How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to process a PIX4Dcatch site localized project in PIX4Dmatic

PIX4Dcatch's Site localization function enables the ability to work in a local coordinate system and transform points between the local and global coordinate reference systems. With an exported project and .wkt file, a site-localized project can be imported and processed with PIX4Dmatic.

Note: Well-Known Text (WKT) is a string that defines all necessary parameters of a coordinate system. Save a projection file (.prj) of any coordinate system and open it in a text editor to see its WKT.


Export the project files from the device

If not already done, export and save the project and WKT files from the mobile device.

  1. From the PIX4Dcatch project on the mobile device:

    PIX4Dcatch project dialog

    • Tap the dropdown menuThree dot dropdown menuin the top right of the PIX4Dcatch Project.
    • Tap Export all data. export icon
    • Export and save. This file will contain the image files. (plus DepthMap.tiff and Confidence.tiff files from LiDAR-capable Apple devices)

    For more information: How to export PIX4Dcatch projects (iOS/Android).

  2. Export and save the Site Localized WKT file:

    PIX4Dcatch point collection that has been computed

    • From the corresponding PIX4Dcatch site-localized point collection tap Export WKT button.
    • Export and save.

For more information: Site Localization - PIX4Dcatch.

Create a New PIX4Dmatic Project

  1. Open PIX4Dmatic. PIX4Dmatic logo light
  2. Create a new project and import the image files/folder.

    PIX4Dmatic create new project dialog

For more information: Create a project - PIX4Dmatic.

Import the WKT file into PIX4Dmatic

From the new PIX4Dmatic project: PIX4Dmatic_add_site_localization_WKT_cropped.jpg

  1. Tap the edit icon in the tie points icon Tie points tab.
  2. Select the Import CRS file import icon bubble.
    • Select the site-localized point_collection_name.wkt file for import.
  3. Tap apply button.

With the WKT file successfully imported, the project will display the localized point collection
name as the project's coordinate system icon coordinate reference system in the lower left corner of the PIX4Dmatic window.

Process the Site-Localized Project

With an imported .wkt file, process as usual. If GCPs need to be added, they should be measured and marked in the local reference system. The points collected should be different from those used to localize the project.

For more information: How to process PIX4Dcatch datasets in PIX4Dmatic.