PIX4Dengine Cloud

PIX4Dengine Cloud API features

A PIX4Dengine Cloud license gives access to both:

  • The PIX4Dcloud Advanced user interface,
  • The PIX4Dengine Cloud API.
PIX4Dcloud Advanced user interface access

Any PIX4Dengine Cloud customer can take advantage of the PIX4Dcloud Advanced user interface and of all its functionalities.

API access

Via the API, different features are available. The main actions that can be performed are the following ones:

  • Create projects or sites.
  • Process projects:
    • Using the standard PIX4Dmapper processing pipeline,
      • With default or custom templates.
      • An output coordinate system can be defined.
      • GCPs and AutoGCPs are supported.
    • Using the vegetation processing pipeline. This pipeline uses an algorithm that is only available via the API and is suitable for projects located in flat areas and with low texture images (vegetation, airports, etc.).
    • Using the mobile processing pipeline for images (and depth data optionally) captured by PIX4Dcatch.
  • Compute volumes.
  • Download and retrieve the results.
  • Embed the complete 2D/3D editor.
  • Push/pull annotations via the annotation API. For more information: Annotations Quickstart, annotations API.
  • Generate a sharing link.

The complete and detailed documentation on how these functionalities can be used via the API can be found at this link.