
Error: The rayCloud does not display all / some layers, appears black / white or display artifacts - PIX4Dmapper


The rayCloud does not display all / some layers, appears black /white or displays artifacts.



When opening the rayCloud, the 3D View appears black or white and no layer is displayed or some layers cannot be displayed. In general, the visualization of the rayCloud is not correct.



This error may come because of different reasons:




Processing has not finished

Ensure that at least step 1. Initial Processing has finished. Before step 1. Initial Processing has finished, the rayCloud appears black and nothing is displayed in it.

The processing step that produces the output is not finished

Some layers are not available unless the processing step that generates this output is finished or unless the output is selected to be generated in the Processing Options.

Ensure that:

The 3D View is not focused on the model

To focus on the model, in the Menu bar click rayCloud > Viewpoint > Home.

An object is located far from the model

The default viewpoint in the rayCloud is computed on the fly to display the entire 3D scene. If an object is located far away from the model, the 3D View will display the scene from far away and it is not possible to see the model. To display the model:

1. Locate the object that is far from the scene:

1.1 Select one object in the Layer section of the left sidebar.
1.2 In the Menu bar, click rayCloud > Viewpoint > Focus on selection.
1.3 If the object is located far from the model delete this object.

2. In the Menu bar, click rayCloud > Viewpoint > Home to focus the view on the default viewpoint.

A Remote Access /Virtual machine (server connection) is used

1. Use the Teamviewer software that permits the visualization of a remote desktop using a different technology. It must be installed both on the remote and the local desktop using the same version. Note that the free license gives errors when used with Windows Server 2008 or 2010.

Information: A computer may use OpenGL 3.x or 4.x if accessed directly, but only 1.0 if accessed using Windows Remote Desktop or Remote Desktop. TeamViewer keeps the original OpenGL version.

2. Ensure that the graphics card drivers in the remote computer is updated.
3. Ensure that the graphics card supports OpenGL 3.2.
4. If the problem persists, save locally the p4d file and the results folder and open the project locally.

The graphics card driver is not updated

Update the graphics card driver. Ensure that the graphics card supports OpenGL 3.2.

The integrated graphics card is used on a laptop with two graphics cards

Ensure that the dedicated graphics card is selected for the energy configuration. Ensure that the graphics card supports OpenGL 3.2.

If the issue persists, update the integrated graphics card driver and restart the PC. Ensure that the graphics card supports OpenGL 3.2.

An integrated graphics card Intel HD 3000 is used

This model is not compatible with Open GL 3.2. It is requested to use another computer or change the graphics card. For more information about the minimum system requirements: System requirements: Minimum and recommended computer specifications.

AMD Graphic cards with drivers newer than 14.4 is used

Update the graphics card driver to the latest version.

If the issue persists, downgrade the drivers to a previous version:

1. Uninstall the AMD drivers:
2. Use Display Driver uninstaller to remove the drivers completely:
3. Install the 14.4 version of the drivers:

A second 4K monitor with 150% scale is used

Change the resolution of the secondary screen to a lower one. Alternatively, it is possible to keep 4K resolution but reduce the scale to 100% or 125% (this will lead to smaller text).

On Windows, select Start > Settings > System > Display and change the resolution and/or the scale.