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How to do a Rapid Check of the Dataset while still being in the Field - PIX4Dmapper

To do a rapid check of the dataset while still being in the field:

1. Create a new project, selecting the Rapid/Low Res Template that best fits the dataset: Step 2. Creating a Project. For more information about how to create a project: Step 2. Creating a Project.
2. Once the project is created, unselect step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh and step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index.
3. Select step 1. Initial Processing.
4. Click Start.
5. Check if the images got calibrated and analyze the quality report: Step 4. Processing.

  • If the rapid / low resolution processing succeeds, it is safe to assume that the results of full processing will be of high quality.
  • If the rapid / low resolution processing fails, it is an indication that this dataset is difficult and requires more overlap (for more information about how to design the flight plan: Step 1. Before Starting a Project > 1. Designing the Image Acquisition Plan). If so, it is advised to collect more images either by flying again and combining the projects together, or by changing the flight plan to get more overlap.
  • It is possible to obtain results with the full processing even if the rapid / low resolution processing fails. However the results in that case may be of lower quality, consist of less calibrated images or contain artifacts.
  • It is possible that the rapid / low resolution processing succeeds and the full processing fails. It is a rare case and usually happens with blurry or low textured images where few keypoints can be computed in full pixel resolution. It is advised to collect new sharp (not blurry) images. The full processing can succeed setting the Keypoints Image Scale to Half image size or Quarter image size. For more information: Menu Process > Processing Options... > 1. Initial Processing > General.