This article lists the input and output file formats when using PIX4Dmapper.
The main input to PIX4Dmapper are images that can be either JPEG or TIFF files. Video files can also be imported and used for processing (instead of still images).
Warning: Do not modify the images, i.e. do not rotate or edit the images. Modifying images alters the geometrical properties of the camera and may deteriorate the quality of the results.
.jpg, .jpeg
JPEG images
.tif, .tiff
Monochromatic TIFF
Multi-band TIFF (RGB / Infrared / thermal)
1 layer (no pyramid, no multi-page)
8, 10, 12, 14, 16 bit integer, floating point
Multi-band TIFF (RGB / Infrared / thermal)
1 layer (no pyramid, no multi-page)
8, 10, 12, 14, 16 bit integer, floating point
.avi, .mp4, .wmv, .mov
Video files that can be imported into PIX4Dmapper
PIX4Dmapper can generate these outputs:
- Camera parameters (Internal parameters, External parameters, Bingo, SSK): These files describe the internal (focal length,...) or external parameters (position and orientation) of the camera and images.
- Undistorted images
- Densified point cloud (.las, .laz, .xyz, .ply): This is a set of 3D points that reconstruct the model. The X,Y,Z position and the color information is stored for each point of the Densified Point Cloud.
- Digital surface model (Grid DSM, Raster DSM): This is a 2.5 D model of the mapped area that contains (X,Y,Z) information, but no color information.
- Digital terrain model (DTM: Raster DTM): This is a 2.5 D model of the mapped area after filtering out objects such as buildings, that contains (X,Y,Z) information but no color information.
- Orthomosaic (GeoTIFF, KML file, Google Maps HTML file): 2D model (map) made by blending several orthophotos. Color balanced to be visually pleasing.
- Index map (GeoTIFF, Colored KML file, Grid Shapefile): To each index is associated an index map. For each pixel on this map, the value of the pixel is derived from the associated reflectance maps.
- 3D textured mesh (.obj, .fbx, .dxf, .ply, .pdf, .osgb, .slpk): This is a representation of the shape of the model that consists of vertices, edges, faces and the texture from the images that is projected on it. It is useful to present and visualize the model, share it and upload it to online platforms such as Sketchfab.
- Contour lines (shp, .pdf, .dxf): These are lines connecting points of equal elevation. They are useful because they allow to better understand the shape of the land surface (the topography) on a map.
- Video animation (.mp4, .mkv, .avi)
- 3D Digitized objects: Polyline, Surface, Volume base surface (.shp, .dxf,.kml, .dgn)