Linux dependencies - PIX4Dengine
Warning: This article refers to the command line interface (CLI) and not to the newest version of PIX4Dengine SDK.
We highly recommend migrating to the PIX4Dengine SDK. To get access to the latest documentation please visit
PIX4Dengine Server SDK.
Information: A PIX4Dengine license is necessary to install the software on Linux.
Supported OS
Note: Worked with PIX4Dmapper version 3.3.14 - 4.3.12.
A PPA for Qt5.6 is required before installing the software.
For Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt562-trusty
sudo apt-get update
sudo dpkg -i pix4Dmapper.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
For more information on how to use the command line: How to use the command line.
For advanced users, more functions can be accessed by modifying the .p4d file: .p4d minimum format.
Note: PIX4Dmapper requires the HOME environment variable to be set, and the configuration files (licenses, settings) to be stored at: ~/.config/pix4d. The HOME variable can be checked with the command: echo $HOME in the command line. The ~/ in ~/.config/pix4d refers to the home directory defined by the variable HOME.