How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to export the marks of tie points in the GCP/MTP Manager - PIX4Dmapper

This article provides step-by-step instructions on exporting marks of tie points (GCPs/MTPs/Checkpoints) in the GCP/MTP Manager.

In order to export marks:

  1. In PIX4Dmapper, click Project > GCP / MTP Manager...
  2. In the GCP/MTP Table section, click Export Marks... The pop-up Export Image Marks window opens.
    Note: If the project does not have a point marked on at least one image, the option Export Marks... will be grayed out.
  3. Navigate to the path where the marks file will be saved.
  4. On File name, type the desired file name.
  5. (optional) On Save as Type by default Pix4D Marks Files (*.txt, *.csv) is selected. To change to another output format, click Pix4D marks files (*.txt, *.csv) and select the desired format.
  6. Click Save.
  7. (optional) If a Pix4D marks files (*.txt, *.csv) was selected, the pop-up Pix4D Marks File Options opens. Select the Optional Data to be exported and the Data Separator and click OK. For more information: Menu Project > GCP / MTP Manager... > GCP / MTP Table > Import / Export Marks....

Pix4D Marks File Options Window in PIX4Dmapper

  • If the MTPs and/or GCPs marks file is going to be imported into a PIX4Dmapper project, it is highly recommended to export the marks as a Pix4D marks files (*.txt, *.csv). This file contains information about the zoom level at which the MTPs / GCPs are marked on the images.
  • Usually, the higher the zoom level, the more precisely the point is marked. The points that are marked on a high zoom level will have more impact on the reconstructed model than points marked on a low zoom level. For example, when GCPs are marked without zooming into the images, the GCP error can be ten times higher than when GCPs are marked by zooming into the images.
  • The Bingo and XML structure file formats do not save the zoom level at which the points have been marked. For more information about the XML structure file: What is the XML structure file?.