
Status bar - PIX4Dmatic

The status bar in PIX4Dmatic displays the coordinate reference system of the project, the display unit, information about the current point position, and camera information


The Status bar is located at the bottom of a PIX4Dmatic project and is divided in 4 different sections:

  • [1] Project's coordinate reference system
  • [2] Display unit
  • [3] Pointer position
  • [4] Camera information

Project's coordinate reference system

The project coordinate reference system is displayed in the bottom-left of the PIX4Dmatic window. For more information: How to use coordinate systems - PIX4Dmatic.

Display unit

The display unit can be found on the right side of the project's coordinate reference system and can be configured to:

  • Meters (m)
  • Feet (ft)
  • US Survey feet (ftUS)

A change in the display unit affects all lengths, areas, and volume measurements as well as all the places in the user interface where length, area, and volume are mentioned (e.g. Properties)

Note:  This setting changes only the display unit in PIX4Dmatic. The generated processing steps (e.g. Dense point cloud) can still be in a different unit depending on the coordinate reference system of the project. Changing the display unit does not affect the units of the coordinates as well.

Pointer position

The pointer position provides the live location of the pointer. This view is available when the pointer is hovering either in the 2D or the 3D view of the project. The units of the pointer position are not affected by the display unit.

Camera information

On the bottom right of the PIX4Dmatic window, the main camera information is displayed. By clicking on the edit icon, it is possible to change the Image coordinate reference system. For more information: Image coordinate systems - PIX4Dmatic.