture Mesh as FBX or AutoCAD DXF.
- (2.0.71) rayCloud
- More navigation modes available to navigate in the 3D model. Choose between standard, trackball and first person navigation. For more information: see article here.
- Display initial image and GCP position in output coordinate system in the right sidebar.
- Display Check Points in orange to distinguish from GCPs.
- More navigation modes available to navigate in the 3D model. Choose between standard, trackball and first person navigation. For more information: see article here.
- (2.0.71) Index Calculator
- Import/export region boundaries from shapefile. For more information: see article here.
- Define a prescription for all Regions of a given Class at once. For more information: see article here.
- More color maps available for the index classes.
- Export Colored Index Map as KML and PNG.
- (2.0.71) Command line
- The Quality Report is now generated as a .pdf when processing using the command line.
- Login/logout from the software using the command line.
- (2.0.67) Inputs. Improved detection of image geolocation files with wrong format.
- (2.0.67) Index Calculator. Improve Reflectance Map and NDVI Index Map generation to remove artifacts for projects with Airinov multiSPEC 4C images.
- (2.0.64) User Interface. Various User Interface improvements.
- (2.0.64) Processing options. New interface to use and manage Processing Options Templates.
- (2.0.64) Quality Report. Don't display the Geolocation Details if the external camera parameters are not optimized (i.e. if the image geolocation is not optimized).
- (2.0.64) Index calculator. Import regions from polygon shapefile.
- (2.0.58) Project creation using a video. Improved user interface for video frames extraction.
- (2.0.58) Coordinate systems. Allow to enable/disable site calibration for initial processing.
- (2.0.58) Processing.
- Improve alternative processing pipeline so that for datasets that are not good enough to calibrate processing fails instead of never ending.
- Improved point cloud optimization.
- (2.0.58) Command Line. New option (--disable-cs-guess) that allows to select the Output Coordinate System from the UI when opening a .p4d file generated through the command line.
- (2.0.53) Index calculator. Improved Reflectance and IndexMap generation that reduces artifacts.
Bug fixes
- (2.0.104) Radiometric calibration. Fix bug where vignetting was not taken into account at radiometric calibration.
- (2.0.104) Mosaic Editor.
- Fix bug where panning and zooming in the mosaic view was extremely slow for some projects.
- Fix bug where in some cases the image choice for a region that is displayed on the right sidebar showed blank images. This happens for projects were images that are not visible for this region were displayed.
- (2.0.100) Software. Fix bug where it was impossible to login into the software after a license expired and when using a proxy.
- (2.0.100) Processing. Fix bug where in some cases the software and/or the Operating System was not responding while generating the DSM at step 3.
- (2.0.100) Outputs
- Fix bug for the PAR files exported in the params folder at step 1, where the exported coordinates where not given in output coordinate system.
- Fix software crash when exporting the image geolocation from the Image Properties. This happens when the image geolocation is given in a metric coordinate system (X,Y,Z).
- (2.0.100) Mosaic Editor. Fix bug where the name of the displayed mosaic is not corresponding to the displayed mosaic. This affects projects with multiple image groups.
- (2.0.100) Command line. Fix bug where the camera model database was not updated with the latest database when running the software in command line.
- Coordinate systems. Fix bug that affects the South African coordinate systems, where when selecting different axes, it was not saved in the project.
- (2.0.89) Processing options
- Fix bug in the User Interface for the Maximum Number of Triangles for the 3D Textured Mesh Generation. When editing the value in the box and hitting backspace the user gets a weired number as result.
- Fix bug where the Radiometric Calibration was lost when another template was loaded.
- (2.0.89) Processing. Fix bug where the geolocation was not correctly computed for projects in arbitrary coordinate system with one scale constraint, one orientation constraint and one 3D point.
- (2.0.89) Quality Report.
- Fix bug, where a wrong error for GCPs/Check Points was computed if the points were marked in less than 2 calibrated images. As the error cannot be computed "NA" will be displayed instead of the error.
- Fix bug where not all polynomials were displayed for fisheye camera models.
- (2.0.89) rayCloud
- Fix bug where the user was not always requested to load the densified point cloud when updating measurements.
- Fix bug where marks made to GCPs using the rayCloud where not correctly saved. It happened when the user marks GCPs, then clicks on the rayCloud, gets a pop-up message asking to save the changes and click Ok.
- (2.0.89) Index calculator. Fix bug where the software crashed when exporting the Colored Index Map and the output coordinate system cannot be converted to WGS 84 to generate the Colored Index Map in KML format. This is the case when the coordinate system is arbitrary.
- (2.0.89) Command Line.
- Fix bug where the vertical coordinate system was not correctly initialized when creating a project through command line. The default vertical coordinate system was not the same as when creating the project through the User Interface.
- Fix bug where the internal camera database was not updated when running in command line.
- (2.0.89) GCPs. Fix bug where the image GCP marks were removed when opening a project after having changed its location on the computer.
- (2.0.89) Quality Report
- Fix bug where MTPs were displayed as GCPs in the Image/GCPs/Manual Tie Points Positions figure.
- Fix bug where the Quality Report part for step 3 is not generated when processing using the command line.
- (2.0.83) Outputs. Fix bug where the Grid DSM was over-smoothed. This caused issues when importing the Grid DSM into third-party software to generate contour lines or do volume measurements.
- (2.0.83) rayCloud. Fix bug where the software crashed when aligning an orthoplane without any surface being defined.
- (2.0.83) Mosaic Editor. Fix bug where the software crashed when using the Mosaic Editor for projects with multiple image groups.
- (2.0.82) Fix software crashes when used on a computer with an AMD.
- (2.0.80) User Interface. Fix several user interface display issues.
- (2.0.80) User interface. Fix several user interface display issues.
- (2.0.80) Project loading. Fix bug where projects processed with version 1.4 could not be opened in version 2.0. This happens mostly for projects with very large images > 40MP or very small images < 1MP or when the image scale for keypoint extraction is different than 1.
- (2.0.80) Coordinate systems
- Fix bug where exporting the site calibration parameters was not exporting the values visible in the user interface.
- Fix bug where the altitudes of the image geolocation were set to 0 when setting the output coordinate system using a .prj that does not contain the EPSG number of the coordinate system.
- (2.0.80) Camera model database. Fix bug where when saving a camera model already in the database under another name and assigning the new camera model by default to the corresponding EXIF ID, then the new camera model was not assigned by default when creating projects with the same camera.
- (2.0.80) Image properties. Fix bug where importing a geolocation file with a header line that does not start with a # was not possible anymore.
- (2.0.80) GCPs/Manual Tie Points Manager. Fix bug where the user could not import GCPs from file anymore if the values were separated by a space.
- (2.0.80) Processing
- Fix software crashes that happened when exiting the software while processing.
- Fix bug where the initial internal camera parameters were used instead of the optimized values when Reoptimizing. For some projects it might increase the processing time, or cause that the calibration is not correctly optimized.
- (2.0.80) Project merging. Fix bug that appears when merging projects with GCPs. The GCP position and point cloud densification area was very far from the point cloud.
- (2.0.80) Quality Report. Fix bug where more than 2 green colors where used in the overlap figure. Now the overlap figure contains only 5 colors as indicated on the legend.
- (2.0.80) rayCloud.Fix bug where the editor views were not updated when the camera parameters are changed. Now the rayCloud views (3D View, right sidebar image views) are updated when the internal camera parameters are changed. This implies that the projection of the 3D points in the images is different. Reoptimize to apply the changes to the project.
- (2.0.80) Mosaic Editor
- Fix bug where corrupted tiles were saved when the user interface was loading at the same time than saving the changes.
- Fix bug where the regions were not correctly updated when changing the view to DSM.
- (2.0.80) Index Calculator
- Fix bug where reflectance map values were not correct for projects taken with the MicaSense camera.
- Fix incorrect clipping values in the reflectance map for some projects.
- Fix bug where exporting index values fails. This happens when it is not possible to convert the output coordinate system to WGS 84. Now, if such a conversion is not possible, the file is generated in output coordinate system.
- Fix bug where the colored index map was not correctly colored in the Index Calculator. This implied that the colors of the exported JPG Index Map were not the same than in the Index Calculator.
- (2.0.77) Project management.Fix bug where the Keypoint Image Scale was not correctly set when opening the first time a .p4d project file generated by Pix4Dmapper Capture App or in minimum p4d format. The Keypoint Image Scale should be set to Full, Image Scale: 1.
- (2.0.77) GCP/Manual Tie Point Manager. Fix bug where GCPs could not be correctly imported from a file using a separator different than a space and where the GCP name contains spaces.
- (2.0.77) Processing Options. Fix bug where the value for option Index Values as Point Shapefile> Grid Size in 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index > Index Calculator was not save correctly saved.
- (2.0.77) Template Manager. Fix bug where nothing happened when clicking the Folder... button. This happened when no user defined template exists.
- Processing. Fix bug where the initial internal camera parameters were used instead of the optimized values when Reoptimizing. For some projects it might increase the processing time, or cause that the calibration is not correctly optimized.
- (2.0.77) rayCloud
- Fix bug where Orientation and Scale Constraints are not always taken into account correctly.
- Fix bug where the initial image orientation was not displayed in some cases.
- (2.0.77) Mosaic Editor
- Fix bug where the Mosaic Editor did not wait for the User Interface to refresh when Save is pressed. This happens for large datasets and/or when multiple regions are edited. When pressing Save, the saving was done even if the User Interface was still loading, which caused corrupted files. Now, when the button Saved is pressed, the Mosaic Editor waits that the User Interface finished to load before saving.
- Fix bug where drawing a new region after deleting another freezes the mosaic editor.
- Fix bug where nothing was displayed on areas overlapped by multiple regions.
- (2.0.77) Command line
- Fix bug where some of the geolocation file types were wrong in the command line help. When using the wrong geolocation file type, new projects cannot be created.
- (2.0.67) User Interface. Various bug fixes and improvements in the User Interface, mainly in the Processing Options window and Select Coordinate System window.
- (2.0.67) Project Management.
- Fix bug where a .p4d file could not be opened in some cases when the image location has changed.
- Fix bug where wrong camera model was selected when opening a .p4d project file with minimum format.
- Fix bug where a project with images of a different resolution than the camera model could be loaded and processed. This caused processing failure.
- (2.0.67) Processing. Fix crashes when processing Airinov multiSPEC 4C images.
- (2.0.67) Mosaic Editor
- Fix bug where the Mosaic View was not correctly refreshed after changing some visualization properties.
- Fix bug where the visualization settings are not saved when closing the Mosaic Editor.
- (2.0.64) GCPs/Manual Tie Points Manager
- Fix bug where exporting GCP/MTP image marks was not always possible.
- Fix bug where GCPs/MTPs could be removed while processing.
- (2.0.64) Processing options. Fix bug where Orthomosaic or Densification Area disappeared after changing template.
- (2.0.64) Outputs
- Fix bug where KML files could not be opened in Google Earth anymore.
- Fix bug where the contour lines file name for contour lines in feet was wrong.
- Fix bug where the coordinate system unit was not correctly stored in LAS files for projects with Arbitrary output coordinate system in feet.
- (2.0.64) Quality Report. Fix bug where the Relative Geolocation Variance table was not correctly updated when regenerating the Quality Report after changing the image geolocation accuracy.
- (2.0.64) rayCloud
- Fix bug where when marking GCPs/MTPs the images were not centered on the correct location. This bug also randomly made the software crash.
- Fix bug where in some cases the Clipping Box was not correctly initialized and displayed far away from the point cloud.
- (2.0.64) Mosaic Editor
- Fix bug where the Mosaic Editor was only exporting the transparent Orthomosaic and not the non-transparent Orthomosaic.
- Fix bug where artifacts were visible in the Mosaic at tiles borders.
- (2.0.64) Index Calculator
- Fix thermal color palette to use the correct colors.
- Fix bug where indices from the software database could be edited.
- Fix bug where artifacts were visible in the Reflectance Map at tiles borders.
- (2.0.58) Project download
- Fix bug where projects with special characters could not be downloaded.
- Fix bug where projects uploaded from the software were not downloaded correctly.
- (2.0.58) Project creation using a video. Fix bug where the wrong number of images were extracted for videos other than .mp4 videos from the GoPro.
- (2.0.58) Inputs. Fix bug where images with altitude = 0 where not recognized as being geolocated.
- (2.0.58) Coordinate Systems. Fix bug where changing the Geoid Height Above Ellipsoid was not taken into account.
- (2.0.58) Processing.
- Fix bug where project with no image geolocation, with MTPs and with arbitrary output coordinate system could not be processed.
- Fix bug where processing failed when using non marked GCPs that do not lie on the same area than the images.
- (2.0.58) Quality Report. Fix bug where the project area displayed in the Quality Report was wrong.
- (2.0.58) Maps View. Fix bug where software crashed when re-drawing the orthomosaic or densification area in the Maps View.
- (2.0.58) rayCloud.
- Fix bug where depending the coordinate system used, MTPs where not at the correct position anymore when re-opening a project. This has as consequence that measurement objects (polyline, surface, volume) also appear at the wrong position.
- Fix bug where MTP marks in uncalibrated images could not be removed.
- (2.0.58) Mosaic Editor
- Fix bug where mosaic editor was crashing when changing a region from ortho to planar projection.
- Fix bug where a region drawn outside the orthmosaic area could not be deleted.
- (2.0.58) Command line. Fix bug so that all options except -v, -h, --close-gui work with or without the -c option.
- (2.0.53) Processing. Fix bug where the externals camera parameters in the file params/*_calibrated_external_camera_parameters.txt were not saved in output coordinate system.
- (2.0.53) Project management. Fix bug where results were not read when moving the project and its results to another directory.
Known Issues
- (2.0.104) DSM filtering at step 3 may be 4 times slower on computers with Quadro Graphics cards that use the official driver.
Workaround: use the GeForce Drivers.
- (2.0.104) Scale and orientation constraints
For projects with image geolocation, when using scale/orientation constraints that are too different from the scale/orientation given by the image geolocation, they are not taken into account.
Workaround: If the scale and orientation given by the image geolocation is too inaccurate, and scale/orientation constraints are needed to correct it, then remove the image geolocation in order to use only the scale/orientation constraints. - (2.0.100) Mosaic Editor
In some cases the image choice for a region that is displayed on the right sidebar shows blank images. This is due to refresh issues.
Workaround: switching from ortho to planar, scrolling the image choice might reload and display the images.
- (2.0.100) Radiometric calibration.Vignetting not taken into account at radiometric calibration.
- (2.0.100) Mosaic Editor. In some cases, zooming and panning is slow in the mosaic editor.
- (2.0.77) When importing a .prj file to set the coordinate systems and if that .prj file does not contain the EPSG number of the coordinate system, the altitude conversion could lead to a zero altitude.
Workaround: set a large number for the EPSG number in the .prj file - (2.0.53) Index Calculator
- Crashes when generating the Reflectance Map.
- Crashes in the Index Map export.
- (2.0.53) Processing
- Sometimes the matching phase at step 1 enters an infinite loop and never ends.
- Sometimes crashes after a step completes.
- (2.0.53) rayCloud. Nothing is displayed in the rayCloud for project in arbitrary coordinates with densification areas in other coordinate system. This happens when the output coordinate system is changed after having defined the densification area.
- (2.0.53) Command line.
- (2.0.53) Command line will launch graphic interface even with -c.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (1.4.28) Index calculator has been redesigned
The Index Calculator has been fully redesigned to better fit the agriculture mapping needs. It allows to:
- Perform radiometric adjustments: Make the indices more reliable and accurate by correcting for illumination effects using a radiometric target.
For more information: see article here.
- Generate a reflectance map: A reflectance map with the desired resolution can be generated either automatically at Step 3. or from the Index Calculator right sidebar.
For more information on the processing options to generate automatically the reflectance map at Step 3.: see article here.
- Automatically generate indices: Index maps based on pre-defined formulas such as the NDVI, can be generated in a single click without manual user intervention.
For more information on the processing options to generate automatically the index map at Step 3.: see article here.
- Draw field bounds and compute indices per crop variety:
For more information: see article here.
- Define and edit index formulas: Create and save your own formulas choosing among each available input band and generate custom index maps.
For more information: see article here.
- Segment the index maps: Create the basis of your annotation map by automatically segmenting the data into multiple classes using statistical algorithms (equal area, equal spacing) based on the histogram of the index map.
For more information on how to segment the index: see article here.
- Annotate the index maps for agriculture applications: Match ground observations with survey data by assigning values and annotating zones based on your decisions. This can be achieved by giving a Rate and a Description to each class.
For more information: see article here.
- Export application map as shapefile (SHP): Put your data into action and import the application map directly into the tractor console or most Farm Management Software.
Other enhancements and changes
- (1.4.45) New camera model
- FC300S_3.6_4000x3000
- FC300S_3.6_4000x2250
- FC300X_0.0_4000x3000
- FC300X_0.0_4000x2250
- CanonPowerShotELPH110HS_4.3_4608x3456 with R-G-NIR band configuration
- UltraCamD_0.0_11500x7500 with R-G-B and R-G-B-NIR band configuration.
- Camera model for Phantom 3 Advanced
- Camera model for Phantom 3 Professional
- ILCE-5100_0.0_6000x4000
- (1.4.45) Orthomosaic Area. Improved orthomosaic area editing when using images in known coordinate system and the output coordinate system is an arbitrary coordinate system.
- (1.4.45) Processing. Improved optimization at Bundle Block Adjustment during step 1. The effect of this improvement is mainly visible for projects with image geolocation acquired with very precise GPS (e.g. RTK).
- (1.4.45) Concepts. Rename Guided Tour to Demo Project.(1.4.28) Inputs. Improved parsing of 3D Robotics flight logs
- (1.4.42) New camera model.
- UltraCamEaglef80_0.0_20010x13080 (RGB)
- (1.4.42) New coordinate systems
- Add NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane coordinate systems.
- Add GDM2000 coordinate systems.
- Add KKJ / Finland zone 5
- (1.4.42) Input
- Improved detection of wrong file format when importing a GCP geolocation file.
- Improved compatibility when importing XYZ point clouds generated by other software.
- (1.4.42) UI
- Display the Geoid Above Ellipsoid value with the same precision in the different parts of the User Interface.
- Display the image position in the Map View and rayCloud for projects with images in a known coordinate system and an arbitrary output coordinate system when the transformation between those coordinate systems is known.
- (1.4.42) Coordinate Systems: Site calibration
- Loading from the processing results.
- Importing from a file.
- Entering the values manually.
- Add 3 options to import the site calibration transformation:
- Export transformation computed during processing to the folder 1_initial/params in the file with name *_image_to_output_transform.txt.
- Display the transformation in the Quality Report.
- (1.4.37) Camera model database. Updates for the internal camera model database will be done automatically when available without asking the user.
- (1.4.37) New coordinate systems
- KKJ / Finland zone 0 (EPSG 3386)
- GDM200 / East Malaysia BRS0 (EPSG 3376)
- (1.4.37) Languages. New 1.4 features now available in Spanish, Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
- (1.4.37) Image Properties. Improvements in the UI to set the camera model bands weights.
- (1.4.37) Processing options. New option for the SGM option when processing large frame images (> 40MP). This option allows to define the overlap between the images. If the correct overlap is given the results will be better. This option is displayed only for projects using large frame images (> 40MP).
- (1.4.37) Processing.
- Improved alternative processing mode to make processing faster.
- Do not remove results when using starting the options Process > Reoptimize or Process > Rematch and Optimize. This allows the user to Cancel the processing without loosing results.
- Improved georeferencing for projects with a very low number of images (less than 10).
- (1.4.37) Quality Report
- Update Relative Geolocation Variance table in the quality report to make it more readable.
- Don't display geolocation statistics if all calibrated images are not gelocated.
- (1.4.37) Outputs. In all parameters files generated at step 1. Initial Processing, output numbers with a fixed number of digits.
- (1.4.37) Index Calculator.
- Improved navigation in the view.
- Selected region is displayed on top of overlapping regions. This allows an easier editing of the regions in the view.
- (1.4.28) Concepts. Rename Guided Tour to Demo Project.
- (1.4.28) Inputs. Improved parsing of 3D Robotics flight logs
- (1.4.28) Outputs.
- Export image geoloaction to a file from the Image Properties Editor. For more information: see article here.
- Export GCP geolocation to a file from the GCP/Manual Tie Points Manager. For more information: see article here.
- (1.4.28) Upload Project Files. Add a new tab for Sketchfab in the File Upload dialog that explains how to upload a mesh to Sketchfab.
Bug fixes
- (1.4.46) Project Merging. Merging processed projects did not work anymore for projects merged with version 1.4.37, 1.4.42 or 1.4.45. This bug introduced shifts/misalignments in the merged project.
- (1.4.45) Processing. Fix bug where loading some TIFF images (e.g. Band-interleaved tiff) was very slow. This made processing much slower.
- (1.4.45) Site Calibration.
- Fix bug where the computed site calibration transformation was automatically applied to the project instead of letting the user choose to apply it or not.
- Fix bug where the site calibration transformation was not correctly applied during Step 1. Initial Processing.
- (1.4.45) Outputs. Fix bug where some output file names where using "," instead of "." depending on the locale. All output file names now are using a "." for any locale.
- (1.4.42) Processing Options. Fix bug for the Index Calculator Processing Options, where the output settings were not saved when saving as default.
- (1.4.42) Processing.
- Fix bug where processing stopped at step 2. in some cases when using a densification area.
- Fix bug where a point cloud with duplicated points was generated when using SGM.
- (1.4.42) Index calculator. Fix crash when generating the Colored Index Map that is larger than 5000x5000 pixels.
- (1.4.37) Image Properties.
- Fix bug for fisheye cameras, where optimized camera parameters were not loaded correctly when pressing the button Load Optimized Parameters in the Edit Camera Model window. The parameters loaded were wrong.
- Fix bug where Tetracam mini MCA flight log was not imported.
- (1.4.37) Processing. Fix various crashes in step 1. Initial Processing.
- (1.4.37) SGM processing options
- Fix bug where projects with oblique and nadir images were not processing.
