Targeted Operations

Targeted spraying maps for XAG drones with PIX4Dfields

The following article describes how to export boundary missions and targeted spraying maps created with the PIX4Dfields Targeted Operation feature for XAG spraying drones.

Types of missions supported by XAG drones

XAG's spraying drones support two types of missions:

  • XAG boundary mission 
    • It allows the definition of the field area to be sprayed along with obstacles and no-spraying zones. It only supports one fixed rate. 
    • Compatible models: all models. 
    • Exported file: KML.
  • XAG VRA mission
    • It allows a variable rate to be applied to the field area to be sprayed, along with obstacle and no-spraying zones. It supports up to three different application rates. 
    • Compatible models: P100H 2022, P100H Pro 2023, V50H 2023.
    • Exported file: KML and JSON. 

Create a Boundary mission 

A boundary mission can be exported in two ways:
  1. If obstacles and no-spraying areas need to be defined, a targeted operation must be created.
    - Mark the boundaries, obstacles and holes to be used in the operation.
    - Create a Targeted Operation. select Do not pre-fill grid cells and use the Fill option to assign a rate to all the operation.

    - The mission is ready to be exported.

Make sure that the area to be applied has a rate assigned, if they are set to 0 L/ha, the whole field will be treated as a no-spraying area.

   2. If obstacles and no-spraying areas are not to be marked, simply export annotations or boundaries in KML format and upload them to XAG.

    Create a VRA mission

    A variable rate application map is created using the  Targeted Operation feature.
    In this example, weeds were detected using the Magic Tool, and a VRA mission was generated directly within the tool

    - Start the Magic Tool and detect the infested areas.

    - On the 5th Step, select convert to Operation.

    - The Operation is created. 

    - Two rates were assigned according to the severity of the infestation.

    - The Operation is ready to be exported. Variable rate operations are limited to a maximum area of 33 hectares.

    The Operation will be downsampled to 5 meters grid. 

    Export and upload missions into the XAG platform.

    Export missions 

    When missions are ready to be exported:

    • Go to Export, Operations.
    • Select the Operation to be exported.
    • Select Operation for XAG:
      • Select XAG Boundary mission or XAG VRA mission.
    • Click Continue.
    • Select what to do with the hole inside the boundary
      • If treated as Obstacles, the drone will not fly over these areas.
      • If treated as No-spray areas, the drone will fly over without spraying.
    • Click Export.

    Variable rate operations are limited to a maximum area of 33 hectares. If an attempt is made to export a field larger than this size, an error message will be displayed stating:
    "This export format only supports areas up to 33 ha."


    Uplodad to XAG ONE Management Platform

    After exporting the Operation map:

    • Switch to individual user.
    • Go to Import Management:
      • Select Land Import, click Upload and select the KML boundary file. 
        • Once uploaded, click Import app.
      • For VRA, select Prescription Map Import , Upload and select the JSON file.
        • When the Prescription is imported, click View, and link a field by clicking Select linked field
        • After associating the field click Import App to synchronize to the XAG ONE App. 

    Prepare a mission in XAG One app and fly!

    The app version must be V5.8 or above to use the VRA function.

    To see the Boundary mission and VRA mission: 

      • Log in to the XAG One app.
      • Go to the top-left icon and find the imported field:
      • When doing a VRA application, click Prescr...Map.
      • Select a prescription map.
      • Click Start Operation
      • The following videos show how to access the prescription in the XAG One app and set the operation before the flight:
    Warning: Please make sure to properly determine safety height and distances in order to avoid any damage.


    Safe flights!