There are several options to process images that were captured with the app: From the cloud, the device or the drone's memory. For more information: (Android, iOS) How to transfer and process images after the mission.
One option is to use the project file (.p4d) generated by the app after synchronizing the mission. For more information: Synchronization and Upload / How to synchronize and upload a mission to the Pix4D Cloud .
The paragraphs below clarify the use of the .p4d file to process with Pix4Dmapper.
Android .p4d file
Processing with or without the .p4d is almost equivalent, meaning it does not significantly impact the reconstruction of the model.
The camera is triggered by a fixed time lapse meaning the images can be very close in terms of visual content like in the corners where the drone slows down. When synchronizing, redundant images are discarded. These images might also be blurry because the drone turns. Therefore, there are more images on the drone’s SD card than on the mobile device and in the .p4d.
Without the .p4d, it is still possible to process the images transferred to the device and those on the drone (after discarding blurry ones). For more information (Options B and C): (Android, iOS) How to transfer and process images after the mission.
If necessary the images can be disabled once the project is created: How to remove Images from a Project.
In addition, a default processing area and some processing settings are automatically defined in the .p4d but can still be defined later manually in Pix4Dmapper. For more information: Processing Options Default Templates, How to use a processing area in Pix4Dmapper Desktop.
iOS .p4d file
Processing with or without the .p4d is equivalent, meaning it does not impact the reconstruction of the model.
However, a default processing area and some processing settings are automatically defined in the .p4d but can still be defined later manually in Pix4Dmapper. For more information: Processing Options Default Templates, How to use a processing area in Pix4Dmapper Desktop.