Download PIX4Dcapture, Ctrl+DJI, Ctrl+Parrot or Ctrl+Yuneec for Android via Google Play or get the latest APKs to install them on DJI CrystalSky:
From October 3rd, 2023, PIX4Dcapture is no longer available for download from the Android Play Store and Apple App Store.
More information here: Support for PIX4Dcapture app (legacy)
Compatible drones: (Android, iOS) Which drones are supported by PIX4Dcapture.
Compatible missions: (Android, iOS) Which type of mission to choose.
Current versions 4.11
What's new
- Updated to GroundSDK 1.8.0
- This version is only compatible with Anafi firmware 1.8.0, please upgrade your drone to the last firmware available.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What's new
- Support for Anafi USA.
- PIX4Dcloud trial license is created for new users that sign up.
- Updated to the latest GroundSDK.
- Updated to the latest DJI SDK.
- This version is not compatible with Anafi firmware 1.6.8 or below.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
- Updated to support the latest Parrot Anafi firmware (GroundSDK to 1.2.1).
- Rectilinear format for Parrot Anafi photos for wider compatibility.
- Update DJI SDK to 4.11.2.
- Offline maps bug fixes.
- Third-party acknowledgments in the about section.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- Support for Parrot Anafi Thermal (RGB + Thermal Images).
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- DJI SDK update to 4.11
- Android 10 support for DJI drones.
- Improved video for Mavic 2 Pro.
- Parrot GroundSDK update to 1.1.0
- Small UI tweaks (improved mission & sync notifications).
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- 64 bit / Android 10 compatibility.
- Anafi thermal support (RGB only).
- Improved image triggering reliability for Parrot Anafi.
- Safer landing location at end of the mission for Parrot Anafi.
- Image download crash for Parrot Anafi.
- Ctrl+Parrot 2 is no longer required; you will be prompted to uninstall it.
- The app now requires to run Android 7 (or above version) which is not compatible anymore with DJI CrystalSky and Yuneec H520.
- The latest compatible versions of the app with DJI CrystalSky and Yuneec can be found here.
Known issues
- No live video stream for Mavic 2 Pro.
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- (4.5.0) Support for DJI Mavic 2 Pro.
- Fixed issue affecting upload of projects containing unicode characters.
- Improved support for Parrot Anafi.
Known issues
- No live video stream for Mavic 2 Pro.
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- (4.4.0) Parrot Anafi support.
- (4.4.1) Android Pie V9.0 support.
- (4.4.1) Refreshed icons
- (4.4.1) Integration of DJI latest SDK V4.7.1
For users using the Anafi Work bundle (Anafi+Pix4Dmodel), we strongly recommend making the flight plans using PIX4Dcapture to get better results.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- (4.3.1) P4P V2 support.
- (4.3.1) Update to DJI SDK 4.6.
- (4.3.1) Update permissions in line with Google requirements.
- (4.3.1) Bind Bluegrass buttons during radiometric calibration.
- (4.3.0) Mavic Air support.
Bug fixes
- (4.3.2) Fix bug for device GPS position.
- (4.3.0) Fix bug where drone icon is being displayed at null island.
- (4.3.0) Fix bug with SDK error at drone connection.
- (4.3.0) Fix focus issue on Phantom 4 Pro.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- (4.2.2) Altitude can be selected in step of 1 meter/ 1 foot.
- (4.2.2) Support Sequoia radiometric calibration for Parrot and Bluegrass.
- (4.2.2) Update Sequoia firmware for Parrot and Bluegrass.
- (4.2.1) New Sign-up workflow.
- (4.2.1) Added privacy settings in the About section.
- (4.2.0) Support of Yuneec H520 drone with E90 camera using the ST16 and ST16S controller.
- (4.2.0) GSD estimate displayed at flight planning.
- (4.2.0) Abort landing from the mission view.
- (4.2.0) "Go Home" button available whenever the drone is not flying autonomously.
- (4.2.0) Indicate when no activity is detected on the SD card during the flight. Images might not be saved properly.
- (4.2.0) Refreshed UI.
