How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to export log files - PIX4Dmatic

This article explains how to access log files. The two ways to access log files include exporting project log files or opening the project logs folder.

Export project logs

The log files can help diagnose problems related to PIX4Dmatic. To export the files follow the procedure described below:

  1. Open a project.
  2. On the Menu bar, click Help > Export project logs...

    PIX4Dmatic export project logs

  3. A window will pop up. The .zip file that includes all the log files of the project can be saved at a desired path.
Note: This option exports log files generated by the software. The Log Files contain useful information about the processing of the project. It describes the steps and substeps of processing, the actions taken, the warnings, and the errors during the processing. When contacting PIX4D support, please include all exported log files.
Note: For PIX4Dmatic version 1.51.0 and above, exporting a project logs folder will contain the following:
  • Project logs
  • Information about the last 3 crashes (Sentry logs and minidump files).
  • A copy of the Windows event logs.

Open project logs folder

Another way to access the log file is by opening the project logs folder. To open the log files:

  1. Open a project.
  2. On the Menu bar, click Help > Open project logs folder to open up the window where all log files of this project are stored.

    PIX4Dmatic open project logs folder

  3. A window will pop up. This folder contains all the log files of the project.