
Poisson Surface Reconstruction freezes at 40% while generating the 3D Textured Mesh - PIX4dmapper


When step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh is running, the processing freezes at 40% of the Poisson Surface Reconstruction while generating the 3D Textured Mesh.


During the generation of the 3D Textured Mesh in step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh, if the memory is full, the software swaps to the hard disk and this takes longer time than normal.


A possible solution for computers that are not powerful enough, is to modify the processing options:

1. On the Menu bar click Process > Processing Options...
2. Select the processing step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh.
3. Select the tab 3D Textured Mesh.
4. In the section, Settings select Custom and decrease the Maximum Octree Depth: Menu Process > Processing Options... > 2. Point Cloud and Mesh > 3D Textured Mesh.
5. Decrease the Maximum Number of Triangles: Menu Process > Processing Options... > 2. Point Cloud and Mesh > 3D Textured Mesh.
6. Run again step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh.