
Rename images to place in same file directory - PIX4Dmapper

In some cases, projects can have images with the same name in the same dataset. This usually occurs because the image dataset was collected over multiple flights and the camera starts numbering over again. Whatever the reason, the best practice when processing in Pix4D is to have all images in the same directory on the same drive as the project. This is especially important when uploading your project to the cloud for processing. Follow the procedure detailed here to merge images with the same name into the same file directory.

For Windows

  1. Select all images in one location and drag to the same destination directory on the computer.
  2. If the images have the same name, a pop-up asks if the files should be replaced or not. Click No to all, so that the images will have a suffix (1), (2), (3), etc.

For Mac

  1. Select all images in one location and drag to the same destination directory on the computer.
  2. Select "Apply to all" and click "Keep Both"