How to get coordinates from Autotags?

It is possible in PIX4Dcatch to obtain the coordinates of the tie points used as Autotags. Another way to quickly measured several points accurately. No need to spend several seconds on each points you want to get their coordinates, just put the Autotags on each points and start the capture. At the end of the capture, the coordinates could be exported as a point collection.


  • Display the Autotags on each of the points which need to be measured

  • Before starting the capture, ensure to activate the Detect Autotags option in the Tag Detection feature 

  • Start the capture and make sure the Autotags are detected in several images

  • Save the project

Tip: It is possible to not activate the Tag Detection feature before the capture and to activate this feature only after the capture: Optimize Autotags. Then, the following steps remains the same.

  • Open the project and click on the icon and select Create Point Collection from Autotags

  • Enter a name and specify the output coordinate reference system 

  • Once created, the middle of the Autotag has a coordinates displayed in the output CRS selected 

  • Export the coordinates in a CSV file by clicking on the Export button

  • If you want to check where your points are after exporting, you can use the AR Points feature.