Functionalities / How-to

Basemap provider / Change Basemap provider or add a custom one - PIX4Dcapture

Default Basemap provider

In Pix4Dcapture, the default Basemap provider is MapBox.

In some places, you may experience missing tiles while using the map or satellite view depending on the zoom level. It can be possible to zoom but no tile is displayed or the zoom level is blocked. Unfortunately, only the base map provider is responsible for that. It may also come from the fact that some countries intentionally downgrade the resolution of the Basemap provider for political reasons.

Tip: Switching from the satellite to the map view when planning a mission might partially solve the problem of the missing background information when adjusting your grid in Pix4Dcapture.

Changing the Basemap provider

Several other Basemap providers can be chosen from the application among which:
- USGS Topographic
- USGS Ortho
- Japan Standard
- Japan Ortho
- ESRI Topographic
- ESRI World Imagery

To use one of these alternative Basemap providers:

1. In the Home screen, tap Settings.
2. In the Settings menu, in the section Maps, tap Street Basemap provider or Satellite basemap provider.
3. Tap the current provider to display the drop-down list and select a Basemap provider. Scroll down if needed.


Add a custom Basemap provider

Pix4Dcapture also give the ability to the user to add a custom Basemap provider. To do so:

1. Tap the + icon to add a Basemap provider.
2. Fill the Label and URL field. The URL has to be in the specific format{z}/{y}/{x}. For more information: Tile Map Service.