Bug fixes
- (4.2.2) Fix bug where basemap was not displayed.
- (4.2.2) Fix bug where sign up was not possible.
- (4.2.2) Last digit missing from altitude selector when over 1000 feet.
- (4.2.2) GDPR: Refresh token before loading cloud web view.
- (4.2.2) Remove extraneous and invasive permission requests from Ctrl+DJI.
- (4.2.1) Fixed issue where a mission might not contain all flight lines.
- (4.2.1) Fixed issue where flown overlap was not actually the selected overlap.
- (4.2.1) (Inspire 1 with XT) Not all images were triggered. We recommend using the SD speed class 4 or higher to achieve the desired triggering interval.
- (4.2.1) The link for "I forgot my password" was outdated.
- (4.2.0) Fix bug where the KML overlay was not correctly rotated.
- (4.2.0) Fix various bugs when aborting mission during take-off and before starting a mission.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
- (Inspire 1 with XT) The mission is flying very slow (less than 1 m/s). Fixed in the version 4.2.1.
- (DJI drones) The mission cannot be started because of DJI internal error. For more information: "mission cannot be started because of dji internal failure". Fixed in the version 4.2.2.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 (I1).
- DJI Inspire 2 (I2).
- DJI Mavic Pro (MP).
- DJI Matrice 100 (M100).
- DJI Matrice 200 (M200).
- DJI Matrice 210 (M210).
- DJI Matrice 210 RTK (M210RTK)
- DJI Matrice 600 (M600).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A).
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P).
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard (P3S).
- DJI Phantom 4 (P4).
- DJI Phantom 4 Pro (P4P).
- DJI Spark (SP).
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2).
- Parrot Disco-Pro AG (DP).
- Parrot Bluegrass (BG).
For more information about supported hardware: (Android, iOS) Which drones are supported by PIX4Dcapture.
- Not all types of mission are available depending on the selected drone. For more information: (Android, iOS) Which type of mission to choose.
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision(+) drones were discontinued.
What is new
- Support for DJI Matrice 200, 210, 210 RTK.
- Block takeoff for Parrot drones when a firmware update is required.
Bug fixes
- Fix bug for Parrot Bluegrass, where in some cases some pictures are taken at the same position.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- Display mission status in mission view.
- Support for Parrot Bluegrass.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 (I1).
- DJI Inspire 2 (I2).
- DJI Mavic Pro (MP).
- DJI Matrice 100 (M100).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A).
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P).
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard (P3S).
- DJI Phantom 4 (P4).
- DJI Phantom 4 Pro (P4P).
- DJI Spark (SP).
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2).
- 3DR Solo (Solo): beta.
For more information about supported hardware: (Android, iOS) Which drones are supported by Pix4Dcapture.
- Not all types of mission are available depending of the selected drone. For more information: (Android, iOS) Which type of mission to choose.
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision(+) and 3DR Solo drones were discontinued.
- Beta support with GoPro Hero 4 (Black or Silver) only.
What is new
- Display amount of free SD card space in telemetry panel.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- Polygon support.
- Improve home page layout.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 (I1).
- DJI Inspire 2 (I2).
- DJI Mavic Pro (MP).
- DJI Matrice 100 (M100).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A).
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P).
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard (P3S).
- DJI Phantom 4 (P4).
- DJI Phantom 4 Pro (P4P).
- DJI Spark (SP).
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2).
- 3DR Solo (Solo): beta.
For more information about supported hardware: (Android, iOS) Which drones are supported by PIX4Dcapture.

(link removed, plugin not available anymore)

(link removed, plugin not available anymore)
- Not all types of mission are available depending of the selected drone. For more information: (Android, iOS) Which type of mission to choose.
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision(+) and 3DR Solo drones were discontinued.
- Beta support with GoPro Hero 4 (Black or Silver) only.
What is new
- Update to DJI SDK 4.3.2.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- Update to DJI SDK 4.3.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- Drone speed set to 10 m/s between takeoff and mission start.
Bug fixes
- (Inspire 1) 3 additional pictures are taken at the end of a mission.
