How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to generate the Google Maps Tiles and KML/KMZ - PIX4Dmatic

PIX4Dmatic provides the option to generate Google Map Tiles using the standard files KML/KMZ for seamless integration with Google Earth and third-party GIS platforms.

Note: this feature is available from the 1.72.0 version of PIX4Dmatic or newer.

Before generating Google Maps Tiles, ensure that the following requirements are met: 

  • The following processing steps have to be successfully completed: Calibration>Dense point cloud> Digital Surface Model (DSM)> Orthomosaic.
  • The Google Maps Tiles and KML/KMZ files will be generated for georeferenced projects  (with image geolocation or GCPs).
To generate Google Maps tiles and KML/KMZ:
  1. Create the DSM.
  2. Create the Orthomosaic.
  3. Navigate to
    1. Processing options > Exports > Orthomosaic .jpg or .tiff and click on the More more_horizontal (1) button or
    2. File > Export > Orthomosaic...
  4. Select .tiff as Format.
  5. Select the desired File type, Compression, and Image Scale.
  6. On the Google Maps section select either Tiles and KML or Tiles and KMZ.
  7. Set the Destination path for the exported files.
  8. Click Export or Start.
