This article describes the format of the .tmpl template file. This could be useful when there is a need to create a template file to automate processing using the command line.
.tmpl file format
The .tmpl file contains information about the processing options and which processing steps to run. The .tmpl file is written in XML format and has a formal definition by means of a XSD (XML Schema Document) file. The XSD file can be found in the installation directory in "resources/xsd/templates_*.xsd".
The name of the .tmpl file defines the template name that will be displayed in the software's User Interface.
The .tmpl file has the following structure
<!--Contains user information about the template-->
<!--Contains the software version defining the template format-->
<!--Contains info about the processing options for step 1-->
<!--Contains info about the processing options for step 2-->
<!--Contains info about the processing options for step 3 Orthomosaic and DSM-->
<!--Contains info about the processing options for step 3 Index Calculator-->
.tmpl XML tags
The section below lists the XML tags used for each processing options.
Processing options for step 1. Initial Processing. For more information: Menu Process > Processing Options... > 1. Initial Processing > General.
- true: run step 1
- false: do not run step 1
- Full: for Full
- Rapid: for Rapid
- Custom: for Custom
Defines the image scale used for keypoint extraction.
- If Keypoint Image Scale is Full or Rapid: the Image Scale value is automatically chosen.
- If Keypoint Image Scale is Custom: the value can be:
- 0.125: for 1/8 (eighth image size)
- 0.25: for 1/4 (quarter image size)
- 0.5: for 1/2 (half image size)
- 1: for 1 (original image size)
- 2: for 2 (double image size)
- true: generate orthomosaic preview
- false: do not generate orthomosaic preview
- AutoAerial: for Aerial Grid or Corridor
- AutoOblique: for Free Flight or Terrestrial
- Custom: for Custom
Defines if the images pair should be matched according to capture time. Value can be:
- 0: Do not use capture time
- a positive integer n such that 0 ≤ n ≤ 50: Number of Successive Neighboring Images
Defines if the image pairs should be matched by using a triangulation of the image geolocation. Value can be:
- true: use triangulation
- false: do not use triangulation
Defines if the image pairs should be matched according to the distance between them. Value can be:
- a decimal number < 0: use Relative Distance Between Consecutive Images
- a decimal number > 0: use absolute Distance Between Consecutive Images
- a decimal number = 0: do not use distance
Defines if the image pairs should be matched using image similarity. Value can be:
- 0: Do not use image similarity
- a positive integer n such that 0 ≤ n ≤ 100: Maximum Number of Pairs for Each Image Based on Similarity
Defines if the image pairs should be matched using Manual Tie Points. Value can be:
- 0: Do not use MTPs
- a positive integer n such that 1 ≤ n ≤ 50: Maximum Number of Image Pairs per MTP
Defines if time should be used to match images taken by different cameras. Value can be:
- 0: Do not use time
- 1: Use time
- true: use geometrically verified matching
- false: do not use geometrically verified matching
- Automatic
- CustomNumber OfKeypoints
Defines the number of targeted keypoints to extract. Value can be:
- an integer n such that 100 ≤ n ≤ 1'000'000
- Standard
- Alternative
- Accurate Geolocation and Orientation
- Ceres
- None
- Leading
- All
- All Prior
- None
- Orientation
- All
- Auto: for Automatic
- Custom: for Custom
Defines if the images have to be rematched or not. Value can be:
- true: rematch images
- false: do not rematch images
Defines if masking the pixels that are covered by sky on the images is used. Value can be:
- true: masking is applied
- false: masking is not applied
- true: export to file
- false: do not export to file
- true: generate undistorted images
- false: do not generate undistorted images
Processing options for step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh. For more information: Menu Process > Processing Options... > 2. Point Cloud and Mesh > Point Cloud.
