Processes and tools

Profile View - PIX4Dsurvey

PIX4Dsurvey allows to visualize point clouds and vectors in a section along a specific profile showing its cross-section. Furthermore, the content of the cross-section is defined as the content of a profile box. The parameters of this box can be modified, and the box can be moved horizontally or along a polyline on defined steps. The Profile view is available starting with PIX4Dsurvey 1.35.0.

Video: PIX4Dsurvey tutorial: Create a straight profile in PIX4Dsurvey

Video: Get a better understanding of your project’s geometry with the profiles and sections workflow in PIX4Dsurvey. Get accurate data on elevation changes and refine your vectorization. Draw a straight profile or use a polyline as a guide, use the reference grid to re-scale while zooming in so you have a constant estimation of scale while vectorizing and move in steps along the profile to see different sections of the point cloud.

Access: In the Status center, select elevation profile Profile View.
  • If the Status center is not visible, it can be activated on the Menu bar by selecting View > Control Panels > Status center.
  • To expand the Status Center, click Expand.
  • To collapse the Status Center, click Collapse.

General information about the profile tool

The main elements of the profile and section tool are the following:

  • [1] Profile view tab in the Status bar
  • [2] Section
  • [3] Profile settings
  • [4] Profile in the 3D view (light green thin line)
  • [5] Profile box (blue box)
  • [6] Profile box projected on the section
  • [7] Width
  • [8] Depth

PIX4Dsurvey Profile line

Important: Profiles cannot be saved.
Tip: It is possible to start drawing a profile anytime using the Ctrl+D key combination.
Information: Use the mouse scroll wheel or pinch zoom on the trackpad to zoom into the section.
Click and drag with the mouse cursor to pan within the section. To reset the view, click on the Reset view button Reset View Button. This will reset the section view focusing on the profile box.
Information: The grid in the section can be used to have an estimation of the scale. There are major and minor lines. The distance between the lines can be seen in the bottom right corner. This value is automatically updated when zooming in or out.

Straight profile

A Straight profile is a profile where the different steps (explained in the Profile settings) are parallel to each other.

To draw a straight profile in your project and view its section, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate in the 3D view until the right position for the vertical section creation is found.
  2. Expand the elevation profile Profile View in the Status center using the expand button Expand.
  3. Select Straight profile radio button.
  4. Click the Draw profile button and then create a line for the creation of the straight profile by clicking on the 3D view. The first click defines the start of the profile and the second one defines the end of the profile.
  5. A cross-section appears in the expanded Status center. The section will show the active point clouds and vector layers intersecting an imaginary vertical plane along the profile line.

Perpendicular profile

A Perpendicular profile is a profile that is associated with a specific polyline, acting as a guide. When using the steps functionality (explained in the Profile settings), the different sections are not parallel to each other but follow the selected guide polyline. Therefore, the profile is perpendicular to the selected polyline.

To draw a Perpendicular profile in your project and view its section, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate in the 3D view until the polyline that should become the guide of the steps profiles is visible.
  2. Expand the elevation profile Profile View in the Status center using the expand button Expand.
  3. Select the Perpendicular profile radio button.
  4. Click the Select polyline button and select the desired polyline in the 3D view.
  5. A cross-section appears in the expanded Status center. The section will show the active point clouds and vector layers intersecting an imaginary vertical plane along the profile line.

Create an offset polyline

Additionally, when the Perpendicular profile button is selected, it is possible to create a polyline to a specific offset of the selected polyline.

  1. Proceed with steps 1 to 5 as described in the Perpendicular profile section.
  2. Go to the section view, hold the Alt key and click and drag the selected polyline to another point in the profile.
  3. A new polyline will be created to a specific offset to the first polyline. The position can be changed using the Alt + click and drag combination in the profile or modifying the values in the newly appeared "offset" window.
  4. Once the newly created polyline is satisfying, click on Confirm.

PIX4Dsurvey Offset

Tip: This functionality is useful when vectorizing parallel polylines in roads or curbs.

Profile settings

The visualization settings of the section can be modified by expanding the Profile tab in the Status centerExpand and selecting the desired values.

  • Dimensions:
    • Width [units]: This value is defined by the length of the profile line projected on a horizontal plane. It can be modified only when Perpendicular profile is selected.
    • Depth [units]: This value determines the depth of the profile box. All points from a point cloud and all vectors present in this box are shown in the section. The minimum value is 0.1 m or 0.1 ft. The default value is 0.3 m or 1 ft.

      PIX4Dsurvey Profile depth

  • Steps:
    • Interval [units]: This value defines the step interval length that will be applied when clicking on Previous or Next. Each time the Previous or Next buttons are clicked, the profile box will move horizontally (for straight profiles) or along a polyline (for perpendicular profiles) on the project. The vertical size of the box adapts automatically to contain the points and vectors along the profile within the depth of the box. The minimum value is 0.1 m or 0.1 ft. The default value is 0.3 m or 1 ft.

      PIX4Dsurvey Profile Steps

Tip: It is possible to digitize objects directly in the profile section in the status center and use the Next and Previous buttons to continue digitizing on a stepped section.
Tip: Use the Invert profile direction button swap to change the direction of the profile. This will also change the direction of the Next and Previous buttons and the position of the profile box.
Tip: It is possible to use the Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down combinations on the keyboard instead of the Next and Previous buttons.
Information: The direction of the Next button is defined by an arrow that can be found in the profile box. The Previous button will move the profile in the opposite direction compared to the light grey arrow. Use the Invert profile direction button swap to change this direction.

Previous and Next directions

  • Drape to profile: This button will create a polyline in the center of the box, and the polyline will be draped over the top of the visible point cloud. More information about polyline draping can be found in the following article: Vectorization > Drape polyline - PIX4Dsurvey.
Note: The polyline is created in the active vector layer.
Tip: For better draping results, run first the terrain filter and disable the non-terrain points. This will prevent the polyline from being draped on non-terrain points.