Functionalities / How-to

Import .kml/.kmz file (Android) - PIX4Dcapture

The steps below describe how to create a .kml/.kmz file with Google Earth Pro and how to make it available in the app in order to plan a flight. It is possible to import:

  • A .kml file containing vector data only, e.g. a georeferenced polygon corresponding to the flight boundaries.
  • A .kmz file containing raster data and optionally vector data, e.g. a georeferenced background image to use a base map plus a polygon.

The procedure is the following:

1. Go to Google Earth Pro webpage.
2. Click Agree and Download.
3. Install the program. It might also be needed to uninstall Google Earth (default edition).
4. Start Google Earth Pro.

Information: If no georeferenced image is available to use as a base map, jump to step 8. directly.

5. Drag and drop a georeferenced .tif image (GeoTIFF). Make sure the .tfw geolocation file is stored in the same folder.
6. In the pop-up, click Scale.

7. In the window New Image Overlay, click OK.
8. On the toolbar at the top, click to draw a polygon.
9. In the window New Polygon, edit the name and while the window is still display, left click to add points on the map. Click OK to finish the drawing.

Note: Since the .tif image was imported first, it is displayed on the top and the polygon is actually hidden below. To visualize it, unselect the .tif layer from the left sidebar.

10. On the left sidebar, right click Temporary Places and click Save Place As...
11. Enter the file name and select the export format .kml/.kmz and click Save.

Important: If the .kml format is selected, only the polygon (vector data) is exported.

12. Connect the mobile device to the computer using a USB cable.
13. Copy the .kmz file to the device. The location could be something like device_name\Device Memory\Pix4D.
14. Open the app and go the Project List to open an existing mission or create a new project. For more information: (Android) How to use the Project List.
15. In the Project view of the project, tap bu_menu.png and Load KML...

Information: If a .kml or .kmz file is already loaded, the option is Manage KML... and it is possible to REPLACE or REMOVE the current file.

16. Browse the device's memory to select and load the desired file.

17. In the Project view, tap plus.png to start planning a new mission with the georeferenced .tif image and polygon in the background. It opens the Map view.