- (Inspire 2 with X4S) The mission is automatically synchronized after the mission.
- (P3 series, Inspire 1) Camera angle taken into account when flying a grid mission and using the face center option in the mission settings.
- Various bug fixes.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- Support of DJI Spark: Free flight mission only. The Spark SDK does not support waypoints that is why automated missions cannot be flown with this drone.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- Upgrade to DJI SDK 4.2.
Bug fixes
- (DJI) Drone could not take off without the default camera detected. The drone can now fly a mission even if the camera is removed.
- Various bug fixes.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
What is new
- Upgrade to DJI SDK 4.1. Due to recent changes in the activation process, DJI drones will not take off or will have very limited flight capabilities if the latest versions of PIX4Dcapture and Ctrl+DJI are not installed.
- Discontinuation of Phantom 2 Vision(+) and Solo drones.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
- (Mavic Pro) The Map view does not display the picture icons during the mission even if the images are correctly captured.
- (Bebop 2) Image capture for better 3D model reconstruction.
- (Bebop 2) User interface.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
- (Mavic Pro) The Map view does not display the picture icons during the mission even if the images are correctly captured.
What is new
- Support of DJI Inspire 2: only the X4S was tested but the drone is also expected to fly with the X5S camera.
- For the grid and double grid missions, the overlap is computed based on the camera properties of X4S. It is suggested to add 5% to the desired image overlap when using X5S. For instance, the targeted overlap is 70%, apply 75% instead in the flight settings.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5, Mavic Pro) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
- (Mavic Pro) The Map view does not display the picture icons during the mission even if the images are correctly captured.
What is new
- (Bebop 2) Support of Skycontroller 2.
- (Bebop 2) Drone does not stop when taking pictures.
Bug fixes
- Fix several UI related bugs.
- Various bug fixes.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1 with X5, Matrice 100 with X5) The mission cannot be synchronized even manually. For more information: (Android) How to synchronize and upload the mission to the cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended. For more information: (Android, iOS) Is the .p4d file required for processing?.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 and Inspire 1 Pro (I1).
- DJI Mavic Pro (MP).
- DJI Matrice 100 (M100).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A).
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P).
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard (P3S).
- DJI Phantom 4 (P4).
- DJI Phantom 4 Pro (P4P).
- All other DJI drones supporting SDK 3: Not tested. Pix4D cannot guarantee that it will work with other drones.
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2).
- 3DR Solo (Solo): beta.
If using DJI drone (except P2V, P2V+) download the plugin app Ctrl+DJI:
(link removed, plugin not available anymore)
- (3DR Solo) Beta support of with GoPro Hero 4 (Black or Silver) only.
What is new
- New user interface for project and mission management. For more information: (Android) How to use the Project List.
- Improved Project List screen.
- Option to rename a project.
- New Project view with:
- Option in the toolbar for sharing the project.
- Buttons to download images from the drone and upload them on the cloud.
- Introduction tour when the app is installed and opened for the first time.
- Change the default directory to: ...\device_name\Internal storage\Pix4D.
- Japanese version when the language of the mobile device is set to Japanese.
- (DJI except P2V, P2V+) Circular mission.
Known issues
- (Inspire 1, Matrice 100) When flying with a Zenmuse X5 camera, the automatic synchronization that usually starts at the end of the flight fails. The mission should be synchronized manually but it could still fail. For more information: How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 and Inspire 1 Pro (I1).
- DJI Mavic Pro (MP).
- DJI Matrice 100 (M100).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A).
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P).
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard (P3S).
- DJI Phantom 4 (P4).
- DJI Phantom 4 Pro (P4P).
- All other DJI drones supporting SDK 3: Not tested. Pix4D cannot guarantee that it will work with other drones.
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2).
- 3DR Solo (Solo): beta

- Support of SDK 3: I1, M100, MP, P3A, P3P, P3S, P4, P4P.
- Support of SDK 2: P2V, P2V+.
