How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to navigate in the 3D View in the rayCloud and the Volumes View - PIX4Dmapper

The navigation in the 3D View (how the 3D view reacts when using the mouse or keyboard) depends on the Navigation Mode selected:

  • Standard: Pix4D standard navigation mode.
  • Trackball: The camera movements are defined relatively to a ball placed at the center of the view. Recommended for more efficient navigation around a single centered object.
  • First Person: Allows the user to interact with the view by simulating piloting the camera rather than manipulating the model. Recommended for close inspection and complex models requiring more degrees of freedom.
Note: Several predefined viewpoints exist such as Top view, Front view, etc. These predefined viewpoints are accessible using the keyboard or the Menu bar rayCloud > Viewpoint. For more information about the available Viewpoints: Menu View > rayCloud > Menu Bar.
Using the mouse
  • Pan: Left click and move the mouse (a green cross appears representing the focus point for the movement).
  • Zoom in: Move the scroll wheel forward while positioning the mouse over the point on which to zoom in or right click and move the mouse forward (a green line appears representing the focus point for the zooming).
  • Zoom out: Move the scroll wheel backwards while positioning the mouse over the point on which to zoom out or right click and move the mouse backward (a green line appears representing the focus point for the zooming).
  • Rotate: Move the mouse while clicking the scroll wheel or left and right click at the same time (a green circle appears representing the center point of the rotation).
Using the keyboard
  • Pan: Press the arrows keys to move front, back, right and left in the plane of the project.
  • Zoom in: Press "+" to zoom in on the 3D View.
  • Zoom out: Press "-" to zoom out on the 3D View.
  • Rotate: Press "4" to rotate leftwards, "6" to rotate rightwards, "8" to rotate upwards and "2" to rotate downwards (the rotation uses the plane on which the model is placed).
Tip: In order to pan, zoom in, zoom out and rotate in a faster way, press Ctrl with the corresponding keys.
Using the mouse
  • Pan: Left and right click simultaneously and move the mouse.
  • Zoom in: Move the scroll wheel forward.
  • Zoom out: Move the scroll wheel backwards.
  • Rotation: Left click and move the mouse to rotate the view.
Using the keyboard
  • Zoom in : Press "+" to zoom in on the 3D View.
  • Zoom out: Press "-" to zoom out on the 3D View.
First Person
Using the mouse
  • Orientation: Left click and move the mouse to oriente the view. (the look direction follows the mouse cursor).
  • Zoom in: Move the scroll wheel forward.
  • Zoom out: Move the scroll wheel backwards.
Using the keyboard
  • Move forward/backward: Press "W" and "S" or "Up" and "Down" to move the camera forward or backward.
  • Move left/right: Press "A" and the Left Arrow or "D" and the Right arrow to move the camera to the left or to the right.
  • Move up/down: Press "Page Up" and "Page Down" to move the view up or down along the z-axis.
  • Rotate left/right: Press "I" and "K" to rotate the camera up or down.
  • Rotate up/down: Press "J" and "L" to rotate the camera to the left or to the right.