Several generic missions and asset types can be selected from the PIX4Dcapture Pro new plan creation window, described in the following sections.
Generic Missions
Asset types
Generic missions
Grid mission (generic) 
The Grid mission is meant to plan and fly polygonal mission shapes with a single grid flight pattern for 2D maps or a double grid flight pattern for 3D models. It is suitable for most environments that require flexible boundaries or complex mapping shapes and ensures that images are taken with the gimbal pitch and the overlap required for optimal processing.
How to position and design the mission
Once entering the Grid mission , the default mission shape is displayed over the basemap at the current location.

The following actions can be performed.
- Move the survey area: the survey area can be displaced by tapping on the center cross
and dragging the shape to a new location.
- Move a vertex: tap on a vertex
and drag it to a new position to extend or reduce the survey area.
- Remove a vertex: two adjacent vertex can be merged by dragging one on top of the other one.
- Add a vertex: a vertex can be added by tapping on the “+” icon displayed over a segment.
- Rotate the flight lines: tap and rotate within the survey area to modify the direction of the flight lines.

Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel.
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Area [m2, ft2]: area covered by the mission.
- GSD [cm/pixel, inch/pixel]: distance between two consecutive pixel centers measured on the ground. The GSD depends on different parameters such as the camera specifications, the flight height, and the camera angle.
- Mission settings:
- Flight pattern:
- Use Single grid pattern to take images perpendicular to the ground (nadir), with the overlap required for optimal processing. Recommended in the following cases: main interest in 2D map outputs, relatively flat surface (e.g. earthworks, fields), large area.
- Use Double grid pattern to take images from multiple sides (oblique), with the overlap required for optimal processing. Compared to the single grid, this pattern is recommended for flying closer to objects in order to capture more vertical details.
Note: Double Grid is r ecommended in the following cases: main interest in 3D model outputs, surface with height fluctuations or objects (e.g. buildings, forest), small and medium area (the flight time is doubled compared to single grid pattern).- Terrain Awareness: This feature is turned off by default. By turning On the terrain awareness feature, the drone will follow terrain elevation changes for a consistent GSD and overlap between images. It is helpful when trying to ensure good quality data in uneven terrains.
- Flight height [m, ft]: height of the mission in reference to the take-off location (if terrain awareness disabled) or to the terrain (if terrain awareness enabled). The range is 10 - 250m.
- Front overlap [%]: percentage of an image covered by the next one at the ground level with respect to the flight direction. The range is 20 - 90%.
- Side overlap [%]: percentage of an image covered by an adjacent one (in adjacent flight line) at the ground level. The range is 20 - 90%.
- Camera angle [°]: angle of the camera during the mission execution. The range is 0° - -90° (nadir).
- Drone speed [m/s, mph]: speed of the drone during the mission execution. The maximum speed depends on the selected front overlap and flight height. The slider allows selecting percentages (10% steps) of the maximum speed.
- Flight pattern:

To generate the best 2D and 3D outputs, we highly recommend using the default mission settings values according to the selected flight pattern:
Camera parameters such as white balance (WB) and exposure compensation values (EV) can be set when the drone video feed is enlarged and when the drone is not flying a mission:
- White balance:
Automatic: automatically optimizes the white balance.
Sunny: optimizes the white balance for sunny weather conditions.
Cloudy: optimizes the white balance for cloudy weather conditions.
- Exposure value: exposure value compensation whose values range from -3 to 3.
The designed mission, along with its parameters, can be saved in the Plan folder by clicking on the save button .
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
Corridor mission (generic)
How to position and design the mission
The corridor mission is part of the generic mission. Once you enter the Corridor mission , the default mission shape is displayed over the basemap at the current location.

The following actions can be performed.
- Move the survey area: the survey area can be displaced by tapping on the center cross
and dragging the shape to a new location.
- Move a vertex: tap on a vertex
and drag it to a new position to extend or reduce the survey area.
- Remove a vertex: two adjacent vertex can be merged by dragging one on top of the other one.
- Add a vertex: a vertex can be added by tapping on the “+” icon displayed over a segment.
- Rotate the flight lines: tap and rotate within the survey area to modify the direction of the flight lines.

Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel.
- Mission Summary:
- Flight time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Area [m2, ft2]: area covered by the mission.
- GSD [cm/pixel, inch/pixel]: distance between two consecutive pixel centers measured on the ground. The GSD depends on different parameters such as the camera specifications, the flight height, and the camera angle.
- Mission settings:
- Terrain Awareness: This feature is turned off by default. By turning On the terrain awareness feature, the drone will follow terrain elevation changes for a consistent GSD and overlap between images. It is helpful when trying to ensure good-quality data in uneven terrains.
- Flight height [m, ft]: height of the mission in reference to the take-off location (if terrain awareness disabled) or to the terrain (if terrain awareness enabled). The range is 10 - 250m.
- Front overlap [%]: percentage of an image covered by the next one at the ground level with respect to the flight direction. The range is 20 - 90%.
- Side overlap [%]: percentage of an image covered by an adjacent one (in adjacent flight line) at the ground level. The range is 20 - 90%.
- Number of lines: defines the number of flight lines. The range is from 1 to 3.
- Drone speed [m/s, mph]: speed of the drone during the mission execution. The maximum speed depends on the selected front overlap and flight height. The slider allows selecting percentages (10% steps) of the maximum speed.
Note: For corridor missions, the camera angle is fixed at -90° (nadir) and cannot be changed. The camera angle slider is not appearing when a corridor mission is selected
Note: The Restore button can be used to reset the settings to their default values.
Camera parameters such as white balance (WB) and exposure compensation values (EV) can be set when the drone video feed is enlarged and when the drone is not flying a mission:
- White balance:
Automatic: automatically optimizes the white balance.
Sunny: optimizes the white balance for sunny weather conditions.
Cloudy: optimizes the white balance for cloudy weather conditions.
- Exposure value: exposure value compensation whose values range from -3 to 3.
- White balance:
The designed mission, along with its parameters, can be saved in the Plan folder by clicking on the save button .
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
Orbit mission (generic)
How to position and design the mission
Once entering the Orbit mission , the default mission shape is displayed over the basemap at the current location.

The following actions can be performed.
- Move the survey area: the survey area can be displaced by tapping on the center cross
and dragging the shape to a new location.
- Move a vertex: tap on a vertex
and drag it to a new position to extend or reduce the survey area.

Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel.
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Area [m2, ft2]: area covered by the mission.
- GSD [cm/pixel, inch/pixel]: distance between two consecutive pixel centers measured on the ground. The GSD depends on different parameters such as the camera specifications, the flight height, and the camera angle.
- Mission settings:
- Flight height [m, ft]: height of the mission in reference to the take-off location. The range is 10 - 250m.
- Images: defines the number of images per orbit (20 - 180).
- POI height: defines the height of the point of interest (0m - Flight height). Tap Set to current button to set the value to the current drone position.
- Camera angle: defines the angle of the camera and is managed automatically.
Note: TheRestore button can be used to reset the settings to their default values.
Camera parameters such as white balance (WB) and exposure compensation values (EV) can be set when the drone video feed is enlarged and when the drone is not flying a mission:
- White balance:
Automatic: automatically optimizes the white balance.
Sunny: optimizes the white balance for sunny weather conditions.
Cloudy: optimizes the white balance for cloudy weather conditions.
- Exposure value: exposure value compensation whose values range from -3 to 3.
- White balance:
The designed mission, along with its parameters, can be saved in the Plan folder by clicking on the save button .
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
Cylinder mission (generic) 
How to position and design the mission
Once entering the Cylinder mission , the default mission shape is displayed over the basemap at the current location.

The following actions can be performed.
- Move the survey area: the survey area can be displaced by tapping on the center cross
and dragging the shape to a new location.
- Move a vertex: tap on a vertex
and drag it to a new position to extend or reduce the survey area.

Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel.
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Area [m2, ft2]: area covered by the mission.
- GSD [cm/pixel, inch/pixel]: distance between two consecutive pixel centers measured on the ground. The GSD depends on different parameters such as the camera specifications, the flight height, and the camera angle.
- Mission settings:
- POI height: point of interest (POI) base (min) and top (max) height. The range is 0 - 250m. Tap Set to current button to set the value to the current drone position.
- Mission height: cylinder base (min) and top (max) height. The range is 10 - 250m. Tap Set to current button to set the value to the current drone position.
- Verticals: number of vertical lines in the cylinder mission (4 - 20).
- Front overlap: frontal overlap between successive images in the vertical lines (60% - 90%).
- Camera angle: defines the angle of the camera and is managed automatically.
Camera parameters such as white balance (WB) and exposure compensation values (EV) can be set when the drone video feed is enlarged and when the drone is not flying a mission:
- White balance:
Automatic: automatically optimizes the white balance.
Sunny: optimizes the white balance for sunny weather conditions.
Cloudy: optimizes the white balance for cloudy weather conditions.
- Exposure value: exposure value compensation whose values range from -3 to 3.
- White balance:
The designed mission, along with its parameters, can be saved in the Plan folder by clicking on the save button .
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
Asset types
Cell Tower asset 
Detailed recommendations on how to scan cell towers can be found in How to scan cell towers - PIX4Dcapture Pro.
Set the cell tower lowest point (optional)
This step can be skipped if the lowest point of the cell tower is at the same elevation as the drone take-off position.
An animated description will guide the user to determine the cell tower lowest point reference:
- Align the drone with the lowest point of the tower.
- Ensure the camera angle is 0°, or tap on Set to 0o.
- Point the camera at the base of the tower.
- Tap on Next to confirm the current tower lowest point reference.
Set the cell tower center
An animated description will guide the user to determine the cell tower center reference:
- Place the drone on top of the tower (several meters above for safety)
- Ensure height is higher than 10 m.
- Ensure the camera angle is -90°, or tap on Set to -90o.
- Point the camera at the center of the tower.
- Tap on Next to confirm the current tower center reference.
Set the cell tower highest point
An animated description will guide the user to determine the cell tower highest point reference:
- Align the drone with the highest point of the tower
- Ensure height is higher than 10 m.
- Ensure the camera angle is 0°, or tap on Set to 0o.
- Point the camera at the top of the tower.
- Tap Next to confirm the current tower highest point reference.
Mission list
The mission list is divided into 3D Model and Visual inspection categories containing all the missions to efficiently reconstruct and inspect cell tower assets.
It also shows the cell tower reference values recorded at the previous stages and provides the ability to reset them. The references will be used in some of the missions to automatically set specific settings such as the mission maximum height and the camera angle in Helix, Cylinder, and Single vertical missions.
Select one of the missions and tap Next to enter the mission settings. Upon mission completion, the mission list is automatically displayed (except for the Single vertical mission) so that a new mission can be performed.
3D Model missionsFor any of the 3D model missions, camera parameters such as white balance (WB) and exposure compensation values (EV) can be set when the drone video feed is enlarged and when the mission has not been started:
- White balance:
Automatic: optimizes the white balance automatically.
Sunny: optimizes the white balance for sunny weather conditions.
Cloudy: optimizes the white balance for cloudy weather conditions.
- Exposure compensation: adjusts the exposure with a range from -3 to 3.
Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel:
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Mission settings:
- Light conditions: templates loading predefined recommended white balance and exposure compensation values according to the weather conditions
- Mission min height: minimum height at which the drone will fly the mission (helix base). Tap Set to current to set the value to the current height of the drone (10m - 20m).
- Mission radius: defines the radius length of the helix. Tap Set to current to set the value to the current position of the drone (6m - 12m).
- Overlap: overlap level between images (Low, Optimal, or High).
- Camera angle: defines the angle of the camera and is managed automatically.

Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel:
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Mission settings:
- Light conditions: templates loading predefined recommended white balance and exposure compensation values according to the weather condition
- Capture mode: (Different capture modes are supported for DJI drones)
- Time interval capture: time-optimized continuous flow.
- Stop at capture point: stability and image centering optimized flow.
- Flight direction: clockwise or counterclockwise.
- Truncate by: truncate the mission by a specific angle (0o - 315o).
- Images: defines the number of images per orbit. The number of images will adjust depending on the truncation degree (7 - 90).

