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Using the rayCloud - PIX4Dmapper


The use of the rayCloud is optional and it can be used to:

  • Visualize the different elements of the reconstruction (Camera Positions, Reprojections (rays), GCPs, Manual / Automatic Tie Points, Processing Area, Clipping Box, Densified Point Cloud, Point Cloud Classification, 3D Textured Mesh, Video Animation Trajectories) and their properties.
  • Verify/ improve the accuracy of the reconstruction of the model.
  • Visualize point clouds created in other projects or with other software.
  • Georeference a project using GCPs and /or Scale and Orientation constraints.
  • Create Orthoplanes to obtain mosaics of any selected plane (for example, building facades).
  • Assign points of the point cloud to different point groups.
  • Improve the visual aspect.
  • Create objects and measure distances (polylines) and surfaces.
  • Create 3D fly-through animations (Video Animation Trajectories).
  • Export different elements (GCPs, Manual / Automatic Tie Points, Objects, Video Animation Trajectories).
  • Export point cloud files using points belonging to one or several groups.


More information:

Articles about how to use the raycloud: