How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to generate the Google Maps Tiles and KML - PIX4Dmapper

This article explains how to generate the Google Maps Tiles and KML in PIX4Dmapper.

Access: It is possible to generate the Google Maps Tiles and KML during step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index. When using the default Processing Templates ( Processing Options Default Templates), the Google Maps Tiles and KML generation is not performed .
  • When images are grouped in more than one group, the Google Maps Tiles and KML will only be generated if one of the groups is named RGB (in capital letters). Then the Google Maps Tiles and KML will be generated only for this group. For more information about the image groups: Menu Project > Image Properties Editor... > Images Table.
  • The Google Maps Tiles and KML are only generated for 3 bands with 8-bit per band images.
  • The Google Maps tiles and KML will only be generated for projects with georeference (image geolocation or GCPs).

1. Click Process > Processing Options...
2. Select the processing step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index.
3. Under the tab DSM and Orthomosaic, in the Orthomosaic section, select Google Maps Tiles and KML.
4. Click OK.
5. On the Menu bar, click View> Processing.
6. Ensure that 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index is selected, and that 1. Initial Processing and 2. Point Cloud Densification and Mesh are not selected.
7. Click Start.

Note: The Google Maps Tiles and KML Tiles are stored in:
.. .\project_name\3_dsm_ortho\2_mosaic\google_tiles