- Fix bug where point cloud tiles were missing.
- (1.4.37) Outputs. Fix bug in the orthomosaic GeoTIFF file that caused Global Mapper to display a warning telling that the 4th band is not specified.
- (1.4.37) Map View. Fix crashes in the Map View.
- (1.4.37) Index Calculator
- Index shapefile is now saved in latitude/longitude coordinates (instead of output coordinates) in order to be able to import it into external softwares.
- Index shapefile is now saved in 2D in order to be able to import it into external softwares. Before it was saved in 2.5D.
Known Issues
- (1.4.28) Animation video export. Background does not always cover the full field of view.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (1.3.54) 3D Textured Mesh. Pix4Dmapper creates a full 3D textured mesh as a result that is exported in OBJ format and can also be used for Fly-through animations. The mesh can also easily be shared using the 3D PDF output format.
For more details on how to generate the 3D Texture Mesh: see article here. - (1.3.54) Improved DTM Extraction (beta). Remove buildings and vegetation automatically in the point cloud to generate DTMs. For more information on how to extract a DTM with Pix4Dmapper: see article here.
- (1.3.54) Improved Point Cloud Editing. The Point Cloud editing tool has been improved to make the point cloud editing easier.
- Polygon selection tool: Select points using a polygon area.
For more information on how to edit the point cloud in the rayCloud: How to edit the point cloud in the rayCloud. - Clipping box: Define a box to clip the point cloud and view only the part of the point cloud to be edited. This allows a more precise point editing, especially for point clouds with complex 3D structures.
For more information on how to use the clipping box: How to use the Clipping Box in the rayCloud. - Point Groups: Assign each point to a group for better editing or visualization.
For more information on how to group points: How to edit the point cloud in the rayCloud. - GPU support. Leverage the power of Nvidia GPUs for faster processing. For initial processing GPU support will improve processing speed from 10% to 75%, depending on image content and project size. GPU support is also used for point cloud densification and Semi-Global Matching.
For more information on which GPU is supported: see article here. - Automatic Brightness and Color Correction for Orthomosaic Generation. This new feature automatically compensates for change of brightness, luminosity and color balancing of images to generate visually improved orthomosaics.
- Failed Processing Report. If initial processing fails, a report is generated with information about the failure and with guide lines on how to solve the issue.
For more information about the Failed Processing Report: see article here. - Project Splitting. Split big projects automatically into smaller parts for more efficient large-scale mapping.
- Polygon selection tool: Select points using a polygon area.
Other enhancements and changes
- (1.3.74) New camera models. DMC-GM1_0.0_4592x3448
- (1.3.74) User Interface.
- Improve Processing Options window to remove confusion about memory usage in all steps.
- Display a warning at project creation when using images taken by Airinov's multiSPEC 4C camera and when there is no information about the disk calibration.
- (1.3.74) Processing. Improved memory usage in Step 2.
- (1.3.69) New Coordinate Systems
- ESRI:102229: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Alabama East FIPS 0101
- ESRI:102230: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Alabama West FIPS 0102
- ESRI:102629: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Alabama East FIPS 0101 Feet
- ESRI:102630: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Alabama West FIPS 0102 Feet
- ESRI:102698: NAD 1983 StatePlane Missouri West FIPS 2403 Feet
- (1.3.69) New Camera Models
- DSC-QX30_4.3_5184x3888
- NIKOND5300_10.0_6000x4000
- (1.3.69) Basic GCP/Manual Tie Point Editor. GCPs/Manual Tie Points values and type cannot be edited in the Basic Editor. They should be edit in the GCP/Manual Tie Point Manager. The GCP/MTP table in the Basic Editor does not allow to edit the values anymore.
- (1.3.67) Languages. Spanish version available
- (1.3.67) Inputs.
- DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds): 44°27'15.5"N 93°10'59.2"W
- D (decimal Degrees): 44.454305, -93.183100
- DM.m (Degrees decimal Minutes): 44°27.2583 N 93°10.986 W
- Support more formats when reading the image GPS position written in the EXIF data.
- (1.3.67) New Camera Models
- FC350_3.6_4000x3000
- FC350_3.6_4000x2250
- HERO4Silver_3.0_4000x3000
- HERO4Silver_3.0_3000x2250
- HERO4Silver_3.0_3000x2250_7wide
- HERO4Silver_3.0_2560x1920
- HERO4Black_3.0_4000x3000
- HERO4Black_3.0_3000x2250
- HERO4Black_3.0_3000x2250_7wide
- HERO4Black_3.0_2560x1920
- Add camera models for DJI Inspire 1.
- Add camera models for GoPro Hero4 Silver.
- Add camera models for GoPro Hero4 Black with firmware version 02.00.00.
- (1.3.65) Languages. Chinese and Taiwanese version available.
- (1.3.65) Processing. Improve Aerial Nadir Alternative processing mode for projects with bad quality images (blurry, few keypoints, etc.). It also improves projects where some images had an orientation computed as being oblique whereas they are not oblique images.
- (1.3.54) Concepts
- Rename the Stockpile objects in the rayCloud to Volume.
- Remove the Filtered Point Cloud that was generated at step 2. The Densified Point Cloud is improved. Filters are applied to the Densified Point Cloud at step 3 for DSM generation.
- (1.3.54) Inputs
- Import images from directories when creating a new project.
- Define camera models with perspective lens without distortions. For more information: see article here.
- Define camera models with fisheye lens with symmetric affine transformation. For more information: see article here.
- (1.3.54) Outputs
- Remove the Filtered Point Cloud.
- Output the 3D Textured Mesh as 3D PDF.
- (1.3.54) GCP/Manual Tie Points Manager. Open the GCP/Manual Tie Points Manager from the Basic Editor. For more information: see article here.
- (1.3.54) Processing
- More keypoints are extracted at step 1 Initial Processing.
- Faster DSM and Orthomosaic generation (45% in average).
- (1.3.54) Processing options
- Move filtering options for the Densified Point Cloud to the options of step 3 for DSM generation. For more information: see article here.
- (1.3.54) Map View
- Remove the Grid map as background map.
- (1.3.54) rayCloud Editor
- Import volumes from .shp files. For more information: see article here.
- Export point cloud groups. For more information: see article here.
- More shader options to view the triangle mesh. For more information: see article here.
- Add a new option that allows full 3D rotation in the rayCloud. For more information: see article here.
- (1.3.38) GPU support (Nvidia CUDA) and improved processing speed. If the software detects that you have a Nvidia CUDA graphic card with at least 2GB of RAM, it will use it in various steps of the processing. General speed improvements speed up the processing up to 2 times with respect to 1.2 !
- (1.3.38) Generate Textured 3D Mesh (obj, ply, 3Dpdf). A visually stunning, lightweight, full 3D triangle mesh model is now generated by default after the point cloud. This model can be visualized inside of the rayCloud as well as exported as a 3D PDF or uploaded to a cloud visualization service.
- (1.3.38) New color and brightness adjustment for improved orthomosaic quality. The new algorithms improve the orthmosaic in case of change of illumination such as moving clouds, as well as generally improving the overall contrast.
- (1.3.38) New point cloud annotation and classification tools. The points can now be selected with a polygonal tool, and a new clipping box allows to have a better control over the selection. In addition, each selection can be assigned to a group. For example, this allows to quickly and easily clean up the results of the object/terrain classifier to produce perfects DTM.
- (1.3.38) Much more. Faster project loading, improved accuracy, stability and quality of each results, more cameras supported.
