Account and license

Password of the Pix4D account

The email address (username) and password were set when creating the Pix4D account. This article explains in detail how a password can be reset or changed for Pix4D accounts.

I forgot my password / Password reset

1. Go to Pix4Dcloud login page.
2. Enter the email associated with the account. Click enter.
3. In the password dialog, click Forgot password? .
A link to reset the password will be sent to the email address associated with the account.

How to change the password

1. Log into Pix4Dcloud.
2. On the top right, click the user icon to open the user menu.
3. Click Account.
3. In the section Account Settings, click Security.
4. On Current password: Type the current password.
5. On New password: Type the new password.
6. On Confirm new password: Re-type the new password.
7. Click Confirm.

The new password is saved and can be used at the next login.