
Menu View > Map View > Processing Area - PIX4Dmapper


Access: On the Menu bar, click View > Map View and then, on the Menu bar, click Map View > Processing Area.
Note: Only one Processing Area can been used.

The Processing Area indicates the area of the project for which the different steps of processing will be applied. The area can be defined in the Map View if the project is georeferenced in a known coordinate system.



It contains 4 options:

For step-by-step instructions about selecting/drawing the Processing Area, see How to use a processing area in PIX4Dmapper.



By clicking Draw, the information pop-up appears with instructions about how to draw the area:

Left-click starts drawing.
Right-click inserts the last vertex of the Processing Area and stops the drawing.
The Esc button stops drawing and cancels the process.



By clicking Import..., the Select file pop-up appears, which allows a user to load the area from a vector file (.shp or .kml):

  • Navigation window: Used to search for and select the vector file.
  • Open: Loads the file.
  • Cancel: Does not save the changes and closes the pop-up.
Note: The Vector file (.shp or .kml) has to be a polygon file (not lines) and can be given in any coordinate system from PIX4Dmapper's coordinate system database.



Available only if a Processing Area has already been drawn / imported. By clicking Edit..., the Edit Processing Area pop-up appears. It contains a table with the following columns:

  • Vertex: Each vertex of the area drawn or imported.
  • Latitude: The latitude of each vertex.
  • Longitude: The longitude of each vertex.

To edit the area, by changing the Latitude and/or Longitude values, double-click on the corresponding cells in the table.

The Edit Processing Area pop-up also has 3 action buttons:

  • OK: Confirms the changes.
  • Cancel: Does not save the changes and closes the pop-up.
  • Help: Opens the PIX4Dmapper help.



Available only if a Processing Area has already been drawn / imported. By clicking Remove, the previously drawn or imported area is deleted.