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How to verify that there is enough overlap between the images - PIX4Dmapper

This article explains in detail how to verify that there is enough overlap between the images.

To verify if there is enough overlap between the images:

1. Open the images to visualize them.
2. Visually check the overlap between the images. The recommended minimum overlap should be:

    • 75% frontal and 60% side overlap in general cases.
    • 80% frontal and side overlap for agriculture fields and 85% frontal and side overlap for forests and dense vegetation.
    • 85% frontal overlap for single-track corridor mapping. Use 60% side overlap if the corridor is acquired using two flight lines.

For more information on the overlap and image acquisition: Step 1. Before Starting a Project > 1. Designing the Image Acquisition Plan > a. Selecting the Image Acquisition Plan Type.

Verification could be done visually by comparing the shared / overlapping area between two adjacent images. As shown in the below images, the shared area (red rectangle) between the two images is approximately greater than 80% for front overlap.

