How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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How to upload or replace results to PIX4Dcloud


It is possible to upload outputs to PIX4Dcloud without (re-)processing the images on the Pix4D servers. Notice, however, that they will be processed for their web visualization, meaning that the display of the file is not instant after the upload.

Information: For existing projects that were processed on PIX4Dcloud, uploading outputs does not delete the processed results. The new outputs only replace the results that are displayed but do not replace them in the project folders that can be downloaded from Files & Exports > Download > Export to PIX4Dmapper. For more information: How to download results from the cloud.

Which files can be uploaded as results

Read the full list of supported files and the required formats at: Inputs.

For a new dataset (no images are processed on PIX4Dcloud)

To upload results to a new dataset:

  1. Go to PIX4Dcloud and log in with a valid Pix4D account.
  2. Create a new dataset and follow the instructions to Upload processed results.
  3. In the Files & Exports > Files > Results section click Upload File in the box of the output to be uploaded, and browse for the directory to select the file. Alternatively, it is possible to drag and drop the file(s) onto the respective output section.
  4. The upload window pops up showing the upload status. Once successful, click CLOSE.
Warning: If you are uploading a 3D textured mesh, read our recommendations here.

For an existing dataset that was already processed on PIX4Dcloud or whose results were already uploaded

To upload or replace files for an existing dataset:

  1. Go to PIX4Dcloud and log in with a valid Pix4D account.
  2. Open the existing dataset where to upload the output(s).
  3. In the Files & Exports > Files > Results section click Replace File in the box of the output to be uploaded, and browse for the directory to select the file. Alternatively, it is possible to drag and drop the file(s) onto the respective output section.
  4. The upload window pops up showing the upload status. Once successful, click CLOSE.
Warning: If you are uploading the 3D textured mesh, read our recommendations here.

3D OBJ Mesh upload recommendations

The 3D textured mesh generated by PIX4Dmapper is not georeferenced. Add the file together with the mesh files when uploading the mesh if one of the following conditions apply:

  • Both the point cloud and the 3D textured mesh are being uploaded.
  • A georeferenced 3D textured mesh is needed.
  • Annotations are planned to be created and visualized both in 2D and 3D.

The offset file enables the user to georeference the 3D textured mesh and align it to the point cloud.

The offset file can be found in the ..\1_initial\params folder of your PIX4Dmapper project. If this folder does not exist, select the Camera Internals and Externals, AAT, BBA option for step 1. Initial Processing under the Calibration tab (Menu Process > Processing Options... > 1. Initial Processing > Calibration) and re-run at least steps 1 and 2.

Important: Ensure all four files are uploaded at the same time.
  1. Copy the file in the 3d_mesh folder.
  2. Drag and drop the .obj, .mtl, .jpg and .xyz files in the Mesh OBJ box of the Files & Exports > Files > Results view.
  3. Wait for the upload to be finished. The upload of the georeferenced Mesh is completed.
Important: The texture of the OBJ 3D textured mesh must be a single JPG image. It is not possible to upload to PIX4Dcloud more than one JPG image as the texture of an OBJ 3D textured mesh.
To upload an OBJ 3D textured mesh whose texture is more than one JPG image, do one of the following:
  • Generate a new OBJ 3D textured mesh whose texture is a single JPG image.
  • Merge the texture of the existing OBJ 3D textured mesh into a single JPG image.