Pansharpening - PIX4Dfields
Pansharpening tool
To enable pansharpening for applicable datasets with a panchromatic band:
1. Open a project and import images.
2. Under the processing option, toggle on Pansharpening.
3. Click Apply.
Processing options Menu.
What is pansharpening?
Pansharpening fuses a higher-resolution panchromatic band with lower-resolution bands to create sharper multispectral orthomosaics. When a camera is equipped with this higher-resolution panchromatic sensor, PIX4Dfields will auto detect the configuration and the Pansharpening option will become available.
Cameras such as the RedEdge-P and the Altum-PT from Micasense come equipped with a panchromatic sensor. These cameras can create sharper orthomosaics which provide better visualizations for applications such as counting, scouting, and image analysis. The example below compares a pansharpend with a non-pansharpened image.

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