For drones supporting SDK 3, a complementary app has to be installed together with PIX4Dcapture: Ctrl+DJI. It is important to use the latest version of this plugin together with the latest PIX4Dcapture version. Download Ctrl+DJI for Android via Google Play (click below for direct access):

(link removed, plugin not available anymore)
- No circular mission available for DJI drones but the camera can be adjusted to face the center of the grid.
- Beta support of 3DR Solo with GoPro Hero 4 (Black or Silver) only.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes
Known bugs
- (Inspire 1, Matrice 100) When flying with a Zenmuse X5 camera, the automatic synchronization that usually starts at the end of the flight fails. The mission should be synchronized manually but it could still fail. For more information: How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended.
What is new
- Support of DJI Phantom 4 Pro.
- New sign-up and login interface.
Known bugs
- (Inspire 1, Matrice 100) When flying with a Zenmuse X5 camera, the automatic synchronization that usually starts at the end of the flight fails. The mission should be synchronized manually but it could still fail. For more information: How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 and Inspire 1 Pro (I1).
- DJI Mavic Pro (MP).
- DJI Matrice 100 (M100).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A).
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P).
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard (P3S).
- DJI Phantom 4 (P4).
- All other DJI drones supporting SDK 3: Not tested. Pix4D cannot guarantee that it will work with other drones.
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2).
- 3DR Solo (Solo): beta

- Support of SDK 3: I1, M100, MP, P3A, P3P, P3S, P4.
- Support of SDK 2: P2V, P2V+.
For drones supporting SDK 3, a complementary app has to be installed together with PIX4Dcapture: Ctrl+DJI. It is important to use the latest version of this plugin together with the latest PIX4Dcapture version. Download Ctrl+DJI for Android via Google Play (click below for direct access):

(link removed, plugin not available anymore)
- No circular mission available for DJI drones but the camera can be adjusted to face the center of the grid.
- Beta support of 3DR Solo with GoPro Hero 4 (Black or Silver) only.
- (DJI) The drone now rotates and always looks forwards when moving even if the camera angle is set to vertical. It means the drone turns in the angles of the grid mission to go from one line to the other.
Bug fixes
- (DJI) Improved stability for picture triggering.
- (DJI with X5) Camera was not shooting because of a too short time interval to trigger the picture. The drone now flies slower but the Zenmuse X5 should shoot without problem.
- Various bug fixes.
Known bugs
- (Inspire 1, Matrice 100) When flying with a Zenmuse X5 camera, the automatic synchronization that usually starts at the end of the flight fails. The mission should be synchronized manually but it could still fail. For more information: How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended.
What is new
- Support of DJI Mavic Pro.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes.
Known bugs
- (Inspire 1, Matrice 100) When flying with a Zenmuse X5 camera, the automatic synchronization that usually starts at the end of the flight fails. The mission should be synchronized manually but it could still fail. For more information: How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 and Inspire 1 Pro (I1).
- DJI Matrice 100 (M100).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A).
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P).
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard (P3S).
- DJI Phantom 4 (P4).
- All other DJI drones supporting SDK 3: Not tested. Pix4D cannot guarantee that it will work with other drones.
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2).
- 3DR Solo (Solo): beta

- Support of SDK 3: I1, M100, P3A, P3P, P3S, P4.
- Support of SDK 2: P2V, P2V+.
For drones supporting SDK 3, a complementary app has to be installed together with PIX4Dcapture: Ctrl+DJI. It is important to use the latest version of this plugin together with the latest PIX4Dcapture version. Download Ctrl+DJI for Android via Google Play (click below for direct access):

(link removed, plugin not available anymore)
- No circular mission available for DJI drones but the camera can be adjusted to face the center of the grid.
- Beta support of 3DR Solo with GoPro Hero 4 (Black or Silver) only.
What is new
- Upgrade to Parrot SDK 3.10.1.
- Integration of DJI SDK 3.4.1.
- Import of .kml and .kmz files into the app in order to plan a flight. For more information: (Android) How to import .kml/.kmz file.
- More stable Bebop connection.
Bug fixes
- Bebop mission abort behaviour.
