
Error e9019: cannot extract EXIF info from image data - PIX4Dmapper

This error appears when PIX4Dmapper was not able to extract the EXIF data from some images. This article explains the solution to this kind of error.

Verify the information on the images geotags

  • Create a new PIX4Dmapper project
  • Import the images.
  • In the image properties editor, check the following:
    • Image Geolocation: Verify that the position and orientation information is loaded from the image EXIF data. If the position and orientation do not load automatically, select From EXIF in the Image Properties Editor window, in the Image Geolocation area.
    • Point Cloud Densification and Orthomosaic Area: Create an orthomosaic and point cloud densification area prior to processing to save processing time. For more information, Point cloud densification and orthomosaic area.

    • Processing template: Set the processing template to 3D maps, or modify the processing options as necessary. For more information, Processing templates.

Check the "EXIF tags for project creation in Pix4D products" document

  • Pix4D provides a document with details regarding certain EXIF metadata that are required in the images, from Pix4D software. Other metadata are optional but improve the results. For more information, EXIF and XMP tag information for project creation.