Account and license

Managing the credit/debit card information


For users in the image and dataset allowance system, credit/debit card information can be managed in the user's Pix4D account.

In order to add, update or delete a credit/debit card from the Pix4D account:

1. Go to the Cloud page.
2. Login with the Pix4D account credentials.
3. Click the user icon on the top right.
4. From the user menu, click Plans and licenses.

To add credit/debit card information

5. Follow the steps from 1 to 4 above.
6. In the Account settings section, click Billing & payment.


7. In the Payment method window, select Card or Paypal and fill in the bank card details and click Save.

To update credit/debit card information

5. Follow the steps from 1 to 4 above.
6. Expand the plan by clicking the dropdown.

7. Click Edit plan.
Edit payment method.png
8. Select Change payment method.
Change payment method.png

9. On the next page, enter the new payment details.
Change mayment method.png

10. Click Save payment method.

To delete credit/debit card information

5. Follow the steps from 1 to 4 above.
6. In the Payment information section, click Delete payment method.
7. In the Payment method window, click Delete this card.