- Various bug fixes.
Known bugs
- (Inspire 1, Matrice 100) When flying with a Zenmuse X5 camera, the automatic synchronization that usually starts at the end of the flight fails. The mission should be synchronized manually but it could still fail. For more information: How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 and Inspire 1 Pro (I1).
- DJI Matrice 100 (M100).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A).
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P).
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard (P3S).
- DJI Phantom 4 (P4).
- All other DJI drones supporting SDK 3: Not tested. Pix4D cannot guarantee that it will work with other drones.
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2).
- 3DR Solo (Solo): beta

- Support of SDK 3: I1, P3A, P3P, P3S, P4.
- Support of SDK 2: P2V, P2V+.
For drones supporting SDK 3, a complementary app has to be installed together with PIX4Dcapture: Ctrl+DJI. It is important to use the latest version of this plugin together with the latest PIX4Dcapture version. Download Ctrl+DJI for Android via Google Play (click below for direct access):

(link removed, plugin not available anymore)
- No circular mission available for DJI drones but the camera can be adjusted to face the center of the grid.
- Beta support of 3DR Solo with GoPro Hero 4 (Black or Silver) only.
Bug fixes
- Upload to the cloud with mobile data could fail (did not apply to Wi-Fi connection).
- Various bug fixes.
Known bugs
- (Inspire 1, Matrice 100) When flying with a Zenmuse X5 camera, the automatic synchronization that usually starts at the end of the flight fails. The mission should be synchronized manually but it could still fail. For more information: How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended.
What is new
- Alternative providers can be selected for the street or satellite base map. In the Home screen, tap Settings. In the Settings menu, go to the section Maps and tap the corresponding option and choose from the drop-down list.
- Possibility to select another provider than MapBox (default): USGS, ESRI, etc.
- Possibility to add another base map provider.
- Permissions related to the license for uploading a project to the cloud. For more information: (Android, iOS) Cloud upload permission.
- Faster upload (parallelized) to transfer the full resolution images and project file (.p4d) to the cloud.
Bug fixes
- (DJI drones except P2V and P2V+) Images were not captured during the flight because of the format that was selected in DJI GO. The drone should now take .jpeg pictures regardless of the format that is defined.
- The .p4d file generated at the end of the mission used to contain wrong parameters for the camera orientation. These orientation parameters are now not written in the .p4d because they are not needed for processing with the software.
- Various bug fixes.
Known bugs
- (Inspire 1, Matrice 100) When flying with a Zenmuse X5 camera, the automatic synchronization that usually starts at the end of the flight fails. The mission should be synchronized manually but it could still fail. For more information: How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 and Inspire 1 Pro (I1).
- DJI Matrice 100 (M100).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A).
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P).
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard (P3S).
- DJI Phantom 4 (P4).
- All other DJI drones supporting SDK 3: Not tested. Pix4D cannot guarantee that it will work with other drones.
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2).
- 3DR Solo (Solo): beta

- Support of SDK 3: I1, P3A, P3P, P3S, P4.
- Support of SDK 2: P2V, P2V+.
For drones supporting SDK 3, a complementary app has to be installed together with PIX4Dcapture: Ctrl+DJI.
- No circular mission available for DJI drones but the camera can be adjusted to face the center of the grid.
- Beta support of 3DR Solo with GoPro Hero 4 (Black or Silver) only.
What is new
- Double grid mission: New type of mission for better 3D models reconstruction for DJI drones except P2V(+).
- Save offline background (roadmap or satellite) per project for several zoom levels. They are loaded only if there is no Internet connection.
- Single grid point of interest: The camera can be adjusted to face the center of the grid throughout the flight. This feature is recommended for the reconstruction of facades.
- Ability to resume the upload to the cloud in case of failure. It is useful when uploading large projects as it prevents from starting the upload from the beginning if it fails.
- UI improvements.
Bug fixes
- Takeoff checklist:
- Mission uploaded to drone: The app checks whether the mission is completely uploaded before taking off.
- Camera is ready: The app checks whether the camera shutter is activated.
