Installation and login

Error: "This installation package could not be opened. ...that this is a valid Windows Installer package." - PIX4Dmapper



Error: "This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package."


Error when installing PIX4Dmapper.


The error may come from different reasons:

  • Corrupted or damaged file when it was downloaded.
  • Installing a file saved in a network and not in the local computer.
  • No Administrator rights in the computer account.
  • Antivirus blocking the installation.
  • Windows Installer problem.
  • A registry settings cause.
  • The computer might not fit the minimum requirements.

1. Download again PIX4Dmapper. Store it on the local computer.
2. Once the file is on the local computer, right-click it and choose Properties.
3. In the Properties dialog, click Unblock (if the button is present).
4. Ensure that the computer account has administrator rights.
5. Double click and try to install it.

Deactivate Antivirus temporarily

Terminate and Stay Resident programs (TSR), like Norton AntiVirus, may distract the installation process. Deactivate the antivirus and try the installation again.

Verify the Windows Installer

The Windows installer service adds, modifies, and removes any applications that are provided as a .msi package. If this service is disabled any services that depend on it will fail to start.

To verify that the Windows installer service is running. To enable it:

1. Click the Windows key + R, type Services.msc into the field and click Enter.
2. Locate the Windows installer service in the services window, right-click it and select Properties.
3. Select Automatic from the Startup type drop-down and click Start.
4. Click OK and try the installation again. If the same message appears, the Windows Installer service could be corrupted.
5. Download and install the last version of Windows Installer:
6. Try the installation again.

Verify the Registry Settings

1. Open the Registry Editor:

Windows 10/11

  1. Click on the Windows Start icon.
  2. Type: REGEDIT (this will show in the Search page).
  3. Press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Windows 8

1. Open or change to the Start menu screen.
2. Type: REGEDIT (this will show in the Search page).
3. Press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Windows 7

1. From the taskbar, click the Start button.
2. Directly above Start, type: REGEDIT.
3. Press the Enter key on the keyboard.

2. Click Yes in the User Account Control dialog if necessary.
3. Browse to:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem.
4. Click on FileSystem to display its contents in the right pane of the Registry Editor.
5. If the value for either the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation DWORD or the Win31FileSystem DWORD is not 0, right-click the DWORD, choose Modify, and set the value to "0".
6. After closing the Registry Editor, try the installation again.