Getting started

New dataset > Dataset creation > Upload images - PIX4Dcloud


Create a new dataset to start processing imagery and create maps and digital twins of the reality or upload outputs to PIX4Dcloud.

Access: To create a new dataset, at the top left of the Drive, click New and select New dataset. The New dataset wizard opens.


1.Dataset creation    > 2. Image selection   > 3.Output coordinate system                       > 4.Processing options           > 5. GCPs automation
Upload images                            / Upload results

The images uploaded as a new dataset will be processed to generate the photogrammetric outputs defined in step 3. Processing template.

  1. Click Next to continue.
  2. Follow the instructions for step 2. Image selection.
  • If the user account is under the image and datasets allowance system, the system displays the remaining number of images available for processing from the quota.
  • If the user account is under the credit balance system, the system displays the number of credits available from processing.