- Various bug fixes.
Known bugs
- (Inspire 1, Matrice 100) When flying with a Zenmuse X5 camera, the automatic synchronization that usually starts at the end of the flight fails. The mission should be synchronized manually but it could still fail. For more information: How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 and Inspire 1 Pro (I1).
- DJI Matrice 100 (M100).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A).
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P).
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard (P3S).
- DJI Phantom 4 (P4).
- All other DJI drones supporting SDK 3: Not tested. Pix4D cannot guarantee that it will work with other drones.
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2).
- 3DR Solo (Solo): beta

- Support of SDK 3: I1, P3A, P3P, P3S, P4.
- Support of SDK 2: P2V, P2V+.
For drones supporting SDK 3, a complementary app has to be installed together with PIX4Dcapture: Ctrl+DJI.
- No Circular Mission available for DJI drones.
- Beta support of 3DR Solo with GoPro Hero 4 (Black or Silver) only.
What is new
- Support of DJI Matrice 100.
- Picture trigger mode: Triggering the camera is now based on a time lapse. The app used to send a signal to take a picture which is no longer the case. The distribution of the images along the flight path is expected to be more regular.
- (Grid Mission) Improved overlap: More accurate computation of flight characteristics that depends on the overlap.
- (Grid Mission) Synchronization of the images: The new picture trigger mode can make the images very close to each other in terms of visual content. It happens in the corners when the drone slows down whereas the time lapse is fixed. When synchronizing the mission, redundant images are discarded. These images might also be blurry because the drone turns in the corners. Therefore, there are more images on the drone’s SD card than on the mobile device and in the .p4d file.
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug where overlap percentage was not shown on some devices.
- Various bug fixes.
Known bugs
- (Inspire 1, Matrice 100) When flying with a Zenmuse X5 camera, the automatic synchronization that usually starts at the end of the flight fails. The mission should be synchronized manually but it could still fail. For more information: How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud. In this case, processing without the .p4d file is recommended.
What is new
- Support of DJI Phantom 4 and DJI Phantom 3 Standard.
- Integration of DJI SDK 3.2.0.
- Ability to resume a mission that has been aborted or interrupted by taking over manual control. The incomplete portion is saved (a smaller grid mission with the remaining lines is created) so that it can be flown later e.g. after changing the battery or waiting for flying conditions to change.
- (DJI drones) Full support, not in beta anymore.
- (DJI drones) Image download and synchronization.
- Ability to create and upload a single project file for all missions being part of the same project (beta option).
- Feedback improvement when adjusting a grid (color and alert message).
- UI improvements.
Bug fixes
- (Solo) .p4d file generation with image coordinates.
- Various bug fixes.
Compatible drones
- DJI Inspire 1 and Inspire 1 Pro (I1): beta.
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A): beta.
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P): beta.
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2): beta.
- 3DR Solo (Solo): beta
- No circular mission available for DJI and 3DR drones.
What is new
- Support of 3DR Solo with GoPro Hero 4 (Black or Silver). If another camera is used, PIX4Dcapture cannot trigger the shutter of the camera so no images are taken.
- Brand new Mission Planner now called Project List. For more information: (Android) How to use the Project List.
- (Bebop 2) Minimum firmware required: 3.2.0.
- Images can only be uploaded to PIX4Dcloud in full resolution. The low resolution option was removed.
- (Solo) The .p4d file generated at the end of the mission contains the image coordinates that are used to process in PIX4Dmapper but the app does not write in the image EXIF directly.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes.
Compatible drones
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision (P2V).
- DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ (P2V+).
- DJI Inspire 1 and Inspire 1 Pro (I1): beta.
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (P3A): beta.
- DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P): beta.
- Parrot Bebop 2 (B2): beta.
- No circular mission available for DJI drones.
What is new
- Support of Parrot Bebop 2 (minimum firmware required: 3.1.0).
- Fly circular missions with Bebop 2.
Bug fixes
(P3A, P3P, I1) Various bug fixes including:
- Connection problem for some Android devices.
- Synchronization of the images at the end of the mission.