Rather than selecting them from the mission settings, values such as Radius, Height, and Camera angle are based on the video feed on the screen, so from the current drone position, which is manually adjusted with the drone's remote controller. This is to ensure that we are viewing what we are going to scan, so having a correct point of view for the orbit images.
- Radius: 2D distance from the previously set reference center.
- Height: defines the height value of the orbit.
- Camera angle: defines the camera angle which must have a negative value.
Important: Red values prevent the start of the mission. Orange values do not block the start of the mission but are not recommended values. Green ones fall in the interval of the suggested values.
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel:
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Mission settings:
- Light conditions: templates loading predefined recommended white balance and exposure compensation values according to the weather conditions
- Flight direction: clockwise or counterclockwise.
- Truncate by: truncate the mission by a specific angle (0o - 315o).
- Mission min height: defines the minimum height the drone should fly the mission. The value should be at least 10 m lower than the mission max height, calculated as the cell tower highest point + the radius. Tap Set to current to set the value to the current height of the drone (5m - 25m).
- Mission radius: defines the radius length of the cylinder. The minimum and recommended value is 8 m. Tap Set to current to set the value to the current distance of the drone with respect to the cell tower center (6m - 50m).
- Verticals: number of vertical lines in the cylinder (4 - 16).
- Front overlap: define the front image overlap in the vertical lines (60% - 90%).
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
Single vertical
Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel:
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Mission settings:
- Light conditions: templates loading predefined recommended white balance and exposure compensation values according to the weather conditions
- Mission min height: defines the minimum height the drone should fly the mission. The value should be at least 10 m lower than the mission max height, calculated as the cell tower highest point + the radius. Tap Set to current to set the value to the current height of the drone (5m - 25m).
- Mission radius: defines the radius length of the single vertical. The minimum and recommended value is 8 m. Tap Set to current to set the value to the current distance of the drone with respect to the cell tower center (6m - 50m).
- Front overlap: defines the image front overlap in the vertical lines (60% - 90%).
- Flight direction: up to down or down to up.
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
For any of the Visual inspection missions, camera parameters such as white balance (WB) and exposure compensation values (EV) can be set when the drone video feed is enlarged and when the mission has not been started:
- White balance:
Automatic: optimizes the white balance automatically.
Sunny: optimizes the white balance for sunny weather conditions.
Cloudy: optimizes the white balance for cloudy weather conditions.
- Exposure compensation: adjusts the exposure with a range from -3 to 3.
Underneath orbit
Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel:
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Mission settings:
- Light conditions: templates loading predefined recommended white balance and exposure compensation values according to the weather conditions
- Flight direction: clockwise or counterclockwise.
- Truncated by: truncate the submission by a specific angle (0o - 315o).
- Images: defines the number of images per orbit. The number of images will adjust depending on the truncation degree (2 - 32).

Rather than selecting them from the mission settings, values such as Radius, Height, and Camera angle are based on the video feed on the screen, so from the current drone position, which is manually adjusted with the drone's remote controller. This is to ensure that we are viewing what we are going to scan, so having a correct point of view for the orbit images.
- Radius: 2D distance from the previously set reference center.
- Height: defines the height value of the orbit.
- Camera angle: defines the camera angle which must have a positive value.
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
Orbit line of sight
Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel:
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Mission settings:
- Flight direction: clockwise or counterclockwise.
- Truncated by: truncate the submission by a specific angle (0o - 315o).
- Images: defines the number of images per orbit. The number of images will adjust depending on the truncation degree (2 - 60).

Rather than selecting them from the mission settings, values such as Radius, Height,and Camera angle are based on the video feed on the screen, so from the current drone position, which is manually adjusted with the drone's remote controller. This is to ensure that we are viewing what we are going to scan, so having a correct point of view for the orbit images.
- Radius: 2D distance from the previously set reference center.
- Height: defines the height value of the orbit.
- Camera angle: defines the camera angle which must have a positive value.
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
Manual images
The drone operator pilots the drone manually with the remote controller and triggers images from custom points of views thanks to a dedicated button in the mission interface.
Transmission Tower asset
Detailed recommendations on how to scan transmission towers can be found in How to scan Transmission towers - PIX4Dcapture Pro.
Set the transmission tower center
An animated description will guide the user to determine the transmission tower center reference:
- Place the drone on top of the tower (several meters above for safety)
- Ensure height is higher than 10 m.
- Ensure the camera angle is -90°, or tap on Set to -90o.
- Point the camera at the center of the tower.
- Tap on Next to confirm the current tower center reference.
Set the transmission tower highest point
An animated description will guide the user to determine the transmission tower highest point reference:
- Align the drone with the highest point of the tower
- Ensure height is higher than 10 m.
- Ensure the camera angle is 0°, or tap on Set to 0o.
- Point the camera at the top of the tower.
- Tap Next to confirm the current tower highest point reference.
Mission list
The mission list is divided into 3D Model and Visual inspection categories containing all the missions to efficiently reconstruct and inspect transmission tower assets.
It also shows the transmission tower reference values recorded at the previous stages and provides the ability to reset them. The references will be used in some of the missions to automatically set specific settings.
Select one of the missions and tap Next to enter the mission settings. Upon mission completion, the mission list is automatically displayed (except for the Single vertical mission) so that a new mission can be performed.
3D Model missionsFor any of the 3D model missions, camera parameters such as white balance (WB) and exposure compensation values (EV) can be set when the drone video feed is enlarged and when the mission has not been started:
- White balance:
Automatic: optimizes the white balance automatically.
Sunny: optimizes the white balance for sunny weather conditions.
Cloudy: optimizes the white balance for cloudy weather conditions.
- Exposure compensation: adjusts the exposure with a range from -3 to 3.
Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel:
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Mission settings:
- Capture mode: (Different capture modes are supported for DJI drones)
- Time interval capture: time-optimized continuous flow.
- Stop at capture point: stability and image centering optimized flow.
- Flight direction: clockwise or counterclockwise
- Truncate by: truncate the mission by a specific angle (0o - 315o).
- Images: defines the number of images per orbit. The number of images will adjust depending on the truncation degree (7 - 90).
- Capture mode: (Different capture modes are supported for DJI drones)

