How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to use tools - PIX4Dreact

PIX4Dreact tools

PIX4Dreact allows measurements to be made and markers to be added to the orthomosaic.

1. select.png The Move tool is used to pan the map by either clicking and holding the right or the left mouse buttons and dragging. A single click will display the GPS and USNG coordinates focus_on_gps_position.jpg as a temporary measurement with the option to save as a marker.

2. measurement_unit.png The Measure tool is used to measure distances or areas. The measurements are temporary and cannot be saved or exported. However, measurements can be saved as markers which are permanent and exportable.

3. marker.png The Mark tool is used to place markers which are automatically saved in the map. The following markers are available:

  • circle_small.jpg Point: Displays the GPS and USNG coordinates.
  • distance.jpg Line: Displays the length (m,ft).
  • area.jpg Area: Displays the surface area (m 2, ft 2 ).

Create measurements and markers

To create measurements or markers:

  • Click Measure or Mark.
  • Left-click to start the drawing of the object in the map view.
  • Click the check (check.png) to end the drawing.
  • For the Mark tool, enter a title for the marker and click SAVE.
Create measurements.
Create markers.

Note: The visibility of markers on the map can be adjusted in the sidebar. The markers can be turned on or off with labels and without.

Import markers

PIX4Dreact allows markers to be imported.

  • On the sidebar click import.png Import markers.
  • PIX4Dreact supports KML, GeoJSON, and SHP file types.

Edit measurements and markers

Edit measurements

  • Click the plus (+) to add a vertex.
  • To remove a vertex, click and drag a vertex on top of a neighboring vertex. Wait until the red halo appears, then release the mouse button.
  • To edit the position of a vertex, simply click and drag it to a new position.
Remove vertices.
Edit vertices.

Edit markers

  • Find the marker name on the sidebar and zoom on the marker by clicking center_on_marker.png.
  • Edit the marker by clicking edit.jpg.
  • A pop-up of the selected marker will open and provides four functions:
    1. Change title: Renames the marker.
    2. Delete marker: Removes the marker.
    3. Edit geometry: Modifies the marker by following the same steps as described in section Edit measurements. Click the check (check.png) to end the editing.
    4. Change the color of the marker.
Edit markers (step 1).
Edit markers (step 2).