How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  2. PIX4Dreact
  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

Customized PDF - PIX4Dreact

Important: The settings for the custom PDF can be found in the dashboard. The export functionality can be found inside an opened project.

Use an organizational logo on a custom PDF

To set an organization's logo on a custom PDF:

  1. Inside the dashboard settings, click Customize PDF report.
  2. Click Add logo to upload an organization's logo that will be displayed inside a customized PDF report.



Note: A square image no larger than 1MB in size is recommended.

Delete or change a logo from your custom PDF

Delete or change a logo from your custom PDF:

  1. Inside the dashboard settings, click on Customize PDF report.
  2. Click on Delete logo to delete the existing image.

Set personalized credentials (name, address, email)

To set your name, address, and email for your customized PDF:

  1. Inside the dashboard settings, click on Customize PDF report.
  2. Fill in name, address, and email into the respective fields


Note: Fields are not required. Non-filled fields will not be displayed in a customized PDF.

Export customized PDF

To export a customized PDF:

  1. Inside an opened project, click Export.
  2. Select the export type PDF report.
  3. Select Custom PDF.
  4. Choose your other export options
  5. Click Export on the bottom of the right side tab.



Important: Custom credentials will be displayed at the bottom of every page. Custom logos will replace the PIX4Dreact logo on the upper right area of every sheet.