
Menu Process > Processing Options... > Templates - PIX4Dmapper

PIX4Dmapper includes a variety of different templates for processing. This article explains in detail all the available options.

Access: On the Menu bar, click Process > Processing Options..., the pop-up Processing Options appears.


The section about templates allows to:

  • Load (select) a template.
  • Save a custom template.
  • Visualize the description of a template (Manage Templates).
  • Edit the name and description of a custom template (Manage Templates).
  • Delete a custom template (Manage Templates).
  • Import templates from the support site (Manage Templates).

It contains:

  • Current Options: Displays the selected processing options template.
    Note: No Template: Refers to processing options templates (default or created by the user) that have been edited but are not saved.
  • Load Template: Allows to select a processing options template.
    Note: The processing options templates are organized into three sections: Standard, Rapid and Advanced. A fourth section titled Personal appears above the others when a new personal template has been created by the user.

  • Save Template: Displays two options:

    • Update "Template" with Current Options: Allows to overwrite the processing options template with the newly selected options. Available when a Personal template is selected and some options have been changed.
    • Create New Template with Current Options...: Allows to save the selected processing options as a new Personal processing options template. Opens the Create New Template pop-up which allows to enter a Name and a Description for the new template:

  • Manage Templates...: The pop-up Templates Manager appears:

It contains two sections:

    • List of existing processing options templates.
Note: The processing options templates are organized into three sections: Standard, Rapid, and Advanced. A fourth section titled Personal appears above the others when a new personal template has been created by the user.
    • Description of the selected processing options template regarding the:
      • Image acquisition: Recommended image acquisition type for applying the template; the blue color refers to the acquisition plan and the yellow color refers to the terrain or object type.
      • Outputs Quality/Reliability: The scale ranges from Low to High to differentiate the quality and reliability of the results between full and rapid/low-resolution processing; high reliability indicates the higher resolution that can be achieved for the specific dataset with the specific processing options selected in the template.
        Note: For more information about the differences between full and rapid/low resolution: Full Processing vs Rapid / Low Resolution.
      • Processing Speed: The scale ranges from Slow to Fast to differentiate the completion time between full and rapid/low-resolution processing.
      • Outputs Generated: List of images of the generated outputs.
      • Application Examples: List of common applications for which the template should be used.

And the buttons:

    • New: Creates a new processing options template in the Personal section with the selected processing options.
    • Duplicate: Duplicates an existing processing options template with another name.
    • Remove: Deletes a processing options template.
    • Check box Import/Export: displays the buttons:

      • Import...: Allows importing a template (.tmpl files created with PIX4Dmapper).
      • Export...: Allows exporting a template as a .tmpl file.
      • Folder...: Opens the folder where the user processing options template are saved.
        Note: More processing options templates (.tmpl) available Processing Options Default Templates.
    • OK: Confirms the changes.
    • Cancel: Does not save the changes.
    • Help: Opens the PIX4Dmapper help.
Note: For more information about the Processing Options Templates, their outputs, and their selected processing options: Processing Options Default Templates.