How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  2. PIX4Dmapper
  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to filter Images for the Texture Generation of the 3D Textured Mesh - PIX4Dmapper

Over or under-exposed images, or poor quality images, may introduce noise into the color of the 3D Textured Mesh.

PIX4Dmapper generates the texture of the 3D Textured Mesh using all images that capture the corresponding triangle in the 3D Triangle Mesh. Disabling images that are blurry, or over or under exposed, before generating a 3D Textured Mesh may generate a higher quality 3D Textured Mesh.

To disable poor quality images a 3D Textured Mesh without incorporating all images included in the project:

1. Disable the images that should not be used for the texture generation. For more information: Menu Project > Image Properties Editor... > Images Table.
2. Save the project. For more information: Menu Project.
3. Generate the 3D Textured Mesh. For more information: Menu Process > Generate 3D Textured Mesh.

Important: Disabling images to produce a higher quality 3D Textured Mesh is available after processing Step 1. Initial Processing and Step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh. It is recommended that the images be re-enabled if the project must be Reoptimized, or prior to processing any other processing step.