- true: run step 2
- false: do not run step 2
- 0: for 1 (Originial image size, Slow)
- 1: for 1/2 (Half image size, default)
- 2: for 1/4 (Quarter image size, Fast)
- 3: for 1/8 (Eighth image size, Tolerant)
- true: do not use multiscale
- false: use multiscale
- High
- Optimal
- Low
- true: export densified point cloud in LAS format
- false: do not export densified point cloud in LAS format
- true: export densified point cloud in LAZ format
- false: do not export densified point cloud in LAZ format
- true: export densified point cloud in PLY format
- false: do not export densified point cloud in PLY format
- true: export densified point cloud in XYZ format
- false: do not export densified point cloud in XYZ format
- Space: for Space
- Tab: for Tab
- Comma: for Comma
- Semicolon: for Semicolon
- true: merge point cloud tiles into a single file
- false: do not merge point cloud tiles into a single file
- true: generate 3D Textured Mesh
- false: do not generate 3D Textured Mesh
- High: for High Resolution
- Medium: for Medium Resolution (default)
- Low: for Low Resolution
- Custom: for Custom
- positive integer n such that 5 ≤ n ≤ 20
- 256: for 256x256
- 512: for 512x512
- 1024: for 1024x1024
- 2048: for 2048x2048
- 4096: for 4096x4096
- 8192: for 8192x8192
- 16384: for 16384x16384
- 32768: for 32768x32768
- 65536: for 65536x65536
- 131072: for 131072x131072
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
- positive integer n such that 100 < n < 20'000'000
- Sensitive
- Aggressive
- true: use color balancing
- false: do not use color balancing
- true: export 3D textured mesh in PLY format
- false: do not export 3D textured mesh in PLY format
- true: export 3D textured mesh in FBX format
- false: do not export 3D textured mesh in FBX format
- true: export 3D textured mesh in AutoCAD DXF format
- false: do not export 3D textured mesh in AutoCAD DXF format
- true: export 3D textured mesh in OBJ format
- false: do not export 3D textured mesh in OBJ format
- true: export 3D textured mesh in OBJ format with tiled texture
- false: do not export 3D textured mesh in OBJ format with tiled texture
- true: export 3D textured mesh in 3D PDF format
- false: do not export 3D textured mesh in 3D PDF format
- "": no logo is displayed
- "<path_to_logo>: logo given by the path is displayed
- 7: for 7x7
- 9: for 9x9
- <pclImageGroups/>: no group is densified
- <group name="group_name">: add a tag with the Image Group name for each image group to densify
- <meshGeometryImageGroups/>: no group is densified
- <group name="group_name">: add a tag with the Image Group name for each image group to use for the triangle mesh generation
- <meshTextureImageGroups/>: no group is densified
- <group name="group_name">: add a tag with the Image Group name for each image group to use for the texture generation
- true: use the processing area (if defined)
- false: do not use the processing area
- true: use annotations (if existing)
- false: do not use annotations
- true: limit camera depth
- false: do not limit camera depth
- a positive integers n such that 1 ≤ n ≤ 5
- true: export LOD in OSGB
- false: do not export LOD in OSGB
- true: export LOD in SLPK
- false: do not export LOD in SLPK
- a positive integers n such that 1 ≤ n ≤ 7
- 0: for 512x512
- 1: for 1024x1024
- 2: for 4096x4096
Processing options for step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index. For more information: Menu Process > Processing Options... > 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index > DSM and Orthomosaic.
- true: run step 3
- false: do not run step 3
- negative integer < 0: multiple of the GSD. For example "-2" will use 2xGSD
- positive decimal number > 0
- true: use noise filtering
- false: do not use noise filtering
- true: use surface smoothing
- false: do not use surface smoothing
- Smooth
- Medium
- Sharp
- true: generate the DSM GeoTIFF
- false: do not generate the DSM GeoTIFF
- InverseDistanceWeighting
- Triangulation
- true: merge tiles
- false: do not merge tiles
- true: generate orthomosaic GeoTIFF
- false: do not generate orthomosaic GeoTIFF
- true: merge tiles
- false: do not merge tiles
- true: generated orthomosaic without transparency
- false: do not generate orthomosaic without transparency
- true: generate orthomosaic in Google Maps Tiles and KML format
- false: do not generate orthomosaic in Google Maps Tiles and KML format
- true: generate Grid DSM in XYZ format
- false: do not generate Grid DSM in XYZ format
- Space: for Space
- Tab: for Tab
- Comma: for Comma
- Semicolon: for Semicolon
- true: generate Grid DSM in LAS format
- false: do not generate Grid DSM in LAS format
- true: generate Grid DSM in LAZ format
- false: do not generate Grid DSM in LAZ format
- a positive integer n such that 1 r≤ n ≤ 1000
- true: generate the raster DTM in GeoTIFF format
- false: do not generate the raster DTM in GeoTIFF format
- true: merge tiles
- false: not merge tiles
- negative integer < 5: multiple of the GSD. For example "-5" will use 5xGSD
- positive decimal number > 5 and <10000
- true: generate contours in SHP format
- false: do not generate contours in SHP format
- true: generate contours in PDF format
- false: do not generate contours in PDF format
- true: generate contours in AutoCAD DXF format
- false: do not generate contours in AutoCAD DXF format
Contour Base [ft]
- a positive decimal number n such that 0 ≤ n ≤ 10'000
Elevation Interval[ft]
- a positive decimal number n such that 0.001 ≤ n ≤ 10'000
- a positive decimal number n such that 0.001 ≤ n ≤ 10'000
- a positive integer n such that 4 ≤ n ≤ 1000
- negative integer < 0: multiple of the GSD. For example "-2" will use 2xGSD
- positive decimal number > 0
- Gauss: for Gauss
- Median: for Median
- 75%Quantile: for 75%Quantile
- Average: for Average
- Min: for Min
- Max: for Max
- true: generate the reflectance map in GeoTIFF format.
- false: do not generate the reflectance map in GeoTIFF format.
- true: merge tiles
- false: do not merge tiles
- index_name: name of the index, either a pre-defined or user-defined index
- generate_index: can be:
- true: generate index
- false: do not generate index
- true: generate point shapefile
- false: do not generate point shapefile
Grid Size [cm/grid]
- a positive decimal number n such that 1 ≤ n ≤ 10'000
- true: generate polygon shapefile
- false: do not generate polygon shapefile
Grid Size [cm/grid]
- a positive decimal number n such that 1 ≤ n ≤ 10'000