Getting started

Inputs and Outputs - PIX4Dmapper

This article lists the input and output file formats when using PIX4Dmapper.

The main input to PIX4Dmapper are images that can be either JPEG or TIFF files. Video files can also be imported and used for processing (instead of still images).

Warning: Do not modify the images, i.e. do not rotate or edit the images. Modifying images alters the geometrical properties of the camera and may deteriorate the quality of the results.
.jpg, .jpeg
JPEG images
.tif, .tiff
Monochromatic TIFF
Multi-band TIFF (RGB / Infrared / thermal)
1 layer (no pyramid, no multi-page)
8, 10, 12, 14, 16 bit integer, floating point
.avi, .mp4, .wmv, .mov
Video files that can be imported into PIX4Dmapper

PIX4Dmapper can generate these outputs: