Account and license

Restricted Export of Pix4D Software Products


At Pix4D, we are committed to responsible business practices and compliance with global trade regulations. In line with this commitment, we have made the decision to restrict the export of our software products to specific countries.

Restricted Countries

International organizations and laws, in particular in Switzerland and the European Union, prohibit Pix4D from providing access to products and services to organizations or users located in the following restricted countries or regions :

  1. Russia
  2. Ukraine*
  3. Belarus
  4. Afghanistan
  5. Cuba
  6. Iran
  7. Libya
  8. North Korea
  9. Sudan
  10. Syria
  11. Venezuela
  12. Yemen
*Note: It is possible to purchase from Ukraine via our reseller.

If you have been prevented from purchasing from the web store, you may be located in or using an IP address from one of the above countries.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our team here.