Bug fixes
- (1.3.74) Software Login. Fix bug where users could not login anymore. The following error message was displayed "Network error: Please check your internet connection. SSL handshake failed"
- (1.3.74) Upload to Cloud. Fix bug where projects with a space in the project name were not uploaded.
- (1.3.74) Processing
- Fix bug where initial processing results might not be optimal for difficult datasets (no geolocation, poor overlap) or for datasets with aerial and terrestrial images.
- Fix various bugs related to memory usage at step 1.
- (1.3.74) Index Calculator
- Fix bug where the reflectance map was not correct when using Canon cameras. The aperture information was not used correctly.
- Fix bug where a wrong Reflectance Map was computed (all values were 0) when using Airinov's multiSPEC 4C camera and when there is no information about the disk calibration.
- (1.3.69) Image Properties Editor. Fix bug where the default accuracy of 5cm/10cm for the image geolocation was not converted to feet when importing the image geolocation whose coordinate system is in feet.
- (1.3.69) GCP/Manual Tie Point Manager
- Fix bug where the default accuracy of 2cm for the GCPs/Check Points was not correctly converted to feet when adding/importing new GCPs/Check Points whose coordinate system is in feet.
- Fix bug where importing the GCPs marks was not correctly done for projects with duplicated image names.
- (1.3.69) Processing
- Fix Initial Processing crash that happened on all computers with a Xeon processor and on all computers with a Core2Duo processor.
- Fix bug where less keypoints were used than before when processing fisheye images modeled by a fisheye camera model with 3 polynomials.
- Fix bug where point cloud densification was crashing when using the following options: use annotations, image scale = 1/8, point density = low.
- Fix bug that created holes in the densified point cloud when using the SGM option and when the output coordinate system is in feet.
- Fix bug where deleted points were used to generate the DSM. Now all points except the deleted points are used to generate the DSM.
- (1.3.69) Processing Options. Fix bug with the Low Resolution (8 GSD) Orthomosaic option in the User Interface. The option was selected and the Processing Options window closed. When opening again the Processing Options window, the option was displayed as not being selected.
- (1.3.69) rayCloud
- A new project is created and Initial Processing finished.
- A processed project is Saved As.
- (1.3.67) User Interface. Fix bug where the Quality Report could not be opened from the Main Window toolbar while processing.
- (1.3.67) GCPs/Manual Tie Points Manager
- Fix bug where GCPs marks were not saved when adding them using the Basic GCP Editor and opening the GCPs/Manual Tie Points Manager.
- Fix bug where GCP marks were not imported when using a Bingo file. This happened for projects using the same camera model name multiple times or having images with the same name in different folders.
- (1.3.67) Camera Models. Correct camera model BOARD_MT9P031_SUNEX_7.5_2592x1944
- (1.3.67) Project Management. Fix bug where .p4d project files were not read correctly. This may cause lower quality results at step 1. Initial Processing especially for low quality datasets (low overlap, low image content).
- (1.3.67) Outputs
- Fix bug that created artifacts at the borders of the orthomosaic.
- Fix bug that created artifacts on the orthomosaic when using low resolution images (e.g. images of size 640x480) or when using fisheye images.
- (1.3.67) rayCloud. Fix bug where the rayCloud was remaining gray when it was displayed after step 1. Initial Processing finished. This bug happened when processing a project that just has been created.
- (1.3.65) New Projection Creation.
- Fix bug where creating a project was not working when using images with special characters in the image folder path and/or image name.
- Fix bug where when using the Tetracam flight log to geolocate Tetracam images, wrong image positions were read. This bug affects only projects where the image latitude or longitude positions are negative.
- (1.3.65) Project Management. Fix bug where when using the Save As option it did not saved correctly the 3D Textured Mesh. The 3D Textured Mesh was copied, but not the texture. Therefore it was displayed without texture.
- (1.3.65) Processing
- Fix bug introduced in version 1.3.60 where step 1. Initial Processing was never finishing. This affects some projects of bad quality (multiple blocks with small blocks, low overlap, etc.).
- Fix crash at step 1. Initial Processing when using a camera model with no distortions.
- Fix bug where feature extraction was not working correctly when using tiff images that are given in byte and that are non RGB (3 bands) or non grayscale (1 band) images.
- Fix bug where when using the option Process > Import Point Cloud for DSM Generation... processing fails at step 3. DSM and Orthomosaic Generation.
- (1.3.65) Ouputs
- Fix bug where the orthomosaic was blurry in some parts. This bug was mostly visible in projects with cities, buildings. It was not visible in projects with vegetation such as fields.
- Fix bug where the orthomosaic was not generated when using low resolutions images (e.g. images of size 640x480).
- Fix bug where no orthomosaic was created when using fisheye cameras.
- Fix bug where the unit (meter or feet) was not set in DXF output files.
- (1.3.65) rayCloud
- Fix bug where the rayCloud was remaining gray when it was displayed after step 1. Initial Processing finished.
- (1.3.60) Project upload. Fix bug where projects that have a space in the project name or folder path could not be uploaded.
- (1.3.60) Processing. Fix bug where in some cases initial processing was not correct for project with no image geolocation and with GCPs.
- (1.3.57) Camera Database.
- Fix bug where when installing the first time the software on a machine, the warning message W0040 "Cannot find camera database file. Do you want to restore the file and try again?" appears each time the software is opened.
- Add coordinate systems: China 2000 and New Beijin.
- (1.3.57) User Interface
- Fix random crashes.
- Fix crash when removing GCPs or Manual Tie Points that were used for Surface or Volume objects.
- (1.3.57) Merging Projects. Fix bug where merging more than 2 projects with Manual Tie Points was not done correctly.
- (1.3.57) Processing
- Fix random crashes.
- Fix crash when not enough RAM is available at step 1. Initial Processing.
- (1.3.57) Command Line. Fix bug where pop-up windows where displayed when unsing the command line without UI (i.e. when using the options -c or -r --close-gui).
- (1.3.47) Various bug fixes and crash fixes in Initial Processing and rayCloud.
- (1.3.39) Fix installer issues with missing dlls when moving from 1.2 to 1.3 installation.
Known Issues
- (1.3.65) Cannot upload on the cloud projects that have a special character in the project name or folder path.
- (1.3.57) Cannot upload projects that have a space in the project name or folder path.
- (1.3.54) When installing the first time the software on a machine, the warning message W0040 "Cannot find camera database file. Do you want to restore the file and try again?" appears each time the software is opened. Workaround, Click Retry each time this message is displayed.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (1.2.53) Fly-through animation.Create a video animation trajectory using the rayCloud and create your own video of your 3D point cloud.
For more details on how to create an animation trajectory with the rayCloud see article here.
- (1.2.53) New Interface. A "Welcome" view is displayed when the software starts. The welcome view offers a guided tour of the software, allows to open and create new projects, and provides help and tips as well as news about Pix4Dmapper.
The different views (Welcome, Map View, rayCloud Editor, Mosaic Editor, Index Calculator) can be accessed through a left sidebar.
For more information on the Welcome page: see article here.
- (1.2.53) Semi-Global Matching: a new alternative mode for point cloud densification (beta). The Semi-Global Matching option is a new alternative processing mode to densify the point cloud and is recommended to be used for creating orthomosaics of urban areas.
For more information on the Semi-Global Matching option: see article here. - (1.2.53) Point Cloud Classification (beta). New processing option that allows to classify the filtered point cloud into two point clouds, one containing only terrain and one containing all the other points defined as "objects". The terrain point cloud can then be re-imported to generate a DTM.
