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Color and Number of Point Clouds / Orthomosaics depending on the used Camera(s) - PIX4Dmapper

3 bands images (no matter which are the bands)

The color of outputs (densified point cloud, orthomosaic) depends on if the camera exist in PIX4Dmapper's camera DB or not.

If the camera exists in PIX4Dmapper's database:

PIX4Dmapper generates:

    • Colored automatic tie points (1 point cloud of automatic tie points).
    • 1 colored densified point cloud.
    • 1 colored orthomosaic.
Important: If the camera exists in PIX4Dmapper's database as an 8 bit images camera and the user imports 16 bit images taken by the same camera, then it is considered to be a camera that does not exist in PIX4Dmapper's database (see below).

If the camera does not exist in PIX4Dmapper's database:

  • 8 bit images:

PIX4Dmapper generates:

    • Colored automatic tie points (1 point cloud of automatic tie points).
    • 1 colored densified point cloud.
    • 1 colored orthomosaic.

  • 16 bit images

PIX4Dmapper generates:

    • Grayscale automatic tie points (1 point cloud of automatic tie points).
    • 1 grayscale densified point cloud.
    • 1 grayscale orthomosaic.
Information: Even if the images have RGB bands, but the camera does not exist in PIX4Dmapper's database and the images are 16 bits, the outputs will be grayscale.

2 Groups of images

For example, when there are RGB and NIRGB images in the same project.

PIX4Dmapper generates:

  • 1 point cloud of automatic tie points. The color of the automatic tie points will be mixed: some points will take color from the RGB images and others from the NIRGB images.
  • 1 densified point cloud per group.
  • 1 orthomosaic per group.
Important: The coloring follows the rule of the 3 bands images (see above). So it depends on whether the camera exists in PIX4Dmapper's databse or not and of how many bits are the images.

More than 3 bands images

When there are more than 3 bands images, the results will always be grayscale. An example of two possible cases:

1 image file that has 4 bands:

PIX4Dmapper generates:

    • Grayscale automatic tie points (1 point cloud of automatic tie points).
    • 1 grayscale densified point cloud.
    • 1 orthomosaic of 4 bands.

4 different images files (each image file has 1 band)

We will have one group of images per band. PIX4Dmapper generates:

    • Grayscale automatic tie points. Some points will take color from the 1st group of images, others from the 2nd group of images, etc.
    • 1 grayscale densified point cloud per group.
    • 1 orthomosaic per group (each orthomosaic will have 1 band).