- Drone takeoff was sometimes prevented.
Bug fixes
- Updated DJI SDK to 2.4.1.
Known bugs
- (P3A, P3P and I1) Synchronization of the images
- At the end of the mission the images are not synchronized properly. Workaround:
1. Disable the Sync automatically when mission ends option in the settings. For more information: (Android) PIX4Dcapture - Manual.
2. Transfer the images from the drone's SD card to the computer.
3. Create a new PIX4Dmapper project and process the images locally. For more information: New project in PIX4Dmapper. - (P3A, P3P and I1) Connection problem
- With some devices and Android versions, the connection is failing and the application is requesting to connect by WiFi.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes.
Known bugs
- (P3A, P3P and I1) Synchronization of the images
- At the end of the mission the images are not synchronized properly. Workaround:
1. Disable the Sync automatically when mission ends option in the settings. For more information: (Android) PIX4Dcapture - Manual.
2. Transfer the images from the drone's SD card to the computer.
3. Create a new PIX4Dmapper project and process the images locally. For more information: New project in PIX4Dmapper. - (I1) Low battery level in the takeoff checklist
- The battery level is not recognized correctly by the SDK for the Inspire 1. Workaround:
1. Enable the advanced mode: Go to Settings > Advanced settings and enable the advanced mode.
2. In the take off checklist, ignore the battery level check by pressing on the check. - (P3A, P3P and I1) Connection problem
- With some devices and Android versions, the connection is failing and the application is requesting to connect by WiFi
What is new
- Support for:
- Inspire 1
- Phantom 3 Professional
- Phantom 3 Advanced
- New Mission Manager
Allows the upload of multiple missions simultaneously - Select speed
Adjust the speed of the drone for the Grid Mission - Advanced mode
Allows to ignore some safety checks
- Improved User Interface for Grid Mission Map View
A new interface to allow selecting the speed, angle and the overlap directly in the Map View. - New Altitude limits
It is possible to set the Grid Mission altitude between 10 and 150 meters.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes
Known bugs
- (P3A, P3P and I1) Synchronization of the images
- At the end of the mission the images are not synchronized properly. Workaround:
1. Disable the Sync automatically when mission ends option in the settings. For more information: (Android) PIX4Dcapture - Manual.
2. Transfer the images from the drone's SD card to the computer.
3. Create a new PIX4Dmapper project and process the images locally. For more information: New project in PIX4Dmapper. - (I1) Low battery level in the takeoff checklist
- The battery level is not recognized correctly by the SDK for the Inspire 1. Workaround:
1. Enable the advanced mode: Go to Settings > Advanced settings and enable the advanced mode.
2. In the take off checklist, ignore the battery level check by pressing on the check. - (P3A, P3P and I1) Connection problem
- With some devices and Android versions, the connection is failing and the application is requesting to connect by WiFi
- Speed is reduced by 10% to ensure that images are properly taken.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented some drones from flying the 7th line.
What is new
- New interface for Grid Mission Map View
A new interface for the Map View allows to position, rotate and resize the grid and get an immediate response for the mission directly on the map view. - Select flight altitude
Select the flight altitude for the Grid Mission directly in the Map View. - Select overlap
Select the overlap between the images for the Grid Mission in the App Settings.
- New interface for Free Flight Mission Map View
A new interface allows to directly set the minimum horizontal and vertical distance between two images in the Map View. - Improved upload to Pix4D Cloud
If upload is interrupted and resumed, the upload starts from the last image fully uploaded. - Disable automatic mission synchronization
Disable the automatic mission synchronization in the App Settings. The missions can be synchronized at a later stage. - Video stream
Improved video stream stability in the camera view during flight.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that made the map crash when hardware acceleration was enabled on some devices.
- Updated Mapbox to 0.7.3
- Various bug fixes
- Upload downsampled images for faster upload and quick 3D preview. The images size is reduced by 2.
Bug fixes
- Fix crashes in Mapbox due to hardware acceleration. Hardware acceleration is disabled by default on the map. It can be enabled from the settings.