For more information on the Point Cloud Classification: see article here.

- (1.2.53) Densified Point Cloud Editing Tool. Edit the densified point cloud by removing points.
For more information on how to remove points from the Densified Point Cloud using the rayCloud: see article here. - (1.2.53) 3D PDF. Generate a 3D PDF displaying the cameras, GCPs/MTPs and automatic tie points as well as the orthomosaic wrapped over the DSM.
For more information on how to generate the 3D PDF: see article here.

- (1.2.53) Automatic download of software updates. When a new version is available, the software allows to automatically download and install the new version.
- (1.2.53) Background color of the rayCloud Editor. Change the background color of the rayCloud Editor. For more information: see article here.
- (1.2.53) Export Point Clouds. Export Point Clouds to file from the rayCloud Editor.
For more information: see article here. - (1.2.53) New languages. The user interface can be displayed in English, Chinese (China) and Chinese (Taiwan). For more information: see article here.
- (1.2.53) Cloud processing and file sharing. New upload window that allows to upload the project to be processed on the cloud and/or to upload some of the results generated on the desktop.
For more information: see article here. - (1.2.53) MapBox Tiles. The orthomosaic can be generated as MapBox tiles.
- (1.2.53) Point Cloud Densification Quality Report. Display information about the point cloud densification in the Quality Report, such as processing options, number of points generated and time do densify and filter the point cloud.
Other enhancements and changes
- (1.2.98) New camera models:CLPIXA_18.5_4928x3264and NIKOND600_24.0_6016x4016
- (1.2.88) Processing. Improve aerial nadir alternative processing mode.
- (1.2.88) New camera models: GoPro Hero 4 Black and Tetracam Mini-MCA 12
- (1.2.82) Project Management.
- Improved compatibility when opening a project that has been processed with an older version.
- Improved compatibility when moving a project and its results.
- (1.2.82) GCP Management. Improved multiple edition in the GCP Table of the GCP/Manual Tie Points Manage
- (1.2.82) Images.
- Support for a new 3D Robotics flight log file format that can be used to geolocate the images.
- Improved multiple edition in the Image Table of the Image Properties window.
- (1.2.82) Processing. Improved initial processing results for non 8 bit images.
- (1.2.82) rayCloud Editor.
- Improved viewing when having disabled images with bad geolocation. When clicking on View All the view centers on the enabled images. If it is needed to view the disabled image and it is far away from the others, select the image in the layers sidebar and click on Focus on Selection.
- Various display improvements and software stability.
- (1.2.82) Output. Allow to upload Mapbox tiles directly from Pix4Dmapper to Mapbox website using the option Process > Upload Project Files...
- (1.2.69) Coordinate systems. Allow the user to enter the geoid height above the ellipsoid for all coordinate systems (images, GCPs, output coordinate system). When the geoid height has been entered, it is displayed next to the coordinate system.
- (1.2.69) GCP management.
- Improved error messages, when GCP import from file fails.
- Improved workflow to import GCPs from file.
To import GCPs from file in the GCP/Manual Tie Point Manager:
1. Select the coordinate system of the GCPs.
2. Import GCPs from file. If the coordinates system is WGS84, the file format has to be Latitude, Longitude, Altitude or Longitude, Latitude, Altitude. If the coordinate system is different from WGS84, the file format has to be X, Y, Z or Y, X, Z. The values displayed in the table of the GCP/Manual Tie Point Manager are the same as in the file.
- (1.2.69) Images. Improved display for 3 bands tiff images that are not encoded in 8 bit and whose camera model is in the internal camera model database. These images are displayed using a false color scale.
- (1.2.69) Processing. Improved feature extraction for multi-band tiff images.
- (1.2.69) New camera model. CanonEOS5DMarkIII_EF8-15mmf/4LFISHEYEUSM_8.0_5760x3840
- (1.2.62) Project management
- Allow to open projects with a folder path with some special characters such as ^.
- Improve resuming project processing at initial processing when keypoints and matches are already computed.
- (1.2.62) Processing. Generate the Mapbox tiles after step 3 is finished through the option Process > Generate Google Maps, KML and Mapbox Tiles.
- (1.2.62) Mosaic Editor. Improved support for multi-spectral cameras in the Mosaic Editor.
- (1.2.62) rayCloud editor. Improved stability of the user interface.
- (1.2.53)User Interface
- Improve user interface texts and names.
- Unify status bar among the different views. Display the mouse coordinates in the project output coordinate system.
- (1.2.53) Project Management
- Improved handling of projects whose location have changed.
- (1.2.53) Inputs
- Define a vertical offset for the image geolocation. For more information: see article here.
- Improved editing of the image properties through the image properties table. Improved editing of multiple selection. For more information: see article here.
- Improved workflow to import and mark GCPs/Manual Tie Points. GCPs and Manual Tie Points are imported through the GCP/Manual Tie Point Manager and their properties are also edited there. The GCP/Manual Tie Point Manager gives then the choice to mark the GCPs using the rayCloud Editor or the Basic Editor. For more information see article here.
- New file format when importing GCPs through a file. Coordinates can be given in (X,Y,Z), (Y,X,Z), (latitude, longitude, altitude) or (longitude, latitude, altitude). For more information see article here.
- Improved editing of the GCP properties through the GCP/Manual Tie Point table. Improved editing of multiple selection. For more information see article here.
- Update camera model by loading optimized camera model parameters after processing. For more information: see article here.
- Associate different band configurations to one camera model. For more information: see article here.
- Images
- GCPs/Manual Tie Points
- Camera model
- (1.2.53) Outputs
- New option that allows to open the folder where the results are generated from the toolbar.
- (1.2.53) Coordinate Systems
- Search bar to search a coordinate system.
- Define the unit of an arbitrary coordinate system (meters, feet, none).
- (1.2.53) Processing
- Improved quality of the orthomosaic.
- (1.2.53) Processing options
- Point clouds generated at step 2. Point Cloud Densification are not saved by default as .ply files anymore.
- The grid DSM is not generated anymore by default at step 3. DSM and Orthomosaic Generation.
- Orthomosaic GeoTIFF without transparency is not generated anymore by default at step 3. DSM and Orthomosaic Generation.
- New option that allows to generate automatically the Reflectance Map at step 3. DSM and Orthomosaic Generation.
- Group processing options for additional outputs (triangle model, contour lines, point cloud classification, 3D PDF) in a new tab.
- Contour lines: two new options ( Resolution [cm] and Minimum Line Size [points]) to improve the quality of the contour lines.
- (1.2.53) Quality Report
- New contextual help links.
- Improved layout.
- (1.2.53) Map View
- Import the Point Cloud Densification Area or Orthomosaic Area from .kml or .dxf files.
- (1.2.53) rayCloud Editor
- Display initial camera orientation if known.
- Group rays in a new layer.
- Display error ellipsoid for GCPs/Manual Tie Points.
- Display the number of images marked for a GCP/Manual Tie Point in the corresponding layer.
- Improved export of GCPs/Manual Tie Points.
- Do not load automatically the Densified and Filtered Point Cloud anymore.
- Load the triangle mesh from the filtered point cloud by activating the corresponding layer.
- Improved export of Objects.
- New button in the Properties Sidebar to copy object measurements to clipboard.
- Selected layer information displayed in the Properties Sidebar can be copied and pasted to a text file.
- (1.2.53) Mosaic Editor
- Improved quality of the generated mosaic.
- (1.2.53) Index Calculator
- Display the Reflectance Map in the index view.
- Display the Color Scale of the Index in the index view.
