How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  2. PIX4Dcapture Pro
  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to interrupt a mission - PIX4Dcapture Pro


There are three ways to interrupt a mission in PIX4Dcapture Pro.

Pilot the drone with the controller

If an unexpected behavior happens during the mission, take over control of the drone by using the controller at any time. It will pause the mission, and the drone will hover when:

  • (DJI drones) Changing flight modes. Switch the controller button from autopilot to manual mode.
  • (Parrot drones) Moving the controller's joysticks.

The mission can be resumed afterward by clicking on the Play button. More information in Pause, resume, or cancel the mission article.

Fail-safe procedures

Fail-safe procedures can be triggered to make the drone return to the home point and land by:

  • Tapping the Return-to-home button on the PIX4Dcapture Pro application.
  • Tapping the return-to-home (RTH) button on the controller. The RTH button can be different for different drones. Check the drone manufacturer's documentation to know where it is placed on a particular drone.

The mission can be resumed afterward by clicking on the Play button. More information in Pause, resume, or cancel the mission article.

Pause button

Pausing the mission by tapping the Pause button on the PIX4Dcapture Pro application.

The mission can be resumed afterward by clicking on the Play button. More information in Pause, resume, or cancel the mission article.