Rather than selecting them from the mission settings, values such as Radius, Height,and Camera angle are based on the video feed on the screen, so from the current drone position, which is manually adjusted with the drone's remote controller. This is to ensure that we are viewing what we are going to scan, so having a correct point of view for the orbit images.
- Radius: 2D distance from the previously set reference center.
- Height: defines the height value of the orbit.
- Camera angle: defines the camera angle which must have a negative value.
Important: Red values prevent the start of the mission. Orange values do not block the start of the mission but are not recommended values. Green ones fall in the interval of the suggested values.
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
Single vertical
Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel:
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Mission settings:
- Mission min height: defines the minimum height the drone should fly the mission. The value should be at least 10 m lower than the mission max height, calculated as the transmission tower highest point + the radius. Tap Set to current to set the value to the current height of the drone (5m - 25m).
- Mission radius: defines the radius length of the single vertical. The minimum and recommended value is 8 m. Tap Set to current to set the value to the current distance of the drone with respect to the transmission tower center (6m - 50m).
- Front overlap: define the front image overlap in the vertical lines (60% - 90%).
- Flight direction: up to down or down to up.
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
For any of the Visual inspection missions, camera parameters such as white balance (WB) and exposure compensation values (EV) can be set when the drone video feed is enlarged and when the mission has not been started:
- White balance:
Automatic: optimizes the white balance automatically.
Sunny: optimizes the white balance for sunny weather conditions.
Cloudy: optimizes the white balance for cloudy weather conditions.
- Exposure compensation: adjusts the exposure with a range from -3 to 3.
Underneath orbit
Define the mission properties
The following mission information and settings are available on the right panel:
- Mission information:
- Time: estimated duration of the mission execution.
- Mission settings:
- Flight direction: clockwise or counterclockwise.
- Truncated by: truncate the submission by a specific angle (0o - 315o).
- Images: defines the number of images per orbit. The number of images will adjust depending on the truncation degree (2 - 32).

Rather than selecting them from the mission settings, values such as Radius, Height, and Camera angle are based on the video feed on the screen, so from the current drone position, which is manually adjusted with the drone's remote controller. This is to ensure that we are viewing what we are going to scan, so having a correct point of view for the orbit images.
- Radius: 2D distance from the previously set reference center.
- Height: defines the height value of the orbit.
- Camera angle: defines the camera angle which must have a positive value.
Tap Start mission for the mission checklist to be displayed. If all the checks are passing, Tap Fly mission. The drone exits the manual mode and performs the mission. An estimate of the time remaining until completion is displayed throughout the whole mission.
Manual images
The drone operator pilots the drone manually with the remote controller and triggers images from custom points of views thanks to a dedicated button in the mission interface.
Important: It is not possible to upload a KML or KMZ file to PIX4Dcapture Pro to define an area for a mission
Tip: You can use Mission Planner in PIX4Dcloud to import a grid or corridor mission geometry from local files. Supported files are CSV and KML. You can learn more in this article: File import - Mission Planner - PIX4Dcloud
Note: "Stop at capture point" capture mode is available only for orbit missions within the Cell Tower and Transmission Tower assets. With other missions, it is not possible to set the drone to stop when taking images.