Bug fixes
- Updated Mapbox. This should fix crashes on the map.
- Various minor and random crashes fix.
- Upgrade DJI SDK to 1.0.6
- Upgrade Mapbox SDK to 0.7.2
- Improved Mission Manager:
- Missions synchronization to the phone can be aborted after flight and resynchronized later.
- More reliable upload to your Pix4D User Account: projects can only be uploaded if all the images are synchronized on the device.
- Improved Quick 3D Feedback on the Cloud:
- Improved feedback of the processing: mails are send when the processing is finished or when an issue occurred.
- More stable connection to the drone.
- Support for Android 5 Lollipop.
- Upgrade to Mapbox 0.7.0.
- Save image orientation in the .p4d project file.
- Upgrade DJI SDK.
Bug fixes
- Fix bug where the drone was not well disconnected when leaving the App.
- Various minor bug fixes.
Bug fixes
- Correct map overlay drawing order (upgrade to Mapbox 0.6.0).
- Fix issues where opening the ground station whould fail (upgrade DJI SDK to 1.0.4+beta).
- Fix erroneous error message at upload end "Error finalizing the upload."
- Fix various crashes related to connection/disconnection from drone.
- Display loss of connection to the drone during the flight.
- The map pulses slowly if there is no Wi-Fi connection.
- The Wi-Fi icon in the action bar is green until a connection loss, red when connection is lost and orange when connection is re-established.
- The drone path on the map is displayed as a red dotted line in regions with no Wi-Fi connection.
- Allow to logout.
- Allow to delete missions in the mission manager (long press on a mission to start selection).
- The output folder can be set in the preferences. The external SD card can be selected such that the images and project files are directly written there.
- More checks are performed before takeoff.
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes to improve the stability.
- Update DJI Android SDK to Version 1.0.2, this should considerably improve the stability of the application.
Bug fixes
- Fix bug where the Free Flight parameters from settings where not used.
Bug fixes
- Fix crash when selecting camera gimbal angle in settings.
- Fix links to documentation websites.
What is new
- Free Flight Mission
A Free Flight Mission allows to fly yourself the drone while images are automatically captured by the application. For example, this is usefull to acquire images around objects such as buildings. For more information: How to prepare and start a free flight mission.
- Takeoff checklist
A new takeoff check list dialog appears before takingoff.
- Mission Manager
New Mission Manager that allows to easily browse, upload and share missions.
- Better integration with PIX4Dmapper
Better integration with PIX4Dmapper to easily create maps after image acquisition by creating a PIX4Dmapper Discovery account direcly from PIX4Dmapper Capture.
- Set the angle for the Grid Mission
Set the angle for the Grid Mission in the preferences.
- Map View caches tiles on disk (100 MB)
The Map View caches now tiles on disk (100 MB), which allows to plan the mission before going to the field.
- Various stability improvements
- Interface
- Updated MapBox version 0.5.0
- Display icons on the map where pictures were acquired.
- Display on the map the path followed by the drone during flight.
- Flight speed can be set in the preferences.
- Possibility to set the angle of the camera for Grid Mission in the preferences.
- Improved stability.
- Flight management
- Refuse takeoff if there is insufficient space in phone memory.
- Geotagging
- Write absolute WGS84 altitude instead of relative altitude to EXIF data.
Bug fixes
- Updated DJI SDK, which fixes some common stability issues.
- Fixed various app crashes.
- Improved stability.
Bug fixes
- Fixed various app crashes.
- Generate PIX4Dmapper project file, which can be shared by external apps.
- Support more devices as well as Android 4.0.
- Improved stability.
Bug fixes
- Fixed various app crashes.
PIX4Dmapper App allows to turn a DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ into a mapping and measuring tool by defining autonomous mapping flights.
• Select an area for mapping.
• Start a fully autonomous mission.
• Images are taken automatically and are geo-tagged.
• Interrupt mission at any time in case of danger.
• Transfer images to your computer.
• Convert images into maps and 3D models using PIX4Dmapper on your PC or on the cloud.
For more information: How to transfer and process images after a mission.