Pix4D outputs

Applications with Google

(Google Maps, Google Earth) Open the orthomosaic

1. Generate the Google Maps tiles and the Google Earth KML: How to generate the Google Maps Tiles and KML.
2. Open the Orthomosaic in Google Maps, by opening the HTML file located in:

3. Open the Orthomosaic in Google Earth, by opening the KML file located in:

Tip: Sometimes the KML tiles might not be placed at the expected location on Google Maps (see section below).
Information: In order to reference other geolocated images on the mosaic with Google Earth, follow the steps in the section below.

(Google Earth) Reference other geolocated images onto the orthomosaic

1. Open the project_name_mosaic.kml file located in the folder: 3_dsm_ortho\google_tiles.
2. On Google Earth, click Add > placemarks.
3. On the map, drag the placemark on the position where is desired to place it.
4. Use the text boxes: Easting and Northing to adjust more accurately the coordinates.
5. Click Add image...
6. On Image URL: Paste the URL where the image is.

Note: The images should be uploaded on the internet, via for example, Picassa.

7. Click OK twice.
8. Double click the placemark, the image appears.

(Google Maps) Import and align the KML orthomosaic

Sometimes the KML file might not be placed at the expected location on Google Maps. One possible reason for this is that the project does not have any GCPs that can be used to correct the GPS position of the images. Another reason can be the inaccuracy of Google Maps itself. In both cases it will help if you create user-defined GCPs from Google Maps as described in the chapter before.

To synchronize the KML file with Google Maps:

1. Obtain the georeference using GCPs taken from a Web Map Service server: How to obtain the georeference using 2D or 3D GCPs taken from a Web Map Service .
2. Include the GCPs in the project: How to include GCPs in the project.

Figure 1. KML file generated without GCPs.
Figure 2. KML file generated with GCPs from Google Maps.

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