From October 3rd, 2023, PIX4Dcapture is no longer available from the Android Play Store and Apple App Store. All the download links have been removed.
We suggest trying our new flight app: PIX4Dcapture Pro.
If you have questions on the difference between PIX4Dcapture and PIX4Dcapture Pro, please have a look here: Differences between PIX4Dcapture and PIX4Dcapture Pro.
You can find additional information here: Support for PIX4Dcapture app (legacy)
The latest compatible APKs of Pix4Dcapture can be accessed below to be installed on DJI CrystalSky and Yuneec ST16/ST16S. Note that it is version V4.5 and that any later version of Pix4Dcapture will not be compatible with the DJI CrystalSky and Yuneec ST16/ST16S.
The zip file contains all APKs (Pix4Dcapture, Ctrl+DJI, Ctrl+Parrot, Ctrl+Parrot 2, Ctrl+Yuneec) or it is possible to download them individually:
- Zip file: [link removed].
- Pix4Dcapture: [link removed].
- Ctrl+DJI: [link removed]. (for CrystalSky)
- Ctrl+Yuneec: [link removed]. (for Yuneec)
When installing, ensure to give all the permissions the applications need.
Install directly on the CrystalSky or ST16/ST16S
1. In the main menu, tap Applications and then tap Browser.
2. Download the APKs from the links above. There is not a systematic notification that the download has started.
3. Once downloaded, in the main menu, tap Applications and then tap Downloads.
4. Tap on the APKs file downloaded and install them.
5. Go to the Applications menu and open Ctrl+DJI or Ctrl+Yuneec.
6. From Ctrl+DJI open Pix4Dcapture.
Install using an SD card
1. Using any device where an SD card can be plugged, download the necessary APKs from the links above and save them on the SD card.
2. Once downloaded, plug the SD card on the DJI CrystalSKy or the ST16/ST16S.
3. On the DJI CrystalSky, in the main menu, tap Explorer and access the SD card.
On the Yuneec ST16/ST16S, in the main menu, tap File Manager and tap on the SD card icon to access the SD card.
4. Tap on the APKs and install them.
5. On the CrystalSky, go to the Applications menu and open Ctrl+DJI.
On the Yuneec ST16/ST16S, go to the main menu and open Ctrl+Yuneec.
6. On the CrystalSky, from Ctrl+DJI open Pix4Dcapture.
On the Yuneec ST16/ST16S, from Ctrl+DJI open Pix4Dcapture.