
Pansharpening - PIX4Dfields

Pansharpening tool

To enable pansharpening for applicable datasets with a panchromatic band:

1. Open a project and import images.
2. Under the processing option, toggle on mceclip0.png Pansharpening.
3. Click Apply.


Processing options Menu.

What is pansharpening?

Pansharpening fuses a higher-resolution panchromatic band with lower-resolution bands to create sharper multispectral orthomosaics. When a camera is equipped with this higher-resolution panchromatic sensor, PIX4Dfields will auto detect the configuration and the Pansharpening option will become available.

Note: The spatial resolution and GSD of the orthomosaic will always be the same as that of the panchromatic band, even if pansharpening is disabled. Sharpness will depend on whether the pansharpening option is toggled on.
Note: Pansharpening performs a radiometric transformation and the radiometric accuracy could be reduced when this technique is used.

Cameras such as the RedEdge-P and the Altum-PT from Micasense come equipped with a panchromatic sensor. These cameras can create sharper orthomosaics which provide better visualizations for applications such as counting, scouting, and image analysis. The example below compares a pansharpend with a non-pansharpened image.

No Pansharpening

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