- Export the Index in .shp file format.
- (1.2.53) Command Line
- Option to use the Semi-Global Matching mode for point cloud densification.
- Option to generate the Reflectance Map.
- Option to generate the MapBox Tiles.
Bug fixes
- (1.2.101) Software Login. Fix bug where users could not login anymore. The following error message was displayed "Network error: Please check your internet connection. SSL handshake failed"
- (1.2.101) Project Management. Fix bug where results could not be loaded when opening the project.
- (1.2.101) rayCloud. Fix bug where the Automatic Tie Points had wrong colors in the rayCloud when using non RGB images.
- (1.2.98) Project management. Fix bug where projects could not be opened and results were lost. This bugs happens when moving the project and the images folders and changing the folder structure.
- (1.2.98) User interface. Fix bug where the menu Help > Personal Support was disabled for Pix4Dmapper Pro license.
- (1.2.98) Software update. Fix bug where the new software update could not be downloaded and installed automatically from the software.
- (1.2.98) Processing.
- Fix bug where when processing Tetracam datasets disabled images were still used for processing.
- Fix bug where GCPs were not used properly when using the option Process > Rematch and Optimize.
- Fix bug when using complex point cloud densification areas.
- Fix bug where in some cases the GCPs were not taken correctly into account and the GCP error was high.
- Fix random crashes in initial processing.
- Fix bug where using the option Process > Rematch and Optimize was resulting in a wrong project georeferencement for projects with no image geolocation and GCPs.
- (1.2.98) Outputs. Fix bug where DXF files could not be imported in AutoCAD.
- (1.2.88) Project Management. Fix crash when using the Save As function for some projects.
- (1.2.88) Camera Models. Fix bug where the radial distortions (R1, R2, R3) for perspective camera models where considered wrong whereas they were correct.
- (1.2.88) Processing
- Fix bug where processing projects with GCPs in Arbitrary coordinate system was not producing correct results.
- Fix bug where for some cases GCPs with not enough image marks or wrong image marks were used at processing.
- Fix crash at step 1. Initial Processing for Tetracam MiniMCA6 projects.
- Fix bug where processing of Tetracam MCA projects was not done correctly when no .mca file is used.
- Fix bug where classification files were corrupted when the file path is too long.
- Fix bug where points were removed at point cloud densification when using complex densification areas.
- (1.2.85) Processing
- Fix bug where step 2. Point Cloud Densification run with the SGM option fails when the output option of Initial Processing "Camera Internals and Externals, AAT, BBA" is not selected.
- Fix bug where points in the Densified Point Cloud were removed when using a densification area that has twice the same vertex.
- (1.2.85) Index Calculator. Fix bug where Pix4Dmapper was crashing when a very large number was entered in the index formula.
- (1.2.82) Images. Fix bug where images that have a name with more that one dot (.) could not be imported in the software.
- (1.2.82) GCPs
- Fix bug that affects the position of Manual Tie Points associated to vertices of objects in the rayCloud. The bug appears when all the following conditions are fulfilled:
- The Manual Tie Points associated to the objects vertices are not marked in at least 2 images
- The Geoid height above the ellipsoid is modified for the GCP's coordinate system or for the output coordinate system.
In this case, the Manual Tie Points' position is not correctly updated
- Fix bug that affects the position of Manual Tie Points associated to vertices of objects in the rayCloud. The bug appears when all the following conditions are fulfilled:
- (1.2.82) Processing. Fix bug where wrong camera parameters were used in initial processing from some projects with multiple-camera models.
- (1.2.82) Outputs
- Fix bug where the contour lines options Contour Base and Elevation Interval had to be entered in meters instead of feet when the output coordinate system is given in feet. The resolution still has to be given in centimeters as in all other software parts.
- Fix bug where the Point Cloud Classification options had to be entered in meters instead of feet when the output coordinate system is given in feet.
- (1.2.82) rayCloud Editor
- Fix bug where the background color of the rayCloud remained black in the animation video even if it was not black in the rayCloud.
- Fix bug where the image preview and thumbnail in the rayCloud was not loaded after having moved projects from location. This bug happened for projects where the images are located in multiple folders.
- (1.2.82) Command line. Fix bug where application was not exiting when using the command line mode.
- (1.2.69) Processing
- Fix bug where step 2. Point Cloud Densification fails in some cases when using a densification area.
- Fix bug where step 2. Point Cloud Densification fails when reading very large result files.
- (1.2.69) Outputs. Fix bug where when generating at step 3. the Google Maps and KML tiles and the contour lines, the google maps and kml tiles are not located at the correct place on earth and the tiles are not displayed. When generating the Mapbox tiles as well, the resulting file is very small.
- (1.2.69) Command line. Fix software crash when the command line was not correct.
- (1.2.62) Project management
- Fix crash that happened when merging two projects with the same objects of same type (e.g. each project has a surface object named "house roof").
- Fix crash that happened when opening an edited mosaic in the Mosaic Editor after having moved the project from one computer to another.
- (1.2.62) Processing. Fix bug where the Quality Report pdf file was not generated.
- (1.2.62) rayCloud Editor.
- Fix bug that did not allow the edit 2D GCPs in the rayCloud Editor.
- Fix bug where video animation trajectory was not saved correctly.
- Important: When re-using a project with a video animation trajectory created in a previous version:
1. Before installing version 1.2.62, open the project with the previous version
2. Export the trajectory to a file (Right click on the trajectory layer and click Export)
3. Delete the trajectory and close the project
4. Install version 1.2.62 and open the project
5. In the rayCloud, on the Animation Trajectory layers, right click and click on Import to import the trajectory from the previously saved file.
- (1.2.62) Command line. Fix bug where a project create by command line was not using the correct default processing options.
Known Issues
- (1.2.69) Bug that affects the position of Manual Tie Points associated to vertices of objects in the rayCloud. The bug appears when all the following conditions are fulfilled:
- The Manual Tie Points associated to the objects vertices are not marked in at least 2 images
- The Geoid height above the ellipsoid is modified for the GCP's coordinate system or for the output coordinate system.
In this case, the Manual Tie Points' position is not correctly updated
Workaround. If the Geoid height above the ellispoid has to be modified and if there are objects whose associated Manual Tie Points are not marked in the images, mark them in the images. - (1.2.69) Bug. When generating at step 3. the Google Maps and KML tiles and the contour lines, the google maps and kml tiles are not located at the correct place on earth and the tiles are not displayed. When generating the Mapbox tiles as well, the resulting file is very small.
1) Generate the Google Maps, KML and Mapbox tiles at step 3 or through the menu Process > Generate Google Maps, KML and Mapbox tiles.
2) Generate the Contour Lines from the menu Process > Generate Contour Lines.
WARNING: this order is important to get the correct outputs.
Disclaimer: The preview version contains new features and bug fixes. Documentation and support are not available. We recommend testing the preview version before using it for production work.
For detailed steps about downloading, installing, or updating the software: see article here.
What's new
- (1.1.23) Index Calculator
The new Index calculator interface allows the user to create meaningful maps from any multi-spectral sensor and customize your NDVI as well as any vegetation index map directly in the software.
For more information on how to use the Index Calculator: see article here.
- (1.1.23) Point Cloud Filters
Create filters based on image content to remove points from the 3D point cloud.
- Point Cloud Densification Area: Define a 3D area that will be used for the point cloud densification. All points outside that area are removed.
For more information on how to draw a Point Cloud Densification Area with the rayCloud Editor: see article here.
For more information on how to edit a Point Cloud Densification Area with the rayCloud Editor: see article here. - Image Annotation: Annotate the images to remove points from the point cloud.
For more details on how to annotate images with the rayCloud Editor: see article here.
Densified Point Cloud before Image annotationDensified Point Cloud after Image annotation - Contour Lines
Create and export contour lines automatically.
For more information on how to generate contour lines see article here.
Contour Lines of a quarryContour Lines and DSM of a quarry - Automatic improvement of the reconstruction
The new Rematch and Optimize option allows the user to computes more matches between the images (and therefore more Automatic Tie Points) and reoptimizes the internal and external camera parameters. For more information: see article here. - Generate the Quality Report independently
Generate a new report once the reconstruction has been manually modified (e.g. adding GCPs). This allows the user to generate the report only once the reconstruction is adequate. For more information: see article here. - Define the horizontal and vertical tolerance for GCPs
For more information: see article here. - Define the horizontal and vertical tolerance for the images position
For more information: see article here. - Generate a low resolution orthomosaic at step 1. Initial Processing
For more information: see article here. - New snapping option when drawing new objects
It is possible to use existing vertices for the new object being drawn by snapping to them.
Other enhancements and changes
- (1.1.23) Concepts
- Change the concept of the label associated to each image to group. One orthomosaic is generated per image group.
- Rename the project types (for more information: see article here):
- Aerial to Aerial nadir
- Vegetation to Alternative processing mode
- Oblique to Aerial oblique or terrestrial
- (1.1.23) Inputs
- New Pix4D file format for importing the image geolocation. Coordinates can be given in (latitude, longitude, altitude), (longitude, latitude, altitude), (X,Y,Z), or (Y,X,Z). For more information: see article here.
- Load camera parameters from .p4d project file when the camera model also exists in the camera model database.
- (1.1.23) Outputs
- Choose the delimiter for XYZ output files. The delimiter can be set to space, tab, comma, or semicolon. For more information: see article here.
- (1.1.23) Processing
- Interface switches to a "Read-Only" mode while processing. For more information: see article here.
- Alternative processing mode: improved results.
- Improved speed of the orthomosaic generation within step 3. DSM and Orthomosaic Generation.
- Improved handling of hundreds of millions of points within step 3. DSM and Orthomosaic Generation.
- Speed and stability improvements for step 2. Point Cloud Densification.
- Improved orthomosaic generated using the Weighted Average with Visibility method.
- (1.1.23) Processing options
- Point cloud densification options: Set the minimum number of matches not only to 3,4, or 5 but also to 5 or 6. For more information: see article here.
- Save settings for all processing options as default. For more information: see article here.
- (1.1.23) Map View
- Flight plan displayed in the 2D Map. For more information: see article here.
- (1.1.23) rayCloud Editor
- Improved interaction with the 3D view in terms of speed and software stability.
- (1.1.23) Mosaic Editor
- New auto save option. Deactivated by default. When activated allows the user to save the changes in the Mosaic Editor every 5 minutes. For more information: see article here.
- (1.1.30) Extended camera model database.
- DMC-LX2_6.3_4224x2376
- GoPro3+ black
- GoPro3+ silver
- ILCE-7R_16mmF2.8Fisheye_16.0_7360x4912
- CanonEOS5DMarkIII_EF50mmf/1.4USM_50.0_5760x3840
- (1.1.30) Processing
- Save camera parameters files for fisheye lens camera models in 1_initial/params.
- Improved speed for orthomosaic generation at step 3.DSM and Orthomosaic Generation using the weighted average.
- Keypoint matches statistics in the report per camera model are visible for projects with multiple camera models.
- (1.1.30) Project Merging. Copy image annotation when merging projects.
- (1.1.30) Mosaic Editor.
- Improved memory usage (RAM) when blending the mosaic of large datasets using the Mosaic Editor.
- Improved usage of images in planar projection.
- (1.1.33) Extended camera model database. CanonIXY220F_4.3_4608x3456
- (1.1.33) Processing
- The merged DSM and orthomosaic GeoTIFF files are not generated if its size exceeds 400 million pixels.
- Improved calibration when running in Aerial nadir Alternative processing mode.
- Improve manual camera calibration.
- (1.1.33) Project Management. Improved project management when changing the location of the project.
- (1.3.33) GCP Editor. Import 3D GCPs with their tolerance. The format is gcpName, X, Y, Z, Thorz, Tvert.
- (1.3.33) raycloud Editor. Improved memory management for the rayCloud Editor.
- (1.1.35) Processing. Improved memory management for grid DSM generation.
- (1.1.35) Index calculator. Index Calculator available after step 1. It is recommended to run step 2 if the terrain is not flat.
- (1.1.38) Processing. The merged DSM and orthomosaic GeoTIFF files are not generated if its size exceeds 1 Giga pixels.
- (1.1.41) License Management. Improved license security
Bug fixes
- (1.1.30) Inputs
- More stable loading of projects with images in multiple folders and same image name.
- Fix bug where the image annotation on images with the same file name did not work.
- (1.1.30) Processing
- Fix bug where GCPs and Manual Tie Points marked in uncalibrated or disabled images where taken into account for the GCP statistics in the Quality Report.
- Fix bug where the dvp folder located in 1_initial/params is not generated when selecting Process > Save Undistorted Images.
- Fix bug that created artifacts in the orthomosaic tiles at their borders when using the weighted average method to generate the orthomosaic.
- (1.1.30) Index Calculator
- Fix bug where the Index Calculator crashed with datasets with image group names containing a space.
- (1.1.33) Outputs
- Fix bug where contour lines in DXF or DGN format could not be opened in AutoCAD.
- (1.1.33) Processing
- Fix crash at step 1. Initial Processing when the latitude, longitude or X,Y coordinates of the images are all the same.
- Fix crash when processing an old project with point cloud densification area.
- (1.1.33) Map View
- Fix bug to display correctly TIFF images when viewing them on double click.
- (1.1.33) GCP Editor
- Fix bug to display correctly TIFF images.
- (1.1.33) Index Calculator
- Fix bug where the displayed index values under the mouse cursor were not correct.
- (1.1.35) Processing
- Fix bug where step 1 initial processing was not working on multi-processor computers.
- Fix bug where the software crashed at step 3 during orthomosaic generation on 8GB / 16GB-RAM systems.
- (1.1.40) Processing
- Fix bug where merged GeoTIFF files for the DSM and orthomosaic were not generated.
- Fix bug where the coordinate system of the point cloud densification / orthomosaic area was wrong when selecting a different output coordinate system.
- (1.1.44) Processing
- Fix bug where merging projects failed when using GCPs.
Known Issues
- (1.1.23) It is not recommended to use the merging option for the DSM and orthomosaic for some very large projects.
- (1.1.23) When generating the report from the menu Process > Generate Quality Report, if the Undistorted images option is activated in the Process > Options... > Initial Processing tab, the undistorted images will be generated and will overwrite existing undistorted images.
- (1.1.23) When selecting Process > Save Undistorted Images, the dvp folder located in 1_initial/params is not generated. To generate the file, select the Undistorted images option in the Process > Options... > Initial Processing tab and run step 1.
- (1.1.23) Index Calculator crashes with datasets with image group names containing a space. Workaround: do not use spaces in the image group names.
Note: As of April 2018 Pix4Dmapper Pro was renamed to Pix4Dmapper. Pix4Dmapper Pro is an older version of the current Pix4Dmapper. The main functionalities are the same, while new features have been added and performance has been improved as the